What did Craig ..er I mean, Satoshi mean by this?

What did Craig ..er I mean, Satoshi mean by this?

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this guy has too big of an ego to have used a pseudonym.

Satoshi Nakamoto is dead. This guy might have killed him and took his coins though.

>Satoshi Nakamoto is dead
clearly you haven't seen this evidence

that reeks of ocelot piss

hes probably been bought up by roger ver to jump back into the limelight to try and trick some more fools into believing bitcoins best chance of success is turning into chinkcoin.

that or its a perfect false-flag for the same thing. it's actually incredible that /r/btc actually believes he is satoshi.

/r/btc doesn't believe he is satoshi.

go suck on Blockstreams nipple some more, normie. It's because of idiots like you that Bitcoin is going to die in a couple weeks.

Satoshi Nakamoto is globalist jew Mark Karpeles. Look it up.
He lives in japan and registered bitcoins.com in 2001 or something. Later, he started a bitcoin exchange and shit. There is a chart on this.

>Bitcoin is going to die in a couple weeks

it looks like bitcoin's dying now. also, you seem upset


ive been in bitcoin longer than you :)

i dont care about blockstream, but i sure as hell would rather have western developers than a bunch of chinks running the show. its thanks to them that bitcoin's lost so much ground against coins like ethereum by delaying segwit/rootstock.

just visit /r/btc one day, its all shitcoin pumping and apologists for craig wright because they agree with his ideas for scaling. how desperate can you get.

He also seems to hate people/normies enough. Satoshi's or not he is biz guy

I really wish it was karpeles. That would be so fucking funny. Proof pls


>I really wish it was Karpeles
You mean you wish a confirmed scammer jew made BTC? Are you serious? He even went to jail for scamming.

sub-saharan iq

>i dont care about blockstream

you should. they're the ones holding back the progress of bitcoin. spreading blocksize FUD so that they can force everyone onto their "Liquid" side chain and steal transaction fees from the miners.

also, if you think 8mb blocks are going to give all the power to the "chinks", you're a brain dead jabroni.

bitcoin isn't dying, but its going to keep losing ground against new coins if development gets choked like this again and again and i have no hopes for future innovations if most of the experienced cryptographers leave for other projects.

if after 2 years all we get is a new significantly less qualified dev team brought to you by a bunch of chink miners, proof of stake coins are looking more appealing.

I've been in bitcoin longer than you and stfu faggot

Core are cancer. And are plenty of other good western devs who get shit on and kicked out for not following the core party line. Core = worse than commies. At least the chinks know about capitalism.

i honestly can't tell if youre serious. holy shit. when people value politics over technology this is where we end up. it was inevitable as long as chinese electricity was as cheap as it was, but the games they've managed to play on people to support their shit is pretty incredible.

you just dont get it do you? code is worthless, its copyable, anyone can make their own client, anyone can run their own software, anyone can suggest a fork. this is exactly what's happened.

what isn't copyable/sharable/tradable is hash rate and hardware, which is wholly owned by china at this point. bitcoin has a centralization problem and it is NOT a software issue.

are you really this easily persuaded by the shit you read online? you think core is somehow managing to play things behind the scenes when all they have is code while china is sitting on 70%+ of the mining hardware and hash rate? you really need to understand this space before you spew this shit.

on the other hand its thanks to people like you that my short has been raking it in the past 2 weeks.

why are you afraid of bigger blocks? you don't really believe the propaganda the paid shills pass around in /r/bitcoin do you?

you're the one valuing the politics of "decentralization" over bitcoin's technology. bigger blocks and second layers is obviously the logical way to scale. Bitcoin isn't going to become centralized with 2mb, 4mb, 8mb or 16mb blocks.. but yet, the propaganda in /r/bitcoin has you believing it will.

i don't spend any time on reddit other than when people link me those hilarious echo chamber posts that come from /r/btc.

and this has got nothing to do with the block size. if the block size was increased 2 years ago i wouldn't give a shit. it's about the manipulation and submarining that the chinks and heavy investors in their mining operations have been doing that has completely ruined any kind of progress.

i am all for a block size increase but not at the cost of handing the miners power that they have clearly shown they aren't capable of having. if it was up to me, segwit would be a hardfork to clean up all of the annoying issues bitcoin has accumulated and setting the stage for things like schnorr signatures and proper fungibility. the mess that's had to be added to segwit to turn it into an effective block size increase is entirely thanks to the chinese once again simply not understanding the technology, and thats even leaving out the whole segwit2x slow motion car crash. with things like schnorr signatures we get insane scalability, and thats the kind of shit we should be working towards, not a stupid power struggle with miners wanting to further centralize development.

the simple facts are, instead of wanting efficiency, smaller transaction sizes, and better use of the blockchain, they just want to cram more of the same inefficent transactions into a block, so they get paid more, at the cost of everyone else who has to use the network. they've been stalling because they're cheating the POW algorithm and dont want to give it up, and only after everyone found out that the chinks were being shady (surprise) they agreed to a "compromise".

why do you think it's the chinese that have been ruining progress? what do they have to gain from it?

ask yourself who benefits.. the people who invested hundreds of millions of dollars into bitcoin mining operations surely don't benefit by stalling the progress of bitcoin. bitcoin's progress is in their best financial interests..

instead look at Blockstream, what do they benefit from keeping blocksizes ridiculously small and forcing everyone off the blockchain?


seems like they want to rake in daily profits with transaction fees. how do you maximize those profits? spread blocksize FUD, get people thinking big blocks are bad. then when it costs 10 dollars a transaction on the blockchain they'll be forced to come to your sidechain and they'll gladly pay your 1 dollar transaction fee.

you can see what they've gained from it. by staling for as long as possible most people have just become fatigued by it, and in a away like stockholm syndrome theyre just happy anything is happening at this point.

and no, bitcoin's progress isn't in their financial interest, their financial interest is in the present, not the future. they want bigger blocks so they can get fees faster, right now. what happens in 10 years is of no concern to them, but it is to everyone who's trying to develop a proper scaling solution.

"blockstream" aren't forcing anyone to do anything, they just develop software, its up to the users and miners to choose which software they want to use. the laws of the universe dictate you can't have everyones sub $1 transaction stored on a blockchain without it ballooning to a size greater than computers built out of physical matter can store. there's no conspiracy theory here. look at every other blockchain's scaling solution, and they all look the same. step one is to get as much shit as possible off the blockchain unless it absolutely needs to be there.

and do you honestly think the same group of people who have been force filling blocks for months now to keep transaction fees high are going to let fees go down if the block size gets doubled? of course not. the fees are going to be higher than half of what they are now and will slowly creep up to be exactly the same.

with off chain transactions you simply can't force a fee like you can on-chain.

The jews will win and you will lose in the end

not sure about the jews, but its definitely in china's best interest to keep it on as tight a leash as they can manage. they already have mining locked down but that was inevitable given the ASIC friendly POW that was chose.

Who rules china ? communists, who put them there ? jews

if they can make me richer i'm all for them. but i have little confidence in a chinese run bitcoin as much as i have little confidence in most chinese run companies or software.

>what happens in 10 years is of no concern to them

you must have no idea how much money they have involved in their mining operations then. it's estimated to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars. the only way they will profit is if bitcoin continues to increase in price.

>"blockstream" aren't forcing anyone to do anything, they just develop software,

this isn't true at all. they're the ones behind all of the astroturfing. the small block, decentralization propaganda..

>with off chain transactions you simply can't force a fee like you can on-chain.

except it will cost hundreds of dollars to connect to the lightning network. so everyone is going to have to migrate to centralized lightning network hubs..

This is a parody account.

i dont expect them to have that kind of foresight though, theyre already showing tone-defness by the way which they've gone about what theyre doing.

given all the sockpuppeting on twitter and reddit about core being evil and miners being poor innocent players i hightly doubt its anyone but a bunch of core fanatics spamming. roger ver has been caught playing games at least a year ago, i highly doubt people who are actually working on developing bitcoin have time to sockpuppet, its those who do nothing buy play politics that seem to enjoy the games.

yes, thats why we need better on-chain scaling for off-chain networks, nobody disagrees with this. i have no concerns about a hardfork or a softfork, my concerns are with handing even more control over to a group of individuals that have shown they are incapable of securing a multi-billion dollar network with any more sophistication than plugging in a few ASICs.

we need more than a block size increase to scale off-chain transactions for the whole world though, thats what breakthroughs like schnor signatures are for, but i have little hope for features like this if the development continues as it seems to be.

hes so full of shit

He can't even maintain eye contact



>I don't want money, I don't want fame, I don't want adoration, I just want to be left alone.

Then why is he claiming to be Satoshi Nakamoto? No one was offering him those things.

> i highly doubt people who are actually working on developing bitcoin have time to sockpuppet,

are you a fucking retard?


they aren't just developing bitcoin. this is a company that was funded 75 million dollars by AXA. they have plenty of funds to astroturf their sidechain (blockstream.com/2017/05/31/liquid-beta-demo.html).



>we need more than a block size increase to scale off-chain transactions for the whole world though

miners are not against this at all. they're against Blockstream and their stalling of Bitcoin.

>craig wright = Veeky Forums
>vitalik = reddit

It's an amusing parody account