Floor when

Floor when

Look at the last crash in 2013/2014. It bled out for years.

maybe never

that's because its future was still uncertain and there weren't that many people into it

now there's a lot of histrionic normies and a lot more shekels on the line, plus most of us know that BTC will eventually recover

>this time its different

its just the fudding from jews and chinks and cringy plebbitors

nothing but psychology here

>every time will be the same

Meanwhile in LTC land the price is stable. Only down a miniscule 1% in 24 hours.

Get in now while you can. Once BTC dies LTC will moon.

Screen cap this post.

$200 is probably your worst case scenario. It'll reverse course temporarily every so often, but I really think that's the bottom for BTC.

>this time i like rape

we're not going to 200, lmao. goldman sachs predicted 1800. sounds about right imo.

Looking at bitfinex's bid ask spread, im going to guess about $1600.

That said, I barely understand exchanges, so I am just looking at what the pretty colors say

Always make sure to let everyone know a prediction, or how much you value something.

Poor, poor AMD :(

>Goldman sachs
>Rigger niggers inc.

Dont believe the electric jew's lies.

That said, its not too far off

there is no floor.

The value vs the USD is infinitely fractionable.
It will never hit zero but it will fall forever. Zero is the asymptote

Below 1800. But no lower than 1000

everyone and their mother called 1800 before goldman did.

We are not stopping at 1800.

idk why this made me laugh so much



Around 1200

no we are not


Cats have 9 lives, 6 more to go.

1st august

No my friend, this time it will be the same. Crashing and then bouncing to a new ATH, like last time.

New players waited for the crash to buy in. Deep pockets dont follow biz advice


>Crashing and then bouncing to a new ATH, like last time.
Agreed. It will happen in about 4-5 years, after it's bled out completely.

nope. you're wrong, newfag.
>hur dur 2013 will repeat itself in exactly the same way because im a retard

>Veins full of hopium
Enjoy the stagnation and slow bleed.

If it dips below 1000 I'll go balls deep and buy 100btc by selling my 2nd house.I want that lambo.

it will not take 5 years to recover. 1 at the most

yeaaa I'll just buy.. 0.5..

I wish he'd get caught raping a loli.

I think return to mean is about $2200 and the low will be 1600 to 1700.

I guess when people decide on what the next go to market is.
I mean, this was caused by alphabay right?

On august 15th it will be worth +3K€

>USD is for losers

Screencap this

In another thread people were laughing at my predicting at least 5k by 2021 being too low of a prediction. Lol


What is it about alphabay being shut down that caused such a crash?
I don't remember this happening with the silk road

This is the fud created by fucking youtubers explaining 1th august in a biased way, and the whales manipulating the price

They're splitting bitcoin?
Did they learn nothing from ETH/ETC?

I'm the new player this time. Never bought crypo before but I'm eyeing like a vulture at the moment. Will throw my money in before August.

if you're not shorting this bubble back down to the 300 you're retarded.

Nope, all the big players know that as scalability issues will be solved with segwit (despite its implemented by users (bip148 UASF or by the miners with the Segwit2x first stage) and it will rise in value

So, if you want to profit from it, what would you do?

Sell at a ATH, create FUD saying bitcoin is going to split, and the first time you hear it it scares you. They are saying that you should have your BTC outside the exchanges, so you can "control your private keys",so the markets are going to be extremely volatile as a lot of people will be to scared to trade (less orders).

They will buy at ATL and sell at an ATH. The good thing is that not only the classic whales are doing this, they have told other whales that want to come to this ocean, so this is a true gamechanger moment.

>moon mission just started

TL,DR: Fuck you, read the comment and prove me wrong in an unbiased way faggot

Also, screencap this shit

fucking this

best case centenario you just doubled your fucking money, worst case you dump the forked coins for a quick profit.

BTC moons and it drags every other coin to the top too

i assume that people with money are crashing the price to make those with less money, or money that means more to them, sell (at a loss)

This. 10k BTC coming

30 more bucks and btc will close the day in green

there are no days in bitcoin