How did communism manage to so successfully castrate most of eastern european culture (especially in Russia) and reduce...

How did communism manage to so successfully castrate most of eastern european culture (especially in Russia) and reduce it to being depressed and drunk squatting slav living in commie block?

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cultural nullification. They suppressed culture and religion so the only thing people had to do was work and sleep.

Because they were already drunk squatting slavs before gommienism

Massive, abrupt and total industrial alienation.

They gave us Red Army Choir and Sergei Prokofiev. Think again.

Hell, I think most Eastern Europeans look upon the communist days as a time of relative cultural sophistication compared to modern Americanized media. They might enjoy the boob tube more on an animal level but they regard the black and white classics as more important, wholesome, and "theirs."

I think Americans do too idealize the old times.

Stalin killed nearly all of the intellectual and religious leaders of the "old russia" + deliberately destroying historical texts and architecture.

The only culture that was okay to publish was the one the state gave the thumbs up to. Same thing woulda happened in Nazi germany

Before communism most of them were depressed illiterate squatting peasants. Mass culture is a relatively new thing, your average Russian didn't read Dostoevsky or Pushkin.

>In 1897, the overall literacy rate of the Russian Empire was an estimated 24%, with the rural literacy rate at 19.7%.[1]

Thats true of curse but there was a vibrant intelectual life in the metropolitan regions like petersburg

Sure, but back in the 70s or 80s communist countries were still very conservative and more focused on classical and "high culture" or idyllic folk stuff, while the West was enjoying and already being nostalgic about pop and rock.

>How did communism manage to so successfully castrate most of eastern european culture
secret police. Psychological terrorism and induced paranoia

By purging

>the aristocracy
>the intelligentsia
>the clergy

Literally killing off the pillars of culture and tradition, leaving only bydlos and jew modernists. Then they hoarded all the peasants to the cities and murdered hundreds of years of rural Russian culture, Russians as a national and cultural group literally don't exist anymore, it's just deracinated, urban bydlos who are LARPing as the real Russians.

Is mass literacy really something desirable?

Yes? Unless you want a dumb and brainwashed population.

go to bed pol pot

I think that this "Gopnik Culture" is not really a product of the soviet union but of the Jelzin Era and the complete Chaos after the fall of the soviet union

You get a dumb population regardless of literacy, today 99% of people are literate and utilize their literacy by shitposting about Kylie Jenner on twitter. Being literate won't magically make you cultured, sophisticated or smart, it will just give you the option to shout your retardation to the world.

It does give you a better chance at improving yourself though and that is what's important.

But being literate gives you at least the opportunity to educate yourself


Since Stalin communists have been more conservative than democratic countries.

>Khrushchev on Modern Art

>N. S. Khrushchev: “You’re a nice-looking lad, but how could you paint something like this? We should take down your pants and set you down in a clump of nettles until you understand your mistakes. You should be ashamed. Are you a pederast or a normal man? Do you want to go abroad? Go on, then; we’ll take you free as far as the border. Live out there in the ‘free world.’ Study in the school of capitalism, and then you’ll know what’s what. But we aren’t going to spend a kopeck on this dog shit. We have the right to send you out to cut trees until you’ve paid back the money the state has spent on you. The people and government have taken a lot of trouble with you, and you pay them back with this shit. They say you like to associate with foreigners. A lot of them are our enemies, don’t forget.


Modern art was invented by the CIA and capitalists anyway.

Prokofiev was a composer and pianist before the revolution, passed a significant portion of his life outside Russia and when he returned, he was denounced as a decadent bourgeois formalist by soviet authorities and his wife arrested for "espionage". Hardly a product of the proletarian revolution.

Can't argue with him on this one.

One part, sure. But another more distructive part is by Western Marxists. They know that modern art is destructive nihilistic garbage. So they only produce this shit in capitalist countries. But as soon as they become communists, they instantly turn to more classical form. See the whole modernist movement in Russia and Brecht in Germany.

Says the man shitposting on a forum that caters towards people with no relevancy in society

Daily reminder modern and contemporary/postmodern art are two different things and that I guarantee you've unwittingly looked at a piece of modern art and said it was good before.

What about this?

>“Or take these new dances which are so fashionable now. Some of them are completely improper. You wiggle a certain section of the anatomy, if you’ll pardon the expression. It’s indecent. As Kogan once said to me when she was looking at a fox-trot, ‘I’ve been married 20 years and never knew that this kind of activity is called the fox-trot!” …


Their propaganda was actually pretty similar to Nazi propaganda.
This is from Poland, but there are subtitles. They also talked often about Western 'degeneracy'.

Homosexuality is a bourgeois disease.

Genocide every single intellectual, genocide independent farmers.

Thanks for agreeing.

For some reason I read 'capitalism' instead of 'communism' so I posted since I thought you were a shitposter, sorry OP.
I think that since communists perceive history through a materialist lens, they deemed the culture that didn't show communism as a good thing to be the product of the material conditions induced by one class exploiting another, thus favoring culture they deemed to be devoid of the influence of exploitation aka what the Party decides is fine.
>That music piece? Burgeois decadence, real music reflects the struggle of the proletariat!

What exactly do you mean? The cultures recovered, they weren't destroyed like in China.
Do you mean the cultural legacy that those governments left behind?

>The cultures recovered, they weren't destroyed like in China.
>implying most of modern eastern european culture isn't just larping

Isn't all culture just larping in the end?

cant compare continuous traditions to sudden revival of WE WUZ NOBLES N SHIT

>90% rural population at the beginning of 20c
>mass exodus to cities
>commieblocks built on massive scale
>90% live in commieblocks
>got used to leave in commiblocks and be depressed and squat

would happen even if there were no socialism/communism, but there ould have beenl endless favelas instead of commieblocks - see Brazil

> Muh culture
> Hand over everything to the aristocracy and the church.

You really think it was any better under the tsar?


Then Arvo Part.

Sound similar to mainland China


>castrate most of eastern european culture
Russia and russians were far more cultured during the USSR years. \literacy rates skyrcoketed ubder the Soviets and Soviet movies are superior to modern ones made in Russia.

Nothing wrong with larp, that's literally how renaissance happen

He had a point, though, look at this shit. It's like he wasn't even trying.


Arvo Part is a downright political dissident, and a Christian (whereas soviet regime is atheistic), if you're implying the contrary.

have you ever talked to a illiterate person? The kind that believe that islands are floating pieces of land and the sun goes around the earth?

I'm 100% sure you never an illiterate person in your life and get your opinions on them from some dogshit entertainment media like Monty Python.

Don't forget Sergei Eisenstein.

>Jewish propaganda movie director.

No thanks. We already have Hollywood for that.

The short answer is that it wasn't particularly great to begin with. However, communism did a lot to destroy civil society, which is why these countries are experiencing brain drain and why being a Nazi is socially acceptable in places like Hungary.

By winning WW1

>We have liberated you with our troops!
>We're not leaving tho

well, you're wrong

>No thanks. We already have Hollywood for that.
Yeah but those Jews are all hacks compared to what Eisenstein was able to do with a camera