I laugh at you idiots every day. Let me tell you a little bit about my self...

I laugh at you idiots every day. Let me tell you a little bit about my self. I grew up working in the trades along side my father. My father made me who I am today through hard work and sweat. You fools are investing in virtual fake invisible money and I have now retired at the age of 32.

I grew up with my father teaching me how to swing a hammer, and teaching me that the only way I would get anywhere in life was through hard work and the sweat off of your brow. I'm from Canada and I have built a real estate empire. You see while you idiots have been busy buying shit coins and antshare garbage I've been collecting passive income from my real estate empire my father and I built up for the past 10 years.

We started building houses for big general contractors and did that for 4 years. My father took all of the money he made from this to become his own general contractor and build homes, frame them, hire the other trades and turn them into rentals.

I dropped out of school at the age of 15 and took on working along side my father. We would build a house, and rent it out. We now have after 10 years of hard work been able to retire. I have over 50 houses that i built with my father that are turning us a passive $1800-2500 dollars each per month.

Just let that fucking sink in for you for a minute. While you idiots try to invest in digital shit money that could dissapear at the drop of a hat I am sitting on a beach somewhere in an undisclosed location typing this out to you right now because i worked hard for it.

You just click buttons and watch your shitcoins fall down and spam pepes and pink wojaks. So tell me faggets, why aren't you working hard right now and picking up a hammer to swing your way to financial independence? Oh that's right becuase you're too busy jacking off to hentai wiafus and lolis. Enjoy your miserable shitty life I'm going to snort this coke and find a prostitute to fuck her brains out.


Delicious troll post.

just bought 100k :)

I work at Amazon doing manual labor and trade shitcoins during the breaks, grandpa.


just sold 100k :)

Sent ;)

Is this pasta?
I'll buy 100k of it.

>my father
>my father
>my father
my father is a worthless alcoholic
get fucked friendo

not reading your gay ass blog. kys

>I grew up working in the trades along side my father.
Stopped reading here. You got a job through your dad, grats. Not everyone has this opportunity.

Yeah in all seriousness... you're a faggot. Who comes on Veeky Forums and brags about being spoon fed their money by their parents? Its not like you even have ever had to interview for a job. You may be sitting on a beach but you're still a fucking neet

That's funny because you work for my dad.
Glad we can make our slaves happy :)

Realize that you got lucky. If you were born into any other family you would not be in this position. Also if you dropped out of school at the age of 15 I automatically assume you're a mindless unintelligent ape who only knows how to swing a hammer

OP wears cheap, plasticy, bait shop sunglasses. When indoors he puts them on top of his hat, which bears the logo of some local construction company. He wears a faded polo shirt with a wrinkled collar that has been washed too many times. His jeans are a style from 2005. His wife picked them out for him. The have those white horizontal lines on the thighs and they are way too blue for his drab polo. When you ask him what he thinks about his style, he says "I look damn good".

btc so i can change my life


Please be in L O N D O N

>Who comes on Veeky Forums and brags about being spoon fed their money by their parents?
Plenty of people from what I've seen. Not sure who's worse, them, larpers, or beggars.

Lol so you're dad let you hold his flashlight and help him nail some boards congrats it has nothing to do with your hard work, it's literally all because of your father

Any beaner or nig can do manual labor you aren't fucking special because your dad has some brains and some capital to get started you peasant

>the only way I would get anywhere in life was through hard work and the sweat off of your brow

Talks down on Veeky Forums assuming that all of us are typical /b/-teir NEETS and then announces that he is going to pay for sex.

Fuck off nigger. I've worked hard every god damn day of my life since I was 16 AND fuck 8-10/10s without doing more then buying food or drinks... and sometimes blow.

I'm capitalizing my hard earned money with crypto and if you are passing this investment opp up, you are a fucking retard.

joke's on you faggot. 20, 100k cash in the bank Ill 10x before I'm you're age grandpa. oh 6,2 blue eyes, fucked more models than you REEEEE

this is a quality shitpost. ive noticed that for some reason Veeky Forums attracts the best shitposts. might have something to do with the longing for financial success

>Let me tell you a little bit about my self.
No thanks.