About to drop 10k and HODL

About to drop 10k and HODL

ans, ark is shit


ans, however no one knows how low it will go

it'll go to 265/270k sats before bouncing back up to 310k


Buy dash.

looking pretty rough right now. any idea whats going to be announce at the conference?

ANS has mooned several times and probably won't again for a long time, ARK is yet to have a real moon mission.

ANS may not even be close to actual moon yet. we've seen the way china can move bitcoin with their bullshit. i feel like with a coin of their own, they're gonna shill the fuck out of it.

once it hits allibaba, it's gotta be a ticket to lamboland

ARK has better Fundamentals but ANS has meme power with lots of whales manipulating the price. It will crash and burn at some point but there is lots of money to be made in the short term.

ARK will be slow and steady growth over a year or two as it climbs its way into the top 10.

This is the answer you were looking for OP

Fucking idiot ARK shill. Neither ARK nor ANS has a working product. They are both fueled by different memes but both have great futures.

The difference is time and scale. ANS is potentially a $300 coin in a few years. ARK is a $20 or $30 dollar coin within the same amount of time.

They are both great investments. The only difference is one will be more immediately valuable and has a higher ceiling.

more ARK shillers so I'ld go for ANS

nigga's falling through that. I fucking guarantee. The supports that the devs/"whales" had in place have been removed.

If the conference on the 15th goes as scheduled (ie announces no new major company adopting Neo ) it's going to crash and crash hard.

ANS. There are a ton of news coming soon, including the rebranding. And the moment it gets available on more exchanges it's going to pierce the sky.

They are both shit, if you want to get rich long term you should invest in speedcash

The rebranding won't do fucking shit. It's already priced in. It's news, not rumour.

ANS has a conference on the 15th. I think it will go up all next week.

It is going to test ATH and maybe higher

NEO is destined for triple digits


Everyone say hi to r/Antshares mod.

howdy doodly neighbor

you have 5 months left to invest in coins. in 2018 itll be good game normies gonna enter the shit.

And before I get labelled a fudder, I hold 1500 ANS. I'm just being realistic. There is nothing at the conference that is generating the same amount of rumour as the previous one.

The ONLY way this will test an ATH any time soon is a surprise announcement at the conference such as a confirmed agreement with JD or Alibaba.

No such announcement then watch the bottom fall out. Anyone with weak hands might want to exit now.

They will be talking about Microsoft so I think we will be okay, even those of us with mere jelly hands inside our iron gauntlets

thanks all. going all in on ANS and not touching it till moon.

Hold off until Sunday, you'll get it at the bottom.

I trade both faggot. Though Ark I buy & hold since I believe it has a great future. ANS right now is overhyped because everyone thinks it's the "Chinese Etheruem". Whilst it does have potential right now it is way overvalued because half of the people holding it are doing so because they are gambling on it being just that. In reality the wallet is shit, the dev team are pretty much unknown and nobody has officially endorsed it yet. On the other hand Ark is still flying under the radar with a much lower market cap & it's only a few months old.

Both have potential to make a lot of money, but Ark is a safer bet imo opinion since buying now you will be front running the market. Meanwhile everybody has already bought into the ANS hype.

How many for a lambo? I feel my 61 isn't gonna cut it. Yes I'm a poorfag wagecuck. Also I only got into trading two weeks ago. at the ATH. pic related.