What is this shit now.

another fork o'clock
double your ETH and make it ETH and neoETH

eth is such a fucking mess lol

satoshi btfo

What is PoW?

Proof of work.

The next stage of eth is supposed to switch to POS proof of stake. this will get rid of the miners if i understand correctly

whats the roadmap for eth?

btw, saw vitalik writing the following:

>Neither Bitcoin nor Ethereum currently scale. Both are limited to under 20 transactions per second.

for bitcoin thats fine because its supposed to replace gold, i.e. you need it as storage of wealth, not daily transaction. bitcoin can still become huge with this limitation.

but ether is supposed to be the "fuel for ethereum, i.e. this limitation is really, really severe if ethereum was to go big.

Well done, you cracked the code. The likelihood of ETH doing what it claims to do is low, bitcoin is already what it should be (all the block size wankery is just a distraction, who cares what plebs buy their coffee with, what is important is: where will future millionaires and billionaires store their value).


Baby don't hurt me

What a baller. Thank you based Vitalik.
Casper is going to make Ethereum so fucking fast and we won't need miners once people start opening stake pools.

Ethereum is processing more transactions than Bitcoin right now at exponentially lower fees and with sub 10 minute transaction times.

Bitcoin is a failed currency. Satoshi couldn't have possibly foreseen the scalability issues it's having and definitely didn't anticipate how centralized CPU power would become on the Bitcoin network. For that reason alone, August 1st looks like it's going to be a bloodbath.

I can't wait until dumb normies who bought Bitcoin cause they heard about it on the news get absolutely BTFO.

the # of ETH transactions doesn't mean much when you notice that the avg/median $ value sent is very low, even LTC is crushing it.

A transaction in Ethereum may be small amounts to execute actions on a smart contract. The point isn't that Ethereum has huge volume, but the network is scalable enough to handle massive amounts of transactions already and it's only going to improve with the Metropolis release around the corner.

i like u

>once people start opening stake pools
I can't wait for the shitfest threads when cunts take NEET's profits
The Ethereum network has proven that it will absolutely shit itself on pretty much every ICO in the last 4 months, Ethereum does better than Bitcoin but it's still too shit at scaling

You are fucking retarded. Read the white paper and satoshi's writings, he foresaw literally all of that.

For whatever reason the current developers are taking a different approach, but that's another thing

Good. I fucking hate minning faggots.

So, how does proof of stake mining work?

From what I know now (from reading their retarded medium post) you "invest" existing ETH and you get it paid back incrementally over the next couple of blocks.

What I don't get is how difficulty is going to work.

Eth is going to go sky high

whether this is good or bad, i dont know, nor do i give a shit

what's great about this is the number 1 coin, and the number 2 coin will use completely different methods of maintaining their blockchain, and hopefully they will keep diverging more and more on fundamental things like this


I hate him so much, I really have this deep resentment for "nerd genious" type of faggots, I swear I would be crying tears of joy if this paETHetic russian scam burned straight down to the fucking ground.

Hope it does.

Sounds like latent jealousy, friend.

Jealous of what? A russian scammer?

>I can't wait until dumb normies who bought Bitcoin cause they heard about it on the news get absolutely BTFO.

you're jealous because you're just a poor fag with no brain to have ideas like him.

>the current developers are taking a different approach, but that's another thing

Bitcoin is not going to scale, but according to Satoshi's whitepaper it should, so it doesn't matter

This is why it's pretty nice to have a founder who stands up for his project and fights for it

The miners / core developers can do whatever fits their interest best with Bitcoin, regardless of what Satoshi's dream was.
The future of Ethereum is what Vitalik lines out. Those that disagree will be able to fork (like ETC), but it's very clear that whoever believes in PoS will be able to move his Ether into a currency where miners don't inflate his savings anymore.

Bancor had an idea as well. Your point being?

Median ethereum transaction fees are 40 cents (a month ago when the network got overloaded it spiked way over a dollar almost overtaking bitcoin transaction fees.

Meanwhile litecoin is cruising along only requiring 2 cents for a transaction. Showing no real rise even though transactions rose 5 fold this year.

Say it with me;


I really don't understand why people use shitcoin like Ethereum for any other purposes other than leverage to get BTC.

But hey, I guess to each his own, do as you want. Play russian games - win russian prizes.

what the hell going on

>bancor wont go up to 1000$ in the next 3 years faggot

so because he's russian he's a scammer? go back to /pol/ u ameritard