Everything in the red

>everything in the red
>Ark still green

Arkies explain yourselves. What is it about your coin that makes you hodl besides "muh one year" and "muh sleek wallet"?

Other urls found in this thread:


shutup. im trying to buy ark in the .35 cent range

I'll just stake my ark and kick back
See you on the other side

>Ark still in the green
>BTC down 30%
>Soon to be down 60% because of August 1rst
>Ark tards will still be holding
Just lol

>everything in the red

No one sells because biz_classic has been fan fucking tastic so far with forging. Easiest compound interest gain of my life

muh staking gains
muh too much effort to move to exchange
and muh satellite programmer dev

there's nothing to explain, fundamental analysis biatch
it's not like there's a shortage on bittrex anyway, their wallet contains 17MM+ ARK

This. I like getting a dividend


As a small fry in the biz pool, when can I expect weekly payouts?

Every week

I mean when can I expect them to start.

Once you set payout to weekly, one week from your last daily payout

Well I didn't get any daily, or weekly.

What I'm saying is is I haven't gotten a payout at all, is there a reason for this?

How much ark are you holding, basically if its too small chang and Moon are waiting till youve gotten more than 0.2 as a payout so your payout doesnt get eaten buy tx feez

It's small, like I said. Just over 100. Which is why I was asking. It makes sense that they would hold off on it, but I just didn't see info on the site for weekly payouts is all.

Switching it to monthly anyway, I guess. Less payouts less fees.

Yeah, basically the script is waiting till your payout is greater tham 0.2 so that it doesn't get eat by the 0.1 trans fee. Once you get the first one, itll be a week from that date

Well it should be greater than that by now. Should be about 0.14 weekly if I'm right, and it's been... 2 weeks? It could just be close, or I could be off by a bit.

Some sort of counter on the site for this sort of thing would be nice, but that's likely more work than it's worth at the moment.

Where do i apply to gibs?
i only have 50 though

Not worth it at that amount, you'd be paying 1 ARK and even if you set your return to monthly it would take you about 4 months to fully return the ARK you're spending to be apart of the delegate

Stock up now before it moons in early September, these are bargain bin prices

Even if ark never appreciates in value one cent from what its worth now, im still getting over 3k free ark a year from staking. Which is approx 1500 dollar. What bank gives you 10% interest? I guess it might get delisted if the project is abandoned but that doesn't seem too likely.

They hold your payments until they accumulate to at least 0.2 ark (so your payment doesnt get eaten by the transaction fee). I have 400 ark, voted at the very start and got my payment like early this week i think. Either buy more ark or just be patient. Also, go to the biz_classic website and sign up so you can see your settings

We can easily add a counter to see pending balance, but it won't be accurate and we'd rather have a few people not know than dozens of people bitching daily "REEEEEEE YOU STOLE MY ARK THE PENDING BALANCE SAID I HAD A BIGGER AMOUNT!!!!"

I'm still writing the True Block Weight script (Soon TM), and then we WILL add an accurate balance display along with one-click instant payouts (yes, you will be able to get paid as soon as you feel like it as long as you have >0.1 ARK).

100 ARK means roughly ~0.03 ARK a day, little less depending on pool size at any given time. It's gonna be a bit until you get paid, and since we just moved over to our first custom script it will be a little longer for your first payout (but when the next version comes out with TBW, you'll get a bigger payout for what we owe you so far). You should register at the site (classicdelegate.biz) and set your payout to Monthly so you don't get half your profits eaten by tx fees.

How much fucking Ark do you have?

Cool. I wasn't far off with my 0.14 weekly estimate then, really. Good to have it all spelled out for me, I miss a lot of the threads due to wage-slaving, so I've been out of the loop a bit.

He has ~30,000
100 ARK gets you ~10(and some change) a year. So yearly you get about 1/10th of your ark (depending on pool size)

>didn't buy ADC

I'm up 200% noob

you niggers really need to get off bittrex cryptopia

Is there a slack for biz classic anons?

I want to know how this works.

How does this work. I want to be in the biz delegate.

I hold a decent amount of ark

No, but we have a discord.


Google "ark delegate voting". Our delegate is "biz_classic"


it's all about the coin community and ours is fucking solid

One of the biggest problems that crypto faces is that it's too complicated for the average person to pick up. There's a technological barrier to get into crypto. Learning how blockchain works, making multiple accounts, waiting days to be verified, and then still facing limits to how much you can withdraw can all be frustrating for your average joe. Ark's user-friendly platform, evidenced by it by having the best wallet I've seen, is what makes me believe it'll be the next big thing.

thanks dawg, but i already figured it out :)

I concur

thx. you guys need start leaving messages on deposits again. it was p comfy

invite expired

Payouts are automated now so we can't really do that :(

Here. We don't set them to unlimited because we get spam occasionally.


Maybe we'll write some in advance. I'll talk to Chang since a fair number of people have asked for them.

yo im tired of people asking about their pending payouts.

gonna implement that right now. expect it in ~1 hour.

i mean implement an "estimated pending payout" field in the dashboard

dumb frogposter

This, I honestly think they can bridge the gap between crypto and real world integration.

Especialy with the cards they plan to make that converts Ark to fiat in 6 seconds to make payments.

ok you can now view your estimated pending transactions in your dashboard.

Also prettified the "last payout" date.

>shilling this hard

Nice. Thank you.

Nice thanks based chang