Post your face when a Bitcoin hard fork (= there will be two different Bitcoins) is inevitable

Post your face when a Bitcoin hard fork (= there will be two different Bitcoins) is inevitable

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that's why we need coin voting, like Decred has


That shit would be so easily manipulated.

When the bitcoin will fork, who will take care of the old one?

chink miners.

im quite new to cryptos so sorry if its a retarded question

but if it forks, will the 2 coins have different names, therefor different markets? or will the price of them stay similar

Where do youget the idea that there would be a chain split?

Decred voting is just voting for what changes the devs make, it can't stop miners from doing whatever they want.
There is only one coin where the holders get control over the miners insuring they can't fuck us over.

You're talking about BU? Is this 2015?

I still don't understand how it's going to work.

that's all the chinks. the chinks are the only ones mining. the chinks are the only one making asics.

it's the sino-judeo alliance from hell.

just buy high sell low we will make it

i dont get it, will btc split or not

It would probably be like ETC and ETH.
>BTC (Bitcoin after Fork)
>CBTC (Bitcoin Classic)


Advice to all newbies: just put your money in anything besides btc until August 2nd. It can be fiat, usdt or alts doesn't matter. There, now you don't have to worry.

awful advice, those alts sink with the mother ship

this. they're too tied together.

fuck chinks. They're ruining everything.

Anyone but summerfags.

How would malicious actors obtaining 75% of all currency be easy?

Currently, but they are adding a proposal system soon. Also stakers can choose not to pay miners who don't play along. IDK I've been meaning to buy some ARK too.