I'm a time-traveler from 7 years in the future

I'm a time-traveler from 7 years in the future.

Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency worth investing in.

Within 7 years, they'll be a non-aggressive monopoly on cryptocurrency with bitcoin at the helm. All this bullshit about 'alternatives' are either coins that are destined to fail due to the lack of allure, lakc of usability and high risk or shitty P&D schemes that will make a select few scammers very rich and a lot of amateur cryptos lose a lot of money.

You have been warned.

pic related: its my time travelling device.

Does BTC end up forking to be quantum resistant?

yeah but china also controls a small monopoly in their region via antshares, right? right?

China was obliterated in nuclear holocaust 4 years 7 months from now, so no.

If only. Hot damn.

I would be a god damn one millionaire.

I'm a time-traveler from 8 years in the future
OP stole my wife's ride and my Bitcoin 1 year ago.
that POS time travelling device cost her 12 Litecoin!

Who the fuck buys altcoins looking to hold them for more than a few years tops?

You are just a pajeet

People who worry about quantum resistance are the ones who heard "quantum computing" once in some hyped up news article then never bothered learning anything else.

All quantum computing accomplishes in theory is that it effectively halves the bit strength of various encryption algorithms. That would be a breakthrough, but it also means you'd have to build a quantum system that can still perform these quantum hashes at the speed top processors can perform regular hashes in order to have a chance at breaking crypto.

And the solution if someone did manage to build a system is just to double the bit-size of your algorithms. 256-bit is probably still fine, but you can move to 512 if you really want.

All that is pretty easy for bitcoin.

not just a pajeet but a time travelling device thieving pajeet

in spite of our larper here, a quick reminder that alt/shitcoins serve only singular purpose to make dat BTC stack larger

Post time stamp so I know you're really from the future.


Idiot i literallu spoke to a man from thr future.


Thats the only one that matters

that fucker! did he try to sell to you too?
his future is shit by the way.
he busks for Sia so he can save up enough for cat food now.

I dont trust ypur devils trips.

No in pol last year he told me that there will be a few big players that come to rise this year, but nothing blockchain will be relevant,it will be quantum friendly version of crypto.



iota is for idiotas

Says the same dbags who said dgb and sia could never reach one cent


Shit like this nonironically makes me want to avoid bitcoin, knowing that there are desperate children like OP trying so hard to pump the price.

>Shit like this
in my time Pajeets time travel back to their time by poo posting.

He's on suicide watch because he bought $7,000 worth of Antshares

>thinks pretending to be a time traveler will help pump btc price
> hates AntShares

Yep seems about right.

You are extremely autistic aren't you

>guy who pretends to be a time traveller on the internet calling other people autistic

just a heads up, one of you gets raped by a family of escaped gorillas next month.