Oh look another ICO out of JEWSRAEL that lost people's ethers

Oh look another ICO out of JEWSRAEL that lost people's ethers.

How is anyone stupid enough to support Ethereum?

Vitalik needs to get adolf'ed.

blame the jews, not Vitalik.

With Jews you lose

Can someone please tell the Rockefellers to put there money back in crypto please

Vitalik is at fault by default for allowing all the shitty scammy ICO's to be sold to the masses without any regulations in place to prevent abuse and hacks on a large scale.

Vitalik is easy capable of creating an ICO system that all ICO's must use that can regulated and controlled.

all ICO's that are scams are get hacked only look poorly on Ethereum as a whole.. because by proxy they're connected


If we don't fix the amount of shit coins hitting the market it will be a fucking shit show . I will deal with it for another 6 months then I will put my foot down and jerk off into everybody's face that thinks they have good fucking idea for a new shitty coin

forgive all my typos

i'm not talking about centralization but yes crypto needs to have regulations in place for it to grow and be adopted by the masses
these regulations should be based on security and preventing hackers/thieves from being able to steal coins
also a few regulations to prevent land whales from hoarding might be a good idea too to create a better flow system for money to channel in & out without huge sell walls

i agree

look at shills with their bitcointalk picture set at "coindash" lmao

Satoshi is responsible for all the thousands of scam coins created in 2013-2014 too.

Nope, since those scams were all forks of Litecoin's scrypt. And Charlie Lee never supported the scams.

While scammer Vitalik who ran a quantum computing SCAM before creating his shit scamcoin encourages these ICO Ponzis and lends his name to give them credence

no, not really

as bitcoin has never promoted ICO's or any other coin besides their own
they never were built on hype

ethereum became popular largely due to it's ethereum token hype which allows scammers & corrupt people to easily create an ico and smart contracts to fuck people over without any regulations in place to make sure they're legit, it's a horrible idea because there are no regulations vitalik has put in place to prevent abuse

so every time an ico scams someones it only looks bad on ethereum as a whole

I'll just leave this here.

>chink scam
How is it any better than kike scam?

>let's make a Chinese version of a shit scamcoin idea
>because if you add "chink" to a retarded scam idea, it will magically become a good idea

Ans is not a shitcoin this was devolped to work on other platforms . When these for for 100 each you will cry like a baby back bitch

Charlie Lee forked Tenebrix to create Litecoin, LTC is a scamcoin too by all definition.

>ancap genius satoshi nakamoto gives goyim the divine gift of bitcoin
>decentralized currency to break free from jewish debt slavery
>hundreds of shitcoins pop up using the same tech
>retarded goyim throw their money at obvious jew scams (bancor, coindash)
>other goyim try to warn, autistic screeching ensues (muh racism, go back to pol)
>retards lose all their shekels
>goyim go full retard, demand more centralization and to go back to jewish debt slavery

I swear to god you faggots are so goddamn stupid
I cant even blame these jews for thinking we are dumb, mindless cattle
because lets face it, most of you really are

If it's not a shitcoin then I guess they're just shit at choosing major strategic partners. Coindash and Bancor are two of the three outside of China.

It's a shit chink coin stop pumping your bag
you made a stupid investment decision
wise up, sell your shitcoins and buy real crypto
monero, litecoin or decred

>im not talking about centralization... but someone really needs to protect us from our own terrible decision making

its like a bunch of fucking children fucking it up for everyone else

>""""""""""""""""""""""real""""""""""""""""""""""" crypto

wew thanks for the keks


Whats wrong with Decred?

Fuck off with your regulations, noy our fault if retards can't stop to fall for jewish tricks.

>wuz haxors :^)

Hey rabbai watcha doing?

Where were you when Veeky Forums got woke on the Jewish Question?

Veeky Forums have been /pol/ 2.0 for half a year

The funny thing is I was looking at investing in this ICO,

then I saw "Israel" and went NOPEEEEE

>not a shitcoin

"""""Community contributors"""""
cloned chinks


"website has been hacked"

who the fuck just says it like that?
Fucking jews

>gotta spread that made up FUD so ANS doesn't moon and I wanna kms for missing out

I was thinking the same thing: the juice would be stupid NOT to take money from these retards.

gotta confuse the goyim, right babe?


Completely stopped visiting pol. I can get most of my news from here anyways

Question is would Ethereum Hardfork because of this

it'll likely softspoon

LMAO. this.

Only if sir vitalik and his bros lost money, otherwise no

you maximalists are going to have to try harder than this, this is shit tier fud at best.

bitcointalk is sleazy imo. Its alot of oldschoolers who used btc for drugs n stealing they dont want clean hands taking over