"Why are you a certain faith?"

>"Why are you a certain faith?"
>*Gives a non-theological answer*
This makes me so fucking mad. Why do people do this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Man is a creature of habits.

Because there is no valid theological argument that actually supports any faith.

>I can tip my own fedora

Christianity is aesthetic. That's why I converted from atheism. Problem?

You're not saved.

Pascal says otherwise you nigger

Kill yourself.

There is no way to prove any religion right so why are you expecting a theological answer?

Eh, wouldn't the only sort of answer you could give, then be a theological one?

I think I'm going to need an example, as I've never encountered this. I mean, yes, sometimes it's a "muh feelings" primitive theological answer, but theological answers are the only ones I've ever heard.

No because most people simply follow the religion which they were raised in and the one their ancestors followed

Idiocy plan and simple, OP. The most annoying for me are the dudes who become massive """"Christians"""" for political reasons like "muh west" and "muh anti-Islam" and yet are the biggest fucking degenerates going.


Well I bamboozled myself there

Some people go back to their original faiths because the (often political) reasons they got away from organized religion faded or were pushed back. These would be those "I'm, like, spiritual but not religious" types otherwise. See liberal and socialist Catholics being drawn to Pope Francis.

Pascal didn't say you were saved either. He said this way there would be a chance that you could be saved.

And even then, there are argument's against taking Pascal's wager.

rated best rebuttal of 2017

Religion is part of the culture

Protestants have no culture so religion confuses them and they become atheists

>tfw I've been going to mass ever since mama Merkel said Germans aren't christian anymore
>tfw I've been reading German literature and history non stop
>tfw I'm still a leech because I'm a student

Agreed, it's pretty disgusting desu. It's one thing to do Christian things due to cultural reasons but don't pretend you're a Christian when asked.

What answer can one give other than "because i believe in god" to get the approval of a fedora wielding neckbeard?

>protestants have no culture
>who are Buxtehude, Bach, Mendelssohn, Händl, etc.
>who is Cranach
nice meme my dude

I'm Catholic because my parents decided I should be catholic

Yeah, but do you guys have "art"?????

You're not an asshole? You don't have to be Christian to enjoy Christian events or participate in Christian things. Saying that doing Christian stuff makes you into a Christian is like saying that eating kebab turns you into a Turk.

>You're not an asshole
that's for others to judge, you can't say whether you're an asshole or not yourself, no one considers himself an asshole, i guess everyone is christian then

famous composers? what do they have to do with protestantism?

I have my faith because I believe in one indivisible, inseparable, almighty Gd. And that the laws of the L-rd given to us are so perfect that they must be divine. I didn't become particularly religious until a year ago but looking back I can see that my worldview was leading up to this point.

People who become religious to combat """"""""""degeneracy"""""""""" i.e. things I don't like, is a bit dishonest, and I doubt they will be able to hold onto their faith (whatever it is) in the long term.

Just a few examples:
Cranach the elder and his son, Holbein, Bruegel, Rembrandt

>famous composers? what do they have to do with protestantism?
They all were protestants and wrote religious music. How are they not related to protestantism?

I think the only people who make that argument aren't particularly religious. "Mah and pah get me into church, and it just stuck.", while technically not a theological argument, isn't a statement made by someone actually trying to defend his faith.


But Atheism is a faith

Did he even mention atheism?

I know some of my Christian friends, of various flavors, tend to get pissy when they ask someone what religion they are and it goes like this:
>"I'm Christian?"
>"Eh, yeah, what denomination?"
...and I kinda sympathize. I mean, I don't give a shit, really, but that level of ignorance is depressing nonetheless.



...and that's why I'm a Unitarian Universalist Singularitist with a passing interest in Baha'i.

This chart is a clusterfuck, Which belief has the best average outcome across all religions, and which is the best across all religions weighted for number of adherents?

I'm almost autistic enough to research that and spreadsheet that up for you, but it's close to bedtime.

Also, it needs additional research into ideological compatibility. is there a certain combination that can provide an increased probability of favorable post-death outcomes?



There's no advantage to believing in any of those because the outcomes are the same regardless if you believe in them or not.

The Singularity is upon us, brother.

>Desperately donates money to Roko's Basilisk.

Given that the horizontal rows are near all identical, better to boost whatever gods are least likely to fuck with ya.

Unless you want to start weighing for number of adherents, then things get complicated.

Still, the atheists don't have it so bad here. Though I'm bit confused as to why the Catholics are listed to be slightly more forgiving of pure atheists, than "atheism rewarded". (And apparently the Wiccans have no idea what to do with the regular ones.)

>doesn't have faith
>gets angry when others do have faith
Here's the best answer I can give you
>who Cares?

He didn't say anything about not having faith.

If anything, I assume someone with faith would be more concerned about someone knowing enough about their religion to have a theological argument. Cuz for an atheist, theological arguments are irrelevant.

We're looking for advantages in the rows here, not the columns. Being a universalist won't increase the chance that universalism is true so you go to heaven, so there's no advantage to believing it from a pascalian perspective. Ideal looks like it would be some combination of an Abrahamic religion, good deeds rewarded, African folk religion, and all of the nontheistic Asian religions. I'm not entirely sure those are all compatible, though.

Its like arguing over what colors people like,
Its ultimately a exercise in futility

Yeah, but we're slightly less apt to start wars over that.


Well, that, and there's more to talk about in theology. If someone is so ignorant of their own theology as to have none, it is rather a conversation stopper.

this. I think that had I been raised an atheist I would simply be able to smirk if someone brought up religion and leave it at that. but as a former christian it makes me frustrated that I know so much more about it than most believers

Go visit a UU church on a Friday evening.

Bunch of atheists and agnostics sitting in a huge library full of religious books, all disgustingly well versed in dozens of religions, all playing devil's or god's advocate as they debate various religious topics.

It's weird.

Most aren't, and the differences in results are minute, at best. If there's any coinage in faith, may as well send your spiritual money to the more universally forgiving gods, rather than giving more power to the pissy ones and pissing off the other pissy ones in the process.

>Rembrandt tries his whole life to be Rubens in Protestant lands where you can only do genre paintings
nice maymay

But seriously, it would be the best way to get into heaven. Unless you're not actually a Christian and have no faith.

You literally lose with every of them.

>sitting in a huge library full of religious books
What a bunch of backwards-looking kooks. Don't they know about youtube?

how dare they be educated

wtf I'm a JW now

>bad deeds -666

Are Christian Fundamentalism, Protestantism, or Catholicism compatible with Baha'i, Pascalism, Good Deeds, African Folk, Buddhism, Sikhism, and/or Cao Dai?

>famous composers? what do they have to do with protestantism?
I hope you're just joking here

>where you can only do genre paintings
What is wrong with genre paintings?
Also, this is objectively not true, pic related.

faith supports itself you ding dong. What like you don't have faith in even a single thing? You dont "believe" anything? Get real dude

Whats the scoring system for that chart?

>sitting in a huge library full of religious books, all disgustingly well versed in dozens of religions, all playing devil's or god's advocate as they debate various religious topics

Sounds like Jesuits