Hitler Death Anniversary Celebration thread

Happy Hitler Dead day Veeky Forums

72 days ago today!

gg no re?
>t. Stalin

Ding dong the cunt is dead
Why you ask?
Stalin shat on his head
His dead corpse was fucked by Churchill
His anus, with semen, was hard to fill

Ooooooooh the cunt is deeeeeaaaaaad

I'm genuinely sad he wasn't captured alive, Soviets should have sent some commandos a la Otto Skorzeny to do it.


>the real stalin here, too busy taking the centre of a bukkake to give further comment

>Although his guards thought that it was strange not to see him awake at his usual time, they were strictly instructed not to bother him and left him alone the entire day. At around 10 p.m., he was discovered by Peter Lozgachev, the Deputy Commandant of Kuntsevo, who entered his bedroom to check on him and recalled the scene of Stalin lying on his back on the floor of his room beside his bed, wearing pyjama bottoms and an undershirt, with his clothes soaked in stale urine. A frightened Lozgachev asked Stalin what happened to him, but all he could get out of him was unintelligible responses that sounded like "Dzhhhhh." Lozgachev used the bedroom telephone to frantically call a few party officials; he told them that Stalin may have had a stroke and asked them to send good doctors to the Kuntsevo residence immediately. Lavrentiy Beria was informed and arrived a few hours afterwards. The doctors arrived in the early morning of 2 March when they changed Stalin's bedclothes and tended to him. They diagnosed him with a cerebral hemorrhage (stroke) caused by hypertension (high blood pressure), with stomach hemorrhage facilitating. He was treated in his dacha with leeches, as was customary at the time. On 3 March his double Felix Dadaev was recalled from vacation to Moscow "to be ready to stand in for Stalin if needed", but he never needed to. On 4 March Stalin's illness was broadcast in the media with surprising detail such as pulse, blood pressure and urinalysis; for convenience the time of his stroke was said to be 2 March and his location as Moscow. The bedridden Stalin died on 5 March 1953, at the age of 74.

>haha i bet the time your homeland was invaded was important to you but i didn't even care haha dude i didn't even sweat that shit haha man i mean i didn't even care that my fellow country men were sent to die in the snow, dude
What a prick

>72 days ago
I knew the tinfoilers were onto something about that gap in the calendars!

how much poo do you think he released when he shot himself? it's a well known phenomenon that death relaxes the bowels and causes defecation. just imagine the brown surprise his bodyguard must have smelt when hitler's body got bbqed!

About as much as he releases as he left the breakfast table afflicted with dysentery on August 7, 1941. I'm sure it wasn't so loose, though.

There is documentation that he did at least this much, about 4-5 times daily, in white underwear when he was sick in 1936 and the summer of 1941. He had Ulcerative Colitis at age 47 and dysentery at age 52, plus many other stomach problems at other times. So he was no stranger to pooping accidents and should have done his daily enema before he killed himself. I'm sure Eva Braun either did that or fasted, in order to appear as a mythical creature in fine lingere' who didn't poop. He, on the other hand, needed a daily enema to have normal bowel movements in the toilet toward the end. How could she stand to be around someone like that, old enough to be her father???

Are you just going to do this every day now? It was only a little bit funny the first time, and now it's just annoying.

Autissimo Maximus

All women want to be seen as mythical, non-pooping creatures! And we don't understand why self defecation obviously means so little to men. Like, how can the most powerful man in Europe just take a bath and live with himself for another 4 years???

Hitler probably liked shitting himself more than he would have ever wanted to admit.

Oh shit!

>tee hee let's make fun of a war veteran with a medical condition that leads to a little incontinence
wow, so it is not the fact he killed 6 million jews that is the problem, this is the power of liberal compassion

Lol. I bet he poopied himself when he died. Lol

t. Hans

Show some respect

I bet he shit himself right after he died as well.

>Ulcerative Colitis at age 47
thats almost always a chronic condition, so he would had incontinence from then on

I can't believe we're in May now!!! He loved this month.


Hitler was sooo gay!!!

Imagine what it must have felt like to hear about Hitler dying.

The closest we got was Osama Bin Laden in terms of "oh fuck" factor but he just doesn't compare.

Press S to spit on his grave

What about Sadaam Hussein?

Hitler was gay, why did people care so much about that sissy?
