PSA: Whales want you to sell so they can buy lower

This is a reminder that the entire crypto game is psychological manipulation.

The whales want you to completely lose hope. They want you to panic and sell your coins for cheap. They will continue to do this for as long as it takes until you have completely lost all hope and believe Bitcoin is dead, even the stronger among you.

Then it will rise up again.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sometimes shit actually crashes

People want actual despair and for people to completely lose hope so they can buy it up cheap and in a few years or so make it rise even higher.

Nothing can crash down lower than 0 so eventually somethings got to give.

They can pry my bags from my cold dead hands.

>Nothing can crash down lower than 0 so eventually somethings got to give.
This is not the case with altcoins. Sorry.

Yeah it's the case with anything.

Good luck using you expired coupons, kid.

There are entire FB groups and YT channels with thousands and thousands of subscribers ran by the big investment bank planning to manipulate the market.
Don't say I didn't wawn you.

Strong hands equals poor.
Sell now! Your sentimental attachment to your bags will leave you broke.

I see beyond your tricks Schlomo Shekelstein, you wont get cheap coins from me

Whales are terrible human beings. Greedy as fuck and empty inside.

circle of life user, every crash means a rebirth.

I sold all my shitcoins over the past 2 weeks, only holding ETH now, which will rise from the ashes.

the shitcoins, not so much.

Its the market, the shit happens.. Sat on btc after i bought around 280 and forgot about it/played vidya games/didnt pay attn... Look at price about year later and its around 1600 and soaring to 2k..
Markets bound to correct or its just gonna be too easy.. People cashing out now will be back in in another month..
Just gotta keep pushing on, and well make smart investments while in this bear time, dont get caught in traps, and most of all be patient, go with your gut

ETH is a shitcoin my dear.

ETH is the new standard you retard. It's everything Satoshi would have wanted BTCuck to be.

>t-the whales
common excuse made by retards

Saw a whale in traffic yesterday

>Platform to run multimillion dollar scams on
>New standard

So basically the same as the Fed and Fiat.

Fuck that's so hot

>He doesn't understand ETH

You want real world applications of ETH?

See this:

>spend thousands on a car designed completely around speed
>drive it in traffic

yea its just to show of

Maybe he likes driving it.
I would like it.

Does anyone else do this? My strategy is to buy in low and just walk away for several months.
