Who is the most evil figure in history?

most places i look the top few are Hitler and Stalin etc, with absolutely no mention of mother theresa or other 'wolves in sheeps clothing'

They always cite that one book.

Ronald Reagan

t. euphoric

Careful, son. You'll cut yourself on that edge.

As for most evil...eh, that's highly subjective. However I will give you my top 5 greatest mass murderers in history. For our purposes, "murder" will here be defined as the deliberate targeting of one's own civilian population (native or conquered). It does not include soldiers who die on the field of battle.

>5. Francisco Solano López
This is an exception to the rules I mentioned above. This man's actions in the War of the Triple Alliance and his steadfast refusal to surrender to an obviously superior force once it had obviously beaten Paraguay led to between 50-90% of all men in Paraguay being killed as the result of the War (yes, possibly as high as 90%), and no small number of women, either. He is directly responsible for the state of Paraguay ever since, with the after-effects of the War still being felt in Paraguay.

>4. Adolf Hitler
In terms of number of people murdered (10 million, including 6 million Jews), Hitler would not generally rank. However, the sheer industrialization of the process is what earns him a spot on this list. It's one thing to line up a bunch of Jews and shoot them. It's quite another to get men to sit down and start planning out the most efficient means of killing large numbers of Jews at once, to bend the industrial and engineering intellect to slaughter.

>3. Joseph Stalin
With around 20-80 million Soviet citizens dead during his reign as a result of his practices, Joseph Stalin is one of the greatest mass murderers of all time...but doesn't quite rate high enough to get into the number 2 or 1 slot.

>2. Pol Pot
The total number of people killed by Pol Pot is relatively small, about 2 million Cambodian citizens. However, this number constitutes ONE THIRD of all Cambodians alive at the time. In terms of sheer proportion of population murdered, no one holds a candle to Pol Pot.

>1. Mao Zedong
One hundred million Chinese dead. Enough said, really.

>Honorable mentions
>Genghis Khan
Another exception to the normal rules, Genghis Khan and his hoard killed an insignificant number of Mongolians. However, his hoard's actions throughout Asia are reckoned to have wiped out about 25% of the world population at the time.

>The Kim family
Of North Korea, due to sheer longevity of their regime and its practices. The human rights violations in North Korea are reckoned to be, if anything, understated.

>African Dictators
Taken as a single whole rather than isolating any one, mostly because of their attitude. "Hey, if the White Man got rich by killing my people and turning my homeland into an unrecognizable wasteland, maybe I can, too!"

>European Colonizers of America
With particular mention to Canada and America themselves. While most native Americans were wiped out unintentionally as a result of smallpox and other diseases, almost all Colonial governments and their independent successors had policies to the effect of the deliberate wiping out of native American cultures.

For the same reason as the Americas.



>6 million jews
Stopped reading there

And it isn't even close.

>force people to work on farms, in extreme humidity and heat for hours
>Move them from cities in their jobs, homes, and livelihoods to work in shit huts
>Kill MILLIONS of your own people because they refuse to cooperate
>Hell, they died even if they cooperated, he shot anyone that was a semblance of suspicious
>Completely cripple your economy, and have disease spread through your country
>Kill off any intellectuals, having universities be at a complete stand-still
>doing all of this, in only Four (4) years

>1. Mao Zedong
>One hundred million Chinese dead.
>One hundred million

Why don't you just say one trillion next time user? Save us the trouble.


Donald Trump

I guess he didn't meme hard enough for you in an easily digestible one sentence zinger?

>One hundred million Chinese dead. Enough said, really.


Tito was based fuck off



That's not Tito.

Mamma mia, you're a faggot


>Believing the 6 gorillion meme