Just what the FUCK is their deal?

>Isolationist for most of history, spergs out whenever they contact the outside
>Hideyoshi tried to conquer Korea so he could conquer China so he could conquer India
>After unification gave power to ultra nationalists and tried to conquer Asia
>Were jocular about their war crimes, joked that they were loggers since they called Chinese logs
>Complete disregard for all non-Japanese life
>Ridiculous amounts of work expected now tearing apart the fabric of society

They supposedly are made in the image of god. They are supposedly the only perfect being who should rule over all others.

The only difference between North Korea and Japan is that the Japanese are allies of the west. And even that is by force.

>The only difference between North Korea and Japan is that the Japanese are allies of the west.

And have a functional state with a high GDP and standard of living.

Isolationism is a meme: they had more contact w/ foreign culture than the Qing or the Joseon.

And that is because they are an ally of the West.

What do you bloody think would happen if left to the soviet union?

Mmm not quite there was a period where japan was actually very much isolated between 1600 and 1850.

Not for any fuck the gajin reason but because of the aftermath of the Sengoku Jidai. Basically after the Tokugawa consolidated power and formed the government, they excluded everybody that opposed them. Those rival clans, now without any ability to take part in the government then turned to trade with foreigners and started making quite a lot of dosh.

Fearing they would become powerful enough to find an armed revolt, the government banned even talking to outsiders with a death penalty if you were caught, pretty much giving the government exclusive rights to contact and trade with foreign powers. Which they extremely restricted and regulated.

Not as isolated as you think.

They still maintained trade and diplomatic relations with the Dutch (with annual embassies to Edo), there was a flourishing field of European study known as rangaku, and they generally had a better understanding of what was going on in Europe than say, the Qing imperial court.

Contrast Korea which literally had no connections with outsiders whatsoever, and China, which did a lot more trade with the West, but prohibited who wasn't a Jesuit from visiting the interior (eventually they would outright ban the Jesuits as well) or having contact with the Chinese population, on pain of death.

Study of Dutch medicine was a thing during Edo period "isolationism" you know.

It's interesting. But how they could learn western language while they were strictly banned?

Yes I'm aware as I said the communication of foreigners was something exclusively limited and regulated by the government. That doesn't change that the country at large was effectively isolated and forbidden from communicating with foreigners.

>Isolationist for most of history, spergs out whenever they contact the outside

I am contesting this assertion, on the basis that isolationism wasn't the cause of them "sperging out". They were not isolationist to the extent of Joseon and Qing. More than anything else, it was those limited contacts that contributed to Japan's speedy modernization and Westernization in the 19th century, both good and ill. A lot of what we currently consider to be Japanese is mainly the result of importing Western ideas, and not particularly because of some innate quality, as implied in the OP.

I'm not the OP, nor do I think isolationism caused them to sperg out.

Sorry I didn't clarify.

that is what happens when you are a industrialized country with zero natural sources.

>Be an island nation
>Not have an ocean-going navy or far-flung merchant marine since you're islands are resource-poor

Japan's like a Far East analogy to Britain, but even worse. They needed to get their asses conquered ala Norman-style by some continental civilization.

>tfw mongols almost did that

Japan is pretty much a perfect example of island autism desu.

>herrow isrand barbawian, I am fwom Tang China, you rike my culchah yes?
*proceeds to autistically LARP Tang China for 2000 years*

Anglos with out the huge deposits of iron and coal.

>They needed to get their asses conquered ala Norman-style by some continental civilization.

But they did get taken over by Koreans. It was after that takeover that Japan as we largely know it was born.

He said "continental civilization" not "continental barbarians".

Not really. England, Wales, and southern Scotland were colonized by Roman for nearly 400 years. Then, Germanic invaders came and absorbed, killed, or pushed away the Brythonic peoples. Successive Viking invasions came and then finally a Norman conquest.

If Japan had been conquered by the Han Dynasty, then its inhabitants got BTFO by Mongolic and/or Tungusic invaders, and then finally conquered by a warlord from China's Empire, one of the Korean states, or even a group from SE Asia, then you could finally make an analogy of "Anglos without iron and coal."

If Japan DID have the mineral resources of Britain, it'd undoubtedly fare much better than being a cultural and economic backwater for most of its existence.

>But they did get taken over by Koreans.
The migrants were Japonic speaking agriculturalists(Yayoi) from central/southern parts of the Korean peninsula.

Koreans are descended from Buyeo invaders from southern Manchuria(modern day Jilin) who assimilated the native para Japonic speaking population.

Koreans are also descended from Gojoseon polity of unknown linguistic affiliation(originally from Liaoxi).

Yeah, no. Yayoi were a combination of mainland Asians from regions north of Korea and from coastal China. The idea that Yayoi were completely Korean is false and flies in the face of genetic studies.

so does north korea. you're just fed a stream of propaganda.

>Yayoi were a combination of mainland Asians from regions north of Korea and from coastal China.
Going by where linguists place proto/para Japonic the only suitable region would be central/southern Korea.

Archaeologically,there were movements from Liaoning and Shandong but this would predate the formation of the Yayoi culture by thousands of years.

>The idea that Yayoi were completely Korean is false and flies in the face of genetic studies.
Nonsense. We don't even have Yayoi uniparentals or fully sequenced genomes from historical China/Korea.

Japanese "culture" (Chinese) + Japanese culture = horrible mixture of Confucianism, buddhism, emperor worshipping, cults, and warrior culture

The Japanese are the prussians of Asia, in both the positive and negative aspects.