Tfw you realize there is no sensible reason to conclude a human life is more worth than that of an animal

>tfw you realize there is no sensible reason to conclude a human life is more worth than that of an animal
>tfw you realize people could just as well be practicing cannibalism
>tfw you keep eating meat anyway

>no sensible conclusion
An animal cannot cook another animal

A slave cost more than a pet.

it's already over OP

>people could just as well be practicing cannibalism
Hmmm... i have always been a little curious how human meat tastes
Maybe i should try it

It's a slippery slope into vegetarianism.


>cannibalism leads to vegetarianism

We care about people because we ARE people silly.

i see this guy everywhere, what is his name?

>An animal cannot cook another animal
If birds can learn to use tools and dogs raised on human cooked meats, then it follows that one day intelligent animals will learn to create fire as a tool to aquire cooked flesh.

Holy shit no
What is wrong with you

What, why should I care about other human beings solely by virtue of being one myself. That's just trite tribalism.

Why should you care about yourself?

A human is more useful than an animal because it has thumbs you stupid shithead.

Well, I don't know. I sure do, though. Maybe you can explain why?

In group preference is a perfectly sensible and rational reason

Because the animals that didn't care about themselves died before procreating.

You can not construct a logical moral system without starting with subjective axioms.

This is not to say that you should not try to achieve subjective things like happiness or justice, but you should understand that there is no purely logical reason to do so.

A human life is worth more than an animal life because we're human. To a cockroach, human lives are worthless.

The other reason is that human lives are worth more because we're capable of rational thought, imagination, creativity and self-reflection. You kill a kid and you may have killed a great engineer, or artist, or scientist, or poet, someone who's lives will greatly impact dozens at least and potentially millions.

Kill a pig and you killed a pig. Its own mother won't mourn it, just make more.

Eh, I think most people deep down under their cover of denial know that being a vegetarian is ultimately right, apart from the far-right wingers LARPers on this site love to pretend they are. Most of the time when you're debating vegetarianism the veggie side wins and the other person just says "whatever I'm not gonna stop eating meat lol".
Keep in mind I'm talking of the mindset of the normal well functioning person, this may not represent the average Veeky Forums user.

Human beings are, by nature, predatory animals. We're Omnivores strictly because it assists us in surviving during long hunts, but the intent of our eating vegetables and fruits is not only for potential vitamins but also that eating them sustains our hunger until the next meal of meat. Human beings are fatigue predators in nature, we hunt things and chase them for days until they're too tired to fight back and then beat the shit out of them and eat them, usually with tools designed for hunting. We're one of the only predators left who once hunted like this, and it's why humans can go days without food and water, and why our stamina is so high compared to everything else.

You and everyone you know is a predator, we are a hunting species. We are a brutal meat eating animal race. We're land sharks, we're upright lions, we're hairless wolves. Get over it. We eat other animals just like other animals eat other animals and other animals would eat us if given the chance. Just because we feel empathy doesn't mean it's a good idea to abandon our nature and our instinct as predators.

because humans are the only rational animals you literal retard. They're the only animals that deserve to freely choose what they do with their lives because they're the only animals capable of making real choice. Killing and eating people infringes upon that right of free choice.

>I'm right and every intelligent person secretly agrees with me
>doesn't provide reasons to back up his opinion

there's literally nothing wrong with eating non-humans, they're feelings are a spook


I should probably point out that this is why so many of the animals we rely on for meat are traditional prey animals, as well. Herbivores, usually. But almost always animals that would be easy targets in the wild for other predators.

>it's all about survival, believe me

stemtards everyone

I think vegetarians always lose because their argument will inevitably lead to: "B-but what if aliens come and eat you, you wouldn't like that." But I would like to see a dumbass alien TRY to eat me.

What's wrong with tribalism?

Aren't humans tribal by nature? That's the whole reason you care about your family.

If an alien comes near me I'm blowing it's brain approximation out and cooking it. Kentucky forever!

>tfw you realize there is no sensible reason to conclude a lion life is more worth than that of a gazelle
>tfw you realize lions could just as well be practicing cannibalism
>tfw lions keep eating gazelles anyway