ITT: worst military leaders of all time

ITT: worst military leaders of all time
We all know who are the best (Alexander, Napoleon, Caesar), but who is really the worst one?
I vote for this frog fucker. What an old useless sack of shit

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Robert Nivelle for the Nivelle Offensive which almost cost France WW1 is a good runner up.

But Enver Pasha is the undisputable worst of all time. No person has ever destroyed their own armies so quickly and thoroughly as that man.

He's top 5 for sure

>modernizes army, makes France military power
>proceeds to send his tanks all over France
>"this forest surely will be an impassable barrier"
>builds Maginot line, leaves it undefended
>literally knew the exact date the Germans would invade, "nuh muh Dyle Plan, send EVERYONE to fucking Belgium"
>Battle of Belgium complete rout, Dutch surrender immediately
>French in fucking disarray, strung out across Europe

how can one man make this many fucking mistakes, he's pretty much singlehandedly responsible for the defeat of France in WW2

>has the fucking bare faced cheek to call his postwar memoir "Servir..."

fuck you OP I'm triggered now

None of the WW1 guys, as boobs as they might have been, are a patch on William George Keith Elphinstone.

>British occupying Kabul as part of Great Game shenanigans
>Upsetting the locals
>Feel a need to fort up.
>For some reason, split up your water sources, your ammunition stores, and your men.
>Quickly find yourself in an untenable position because you can't safely get your men to your water and ammo because you were a dumbass beforehand.
>Find yourself forced out of Kabul
>Decide to march over the mountains back to India in the middle of the winter while getting shot at by tribesmen.
>Of your initial 16,000 people, about 2,000 go back to Kabul to be sold into slavery, about 21 actually make it back to India, and a few hundred are taken captive by the locals. Everyone else dies.

I didn't really study this all that well, what drove Napoleon to wage war agains't russia ? Did he just do it for the territory or was he driven to it because of political reasons ?

Seems really weird that someone such as he who is considered a military genius would do such an retarded move

His main enemy at the time was England. And owing to British naval superiority, especially post-Trafalgar, he wasn't cheerful about his chances of invading and ending England directly.

So, the next best thing was to impose a continental blockade. Nobody in Europe trades with England, in an attempt to bring them to heel economically if he couldn't do so militarily.

Russia, for reasons that get complicated, agreed to the "Continental system but then went back on it, and the invasion was primarily to force them to go back to the former blockade policy.

>inb4 Cadorna

Oh, I get it now. I briefly touched this subject when studying the blockade, but we only explored the effects that had on Portugual because it was the only european country we were really touching in.

But thanks for the clarification user, it does make more sense now.

Did Napoleon start his invasion on winter, or die he do the same thing that hitler did but eventually got dragged into winter ?

Guy de Lusignan?

>Becomes King of a powerful state due to political marriage
>Rounds up an army of 20,000 Crusaders
>Heads off to fight the Ayubbid forces of Saladin
>Doesn't properly make sure that his troops get enough food and water
>His soldiers are dehydrated and starving, incapable of fighting
>Stubborn fuck advances regardless and proceeds to have nearly his entire army completely annihilated, with Saladin having light losses
>Jerusalem falls 3 months later and so do most of the Crusader cities
>Muslims become eminent power in Middle East

Any greater dumbfuckery than this? We should give some leaders that tried out tactics and failed some slack, Guy knew his army couldn't fight and tried regardless.

The invasion began on June 24th

Sir John Arundel:

Commanding a force with the purpose of bringing relief to the Duke of Brittany, Sir John was compelled to wait for stronger winds. During this wait he decided to take refuge in a nunnery, where his men "took no notice of the sanctity of the place and... violently assaulted and raped"[3] those they found inside. Further to this Sir John "allowed his men to ransack the countryside as they liked and to impoverish the people".[3] When the force eventually set out to sea, carrying with them goods stolen from a nearby church and under a pronouncement of excommunication from the wronged priests, the expedition was caught in a storm. Thomas Walsingham reports that during the panic of the storm, Sir John murdered those of his men who refused to make for shore for fear of being shipwrecked upon the rocks. Subsequently, after safely arriving on an island off the Irish coast, Sir John and his boat captain were swept back into the sea and drowned.[3]

According to Thomas Walsingham's story, FitzAlan's men profaned a convent at or near Southampton, and abducted many of its occupants. The fleet was then pursued by a violent tempest, when the wretched nuns who had been carried off were thrown overboard to lighten the ships. The vessels were, however, wrecked on the Irish coast, near Scariff according to some authorities, but at Cape Clear Island according to others. Sir John Arundell, together with his esquires, and other men of high birth, were drowned, and twenty-five ships were lost with most of their crews. Froissart's account of the event differs essentially from Walsingham's, in the omission of the story of the desecration of the convent.

The invasion began in June and was in full retreat by October.

The Russians just utterly bested him.

>The Russians just utterly bested him.

You mean they starved them to death while avoiding any large military confrontations like utter cowards. Who could've expected that the Russian subhumans would use the scorched earth policy so intensively that they would burn down their capital city? Pure animals.

Back this, learning about him in Uni made me laugh mid seminar.

>avoiding any large military confrontations
they did and the french suffer a pyric victory

The Russian army was better than the French one in terms of equipment like clothes

The Russian Commander in Chief General (Barclay) didn't want to confront Napoleon as their scorch earth policy was working but was forced to confront him when the nobility went full autism believing they knew what was best, he thought it would be a devastating loss for Russia but it went much better then expected.

He didn't even NEED to fight either. It was entirely his doing that the Ottoman Empire became part of WW1. Nobody else wanted it. And unlike many of the other country's involved, they weren't defending themselves or their allies, Pasha simply wanted to be involved in the war because he thought it would be an easy land grab. As a British observer committed [paraphrase]: "It appears the Turks have suffered a military catastrophe, unprecedented in both scale and rapidity."

Did somebody say worst military leader?

No man bears more individual responsibility for WW1 than Conrad von Hotzendorf. Both he and Pasha led their respective countries to utter destruction for what they thought would be an easy land grab.

>Enver Pasha

Winston Churchill. He planned Gallipoli, we all saw how that turned out.

It can only be one man.
The one, the only
Luigi "twelfth time's the charm" Cardona.


>Many of the women and children were taken captive by the Afghan warring tribes; some of these women married their captives (one such lady was the wife of Captain Warburton), and children taken from the battlefield at the time were later identified in the early part of the 20th century to be those of the fallen soldiers and who were brought up by Afghan families as their own children.[61][62][63][64][65]