Would Latin America be a better place if Iberian colonists keep their pants from unzipping?

Would Latin America be a better place if Iberian colonists keep their pants from unzipping?

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Would latam be sucessfull if iberians massacrated the natives?

If Iberians would massacrated the natives, they would be a great white superpowah country, but iberians kept natives like normal citizens under the Hispanic Crown.

Those native chicks are hot. Shit was worth it.

Literally all 100% amerindian women are ugly as fuck. The only hot ones are mixed and light skinned

>Tenochtitlan was founded on an islet in the western part of the lake in the year 1325. Around it, the Aztecs created a large artificial island using a system similar to the creation of chinampas. To overcome the problems of drinking water, the Aztecs built a system of dams to separate the salty waters of the lake from the rain water of the effluents. It also permitted them to control the level of the lake. The city also had an inner system of channels that helped to control the water.

>During Cortés' siege of Tenochtitlan in 1521, the dams were destroyed, and never rebuilt, so flooding became a big problem for the new Mexico City built over Tenochtitlan.

>Mexico City suffered from periodic floods; in 1604 the lake flooded the city, with an even more severe flood following in 1607. Under the direction of Enrico Martínez, a drain was built to control the level of the lake, but in 1629 another flood kept most of the city covered for five years.

>Eventually the lake was drained by the channels and a tunnel to the Pánuco River, but even that could not stop floods, since by then most of the city was under the water table. The flooding could not be completely controlled until 1967, with the construction of a Deep Drainage System.

>The ecological consequences of the draining were enormous. Parts of the valleys were turned semi-arid, and even today Mexico City suffers for lack of water. Due to overdrafting that is depleting the aquifer beneath the city, Mexico City is estimated to have dropped 10 meters in the last century. Furthermore, because soft lake sediments underlie most of Mexico City, the city has proven vulnerable to soil liquefaction during earthquakes, most notably in the 1985 earthquake when hundreds of buildings collapsed and thousands of lives were lost.

Conquistadoras were proven to be efficient.The crown should have sent mixed expeditions to America as the natives weren't a great rival or a major threat

You only need a handful of Conquistadors to control latin america.

t. never seen an indian woman

I'll take them over a white girl any day.

sucessfull as portugal or spain nowadays?

Still wouldn't do anything and it would be a waste of resources to carry out such a thing. Spaniards were probably the only colonial power which actually questioned the morality of the conquests in america back in their home country.

what is this image for ants.

>Not trying to crash the retarded EU system with debt

Spanish women were better warriors than native men

The Spaniards integrated the natives into their socities.Just like the Romans did.That is why most natives fought for Spain during the independence wars

> most natives fought for Spain during the independence wars

Stop forcing this lie.

It was split up, I wouldn't say it was a majority.

>The Spaniards integrated the natives into their socities. That is why most natives fought for Spain during the independence wars
1. Not everyone did
2. The Indians didn't fight with them for that reason, but because the independists wanted to reform the owndership of the land giving no special rights to anyone, oncluding the church (who owned 70% of the country's territories) and the indians.
It wasn't because they liked the Spanish, but because the independists would take from them what little they still had.

>Stop forcing this lie.
>The royalist units created in America were formed by American troops, and their social and ethnic component was the reflection of their local population. For example, in the Viceroyalty of Peru, the officers and sub-officers of the Royal Army of Peru spoke in the Quechua or Aymara language to direct the Amerindian troops, since "the vast majority spoke only their native language, so the officers should know it To be able to lead them. " These" country "troops mobilized for their respective local war theaters, and with rare exceptions set out outside their places of origin. In this way, and also for the independentistas, the people identified with the multiple caste of mestizo Amerindians (cholos), or mestizo blacks (mulattos or mulattos), along with liberated black slaves were the bulk of the royalist troops depending on the ethnic predominance In the population. On the other hand, by its geographical mobility and its instruction, the American troops could be divided into units of militias and veteran units. The battalions of militias that for their improvement received a nucleus of veteran instructors, sometimes European, happened to denominate disciplined militias.

Natives don't think they just follow who has the most money/influence.

>It was split up
Maybe in Mexico.Not so much in Peru and Bolivia which are the countries that had the biggest native population

peru you said?

This happened before the wars of independence and even then he was defeated by other natives

So basically a typical person.

They were looking out for their own interests, see

>They were looking out for their own interests
Like most people? The Spaniards allowed the natives to get education,to join universities,to keep their nobility and too keep their languages amongst other things.They were pretty nice compared to the Brittish or the Portugues

And he was an inspiration for independence. Like this guy:

And as malcom x says there are house negroes and field negroes.
Some indians beared the spaniards, other picked death over servitude.


>“Mexico is a country of inequality. Nowhere perhaps exist a more frightful inequality in the distribution of wealth, of civilization, of cultivation of the soil, and of the population. The Mexican Indians, seen in the mass, present a picture of profound misery. Relegated to the less fertile districts, indolent by nature and even more so by their political situation, they live only for the day. It is almost impossible to find among them men who enjoy a moderate fortune.” (...) "Some of these landowners earn more than our German princes."
- Alexander von Humboldt, Political Essay, 1811

>The Indian farmer is poor but free. Their situation is much better than the peasants in northern Europe, especially Russians and Germans. The number of slaves is practically nil. "
>This must be known in Europe! The Mexican miners are the best paid in the world, they receive six to seven times more salary for their work, than a German miner. "
>New Spain has a notable advantage over the United States, and is that the number of slaves, both African and mixed race, is almost nil. The number of African slaves in the United States goes from one million, which is the sixth part of their population
- Alexander von Humboldt, Political Essay, 1811

It would have been better if iberian hidalguism have not rooted into latin american patricians and plebs minds

>Anything wrong

>Their situation is much better than the peasants in northern Europe
I don't know who you are rephrasing but you are clearly not citing Humboldt.
"Nowhere perhaps exist a more frightful inequality in the distribution of wealth, of civilization, of cultivation of the soil, and of the population. The Mexican Indians, seen in the mass, present a picture of profound misery. (..) they live only for the day"

The spanish expeditionary army who arrived to the viceroyalty of New Granada (what's now Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador) had more natives within its ranks than white americans

It is Humblot though.You just haven't read him and just pull your wkipedia pastas

>Implying Spain would've been able to colonise all that land with only native spaniards

>It is Humblot though.You just haven't read him and just pull your wkipedia pastas
>citing your source is a wikipedia pasta

Fuck all these /pol-ish responses in this thread. It would be better if American influence/industry/agriculture as well as the fucking CIA got the fuck out. Straight up

Europeons doing hard work, what a fantastic premise

I cited my source though just like you.It is obvious that you just searched for the quote that supported your narrative, while I showed you other quotes from the same book that said the opposite.Humblot had a very positive opinion about Mexico

Lol please do.

Spain is to this day, the least populated of the big European countries
There's no way they would've have been able to colonise half of the Americas while waging wars in Europe with the French and the Protestants

>I cited my source
>while I showed you other quotes
sure you did

By fucking indian women they increased their culture in america a lot.They just multiplied their cultural sphere of influence creating mestizos.It was all part of Isabel's master plan

It is from the same book pal.You can see it in my post.If you don't believe me you can do 1 things.Read the fucking book

That's why they recruited whites, mestizos and even mulattos from Latin America for the wars against Napoleon


Do you always post the same shit in every thread that mentions latin america?

Yes. He has 10 pastas and then when you show him other quotes from the sources that he mentions he just says that they can't be from the same source. As he hasn't read the

Should have genocide Native americans and colonised land with Spanish seed like British did.
Could have been an improvement.

No, because development comes from having healthy annd fair institutions, not race

>because development comes from having healthy annd fair institutions, not race
You can't have healthy institutions with niggers and natives without a colonial system

I actually liked this pasta but you're forcing it. Calm the fuck down, José

>You can't have healthy institutions with niggers and natives without a colonial system
Colonial institutions are not healthy or fair to begin with

Cause whites are lazy and don't like sharing.

Didn't the Portuguese did that but then brought Blacks to being slaved.?

To answer your question I don't really think so the Spaniards wanted to profit out, out of natives they were there for the gold not for making colonies

You really think America is an improvement?

No, Latin American's problem is very much a south-european trait. Everyone thinks they know better than everyone else, and it's very hard for us to have consistent goverments.

That and only a few decades after most of us gained independence the ebin communists started screeching everywhere and we were retarded enough to listen.

Mexicans need to fuck off, you embarrass us all

Too bad they weren't as good at understanding inflation huh.

>ABC nations formed in 1914
>CIA formed in 1947

>Colonial institutions are not healthy or fair to begin with
They are. They worked better than the masonic liberal republics that replaced them
>they were there for the gold not for making colonies
Yeah that is why they called their colonies like their land and like 99% of the population there has Spanish ancestry. They just didn't settle but magically made a genetic impact in the region,founded 26 universities or founded the most cities in history for an empire surpassing Rome. Because they didn't want to settle

Read the open vains of Latin America.

Most people wanted to go back to Spain at least most castizos they had slaves as well read mexico Barbaro.

Go fuck yourself as well fag

>They worked better than the masonic liberal republics that replaced them
You can't actually believe this

>Most people wanted to go back to Spain
Then why did people settled in Argentina? They only had cows at the time
> at least most castizos they had slaves as well read mexico Barbaro.
Most slaves lived in plantions (Cuba,D.Republic,Colombia)
>Go fuck yourself as well fag
Why are you so mad?

>You can't actually believe this
Even Bolivar admitted it

What order of the masons do you belong to?

The writter of that book has since then said he regrets it, and admitted that a lot of his information was biased and inaccurate. As it was written when he was young and influenced by the revolutionary socialist movements of the mid 20th century.

>but iberians kept natives like normal citizens under the Hispanic Crown.
[Citation needed]

This thread seems to be filled with amerifats that know shit about Latin America

t. Britcuck

You mean this entire fucking board.

I am not a rat. Therefor I am not a mason

Theres also a fair amount of colonial apologists and derechairos from Hispachan.

The you know nothing about our order or the things we do. I encourage you, go to a local lodge, ask about information, or wait outside after a meeting and carefully ask about them to join them in their next session. You'll find there's more than meets the eye, my friend.

Modern masons are just LARPERS.XIX masons did have power and were human garbage that worked for the Brittish crown

I am South American, you tard.

Then you are probably chilean, it's pretty much the same.

no .
Galeano just said he dislikes the style, and the tone, not that it was biased and inaccurate.

He regrets writing it. He's not a dumb child anymore, which is good.

he didnt regret writing it.

Actually you are right, he didn't regret it, I just remembered the quote wrongly.

I was right about him saying that his information wasn't good, tho.


Did you died?

Tezcatlipoca must have spooked him.

our lord tezcatlipoca

Well all the countries are ruled by white elite, and only indigenous ruler is from Bolivia. So the corruption comes from the white hispaniards portuguese families not the indigenous they rule over. So it would be pretty much the same as Spain who is suported by the rest of EU

Maduro is definitely at least Mestizo, Chavez even more so.

And Bolivia is just as corrupted as everyone else, it's just that even this corrupted president is better than all the other corrupted presidents that country has had.

Chavez was not a mestizo, he was a Sambo, african, european and amerindian.

And he got the worst of each of'em.

Correa is also Amerindian and Colombian presidents look mestizo as fuck.The only countries that have always been ruled by whites are Chile,Argentina and Uruguay

And Suriname.

I don't even want to imagine what the presidents of those chimps up in central america look like.

Mestizos mostly sadly, wish we had more indian leaders.

Fucking latinos

Funny that the same people who talk about rhodesia and south africa being runned by whites and being better ignore that South America has been by whites since forever. Look at a list of presidents from even ac ountry like venezuela
Bunch of dishonest fucks

Anglos and Anglo descendentes should be gassed along the negros.

Let the romans and chinese run the world as we are obviously the only people capable of doing so.


replacing foreign gene pools with your own => success

this whole thread is pointless


>b-b-but the Spaniards fucked le natives and thats why there are shitskins in LA
>what do you mean interracial marriages between men and women from the three different groups were the norm?
>n-n-no only Spanish men married Indian women because le white pussy was rare
>what do you mean Spanish women also married Black or Indian men?

Its incredible how meme tier this board is. Btw, the only modern countries of LA and then territories of Spain where the "Casta system" was strongly enforced was in México, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Dominican Republic. Also, the modern "racism" in Latin America began at the end of the 19th, its actually kind of interesting how in some countries people went from talking about a Hispanic/Mestizo race, using Native symbols as resistance and localists symbols, etc, to hate Natives as LARPing as Italians, Brits, Germans and so on. Notice how I didn't mention Spain, in most of Latin America Spain is not held in a high regard (perhaps only on those 6 countries I mentioned before they are), I believe because of the familiarity of the problems and common tongue. In my country back then they basically idolized Britain and France.

>Spanish women also married Black or Indian men
This was very rare and mostly with noble indians.All the mixing was done by Spanish men