Sell everything acquire shitcoins

What's up faggots, the stock market has been hot right now, a little too much though and it seems like something is fishy. It seems like right now if the perfect time to withdraw all the money and toss to into crypto. I'm also only 21 so it's not the biggest deal if my portfolio crashes and burns.

How much are you faggots throwing in now that the market is down? And when are you going to? After it before the 1st?

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What app is that?

Someone needs to make a crypto version of robinhood fuck I wish I knew how to computers I would be a zillionaire

I cringed, op

Robinhood, free stock trading but has some big limitations. Great for just buying and holding for a bit though.
And fuck when is bittrex coming out with an app? Dumbasses need to learn to code

lol cant wait for retards to crash the stock market and buy shit coins instead, bitcoin is a trap to a currency that isnt the dollar have fun with paying with your phone instead of cash.

Iconomi, their DAA service.

>It seems like right now if the perfect time to withdraw all the money and toss to into crypto.
During an ongoing crash?

Is that fucking English? Jesus bro

Do you really think eth is going to crash that much more than $175? Everyone and their mother is looking to buy. BTC could go down somewhat further, but not past $1500 even if the fork is a shit show. And buying in now guarantees you both coins if it does fork, rather than having to buy each after the fork


>It seems like right now if the perfect time to withdraw all the money and toss to into crypto.

We are watching one of the largest Crypto crashes with no sign of a bottom and you want to move your Fiat money from a stable bull market into a falling unstable bear market?

This is how people loose everything and kill themselves. Stop gambling.

Fuck you faggot; be a real man and take your fucking chump change and buy a triple bear on financials or write some fucking in-the-money call options if you think stawks are bearish. There's no fucking money in crypto except shorting eth cause it's a fucking shitcoin meme til after the stock market starts crashing in late August. Maybe you can be a fucking legend and go long bitcoin short financials after october when the shit really hits the fan and then you can invent your own fucking shitcoin to shill on this fucking mongolian hentai exchange.

Go fuck yourself.

we are not in a bear market, it looks like it, but it actually isn't, its just bitcoin uncertainty that pulls everything down with it, we are experiencing one of the most important moments in crypto history, my boi

this is the perfect time to buy


>i spend my time on hentai boards tricking kids into loosing their money

How does it feel to be such a waste of life?

funny guy

>implying eth has value
Yeah fuckface so did BTC in 2012/3 that doesn't mean it's not gonna crater to cents per coin in the meanwhile
>buying any altcoin during the fork
nigger all this shit is based on the same fucking code do you really think any normie is gonna give a fuck what the fuck a "gas" is when they hear "bitcoin might split!" no nigger they're gonna say "sell it all", bitcoin volatility is altcoin volatility, stop fucking pretending
>bitcoin "split"
you a fucking dumb nigger you think even the greediest gook is gonna intentionally signal unlimited and try to fork his own fucking fortune away? It's in literally everybody's interest to tell you they're gonna fucking fork it and then not do that so you give them all your gainz and then some gook laughs all the way to the bank. Sit the fuck down and think like a gook, they're gonna cry like mad and then it'll be as bad as Y2K and meanwhile they get to stock up on some cheap ass motherfucking burgers with weak hands while Fraulein Yellen herself says i'm crashing this stock market with no survivors and all the normies fuel the Sachs prediction of $4k BTC so in the end even the fucking jews win and you walk away a lonely little virgin fuck.
No exchange can guarantee that they can give you both coins in the event of a fork, because no one knows how safe/stable/popular/supported each fork will be.

I haven't followed ETH that much lately but I don't see a good reason to separate the trend of ETH from the trend of BTC, and I expect BTC to go further down over a long period of time. Regardless, I wouldn't buy in before I see a clear sign that the crash is over, I don't see one yet, it's currently reaching new lows.

no one catches the bottom user, only the guy that decides its time to throw a couple tens of millions back into ether again

yo niega u link the chink gook iz gonna split nigga like fuK no!!!! Lol u retard dum nigga and the gooks gonna kill them jews w/ $ niggia n you'll be cryin all the way!!!!1111111 like virgin u see the $ an ur gayfaggot ass can't see u losing money when BTC fork

Show us your portfolio nigger.

I don't care if it's shit. I just like to see non shitcoin discussion.


Just sold out of SVU, had some good gains on that when it amazon tanked, bought into tesla when it tanked so had some good gains on that too.
Also sold out of Costco which won't stop falling with the amazon thing.

This is my last week, and the reason why I am hesitant about the market these days... just seems to keep climbing with the largest valuations in history.

What did you buy TSLA at?

I understand the unease. I'm just confident that my stock picks will come out shining after a crash. Sure, guys like Buffet don't seem to give a shit about crashes because they are looking years down the line. Still, it will suck for it to take a decade for my picks to return to an ATH.

$314.43 last week. So +$15 each share, pretty solid. I think the best buying opportunities are when the market overreacts to some news and you can scoop at the bottom, and sell at the top. I still think tesla is overvalued
Yeah, but if you can buy at the depth of a crash, you can get some absolutely massive discounts on stocks

its your bed lie in it

Guys like Buffet buy during crashes and sell in peaks. They don't just "hodl".

These portfolios are fucking FANG. You need to read zerohedge, you need to read a few taleb books, and you need to watch the big short. Literally all the same signs are happening, only bigger. What you honestly should do is transfer your portfolio to at least 40% cash for when high-value stocks that pay decent dividend in a risk-free space are deeply discounted, put about 40% again into protective plays like munis, gold, utilities, etc. and maybe speculate about timing stuff with the last 20%, which includes crypto and any speculative shorts.

It has been nice steady rise with no mania. Of course there is going to be panic in couple years but that is when I will buy more stocks :^) These opportunities won't happen often.

(looking at you, pensions/government bonds, it will shake and shape markets)

>$314.43 last week. So +$15 each share, pretty solid

I wish you luck on that. I don't particularly trust Musk myself. It will probably do good but there are plenty of other stocks I would buy before it.

>you can get some absolutely massive discounts on stocks

Oh I know full well. I have a large cash reserve prepared for just this. What worries me though is that the crash will not be like the previous two where stocks went soaring in the years after. I'm concerned of a Great Depression type situation where we have an awful bear market for a decade or so. It will make it more difficult to win if companies just wither and die during that time. Suppose I could just throw it all into SPY to be safe.

>You need to read zerohedge, you need to read a few taleb books, and you need to watch the big short

Done all that. Honestly, the doom and gloom gets boring after years of predictions with nothing happening. Of course they will get it right eventually and say I told you so.

>What you honestly should do is transfer your portfolio to at least 40% cash

I'm 66% cash right now. Playing it too safe really.

Yeah, they aren't very creative positions at all. I just see them as safe investments for the time being. Trying to get a little more creative, there has to be a dip coming, I can't see valuations getting even more ridiculous than this.

Anything specific you would recommend reading wise? I've read the standard ones, random walk down Wall Street, big short, some other super popular one like random walk but forgetting the name...