Greatest orator of all time

>greatest orator of all time
>wrote a classic novel
>decent artist
>great politician
>loved his homeland
>something that may or may not have happened and if it did happen happened without his knowledge or consent tarnished his legacy

I feel for the guy.

The guy was a loser. He lost. He looks like an autistic faggot. Look at his fucking mustache.
He got beat by the "jewish bolsheviks" you faggots
accept this faggot you worship a faggot loser

>Decent artist
His artwork was beyond autistic the man couldn't get basic perspective right.

Loser couldn't even face it had to blow his brain out because he realized how much of a faggot germanic barbarian loser he was.

>Look at his fucking mustache.
Famous Hollywood movie stars that pounded mad snatch also had this mustache. Invalid argument, child fucker

His book has incredibly shitty prose, and his economy was going to collapse in 1940 without a war.

>"loved his homeland"
>enlisted to fight for Germany
>his homeland was his first victim

He was a shitty artist with no clue on what perspective is, and Mussolini's speeches are better.

>greatest orator of all time


>Greatest Orator

Who are Lenin, Jesus, Cicero or Caesar

>greatest orator of all time
one of the greatest, sure
>wrote a classic novel
huh? you mean My Struggle? it's not that good.
>decent artist
mediocre artist
>great politician
great at getting into power, incompetent at using it
>loved his homeland
got his homeland destroyed
>something that may or may not have happened and if it did happen happened without his knowledge or consent tarnished his legacy
even if we pretend that the Holocaust never happened, there are still plenty of terrible things that happened with his approval to condemn him as evil

>greatest orator of all time
>wrote a classic novel
Mein Kampf? It's delusional, populist drivel
>great politician
Nope. Just a megalomaniacal ideologue who selfishly manipulated the nation he destroyed in a 5 year span and killed himself
>loved his homeland
Maybe, to an extent.
>something that may or may not have happened and if it did happen happened without his knowledge or consent tarnished his legacy
If that's the holocaust, he advocated for anti-semitism and jewish displacement since he wrote that classic novel in prison. The final solution was also thought up under his party's ideological canon and was in line with his beliefs.
>I feel for the guy.
I don't. He was a delusional, political fuckup.

The only things you got right were good orator and loved his homeland.

Even worse was it was the exact opposite of the give your life and fight to the last ideology he espoused.

>loved his homeland.

didnt even do this considering what a spitful cunt he was at the end when he realized he lost, but made his military fight on to "punish" them for failing to make his unrealistic dreams a reality and also ordered Berlin to be burned to the ground. He has no sense of responsibility towards his people and saw them simply as tools to be used and then discarded once they stopped being useful

Sounds like revisionist history to me.

>oy vey pay debts germany you owe us!
>oy vey germany we're going to make this a Jewish country!

Reminder that only the winners story is told.

Reminder that winners are all that matters and losers are losers.

Fair enough.

no, youre just a stromfag shill. now fuck off faggot

I heard things about him pooping himself. Is there any validity to this?

>shilling Veeky Forums

I couldn't think of a bigger waste of time.

he had acid reflux idk if that effect anything

Sounds like circlejerk, cherrypicked and assuming conspiracy to me.

I think the bigger circlejerk/conspiracy would be that Hitler woke up one day and decided to gas jews.

no, your stormfag revisionism is the cherry picked conspiracy

He hasn't read mein kampf.

Yeah Hitler was a 1 testicle, druggie, that pissed and shit himself every day, while taking on 3 world powers.


strawmanning when he you called out on your bullshit doesnt change the fact that you got called out

>implying calling everything a conspiracy is calling me out

I can't think of anything more absurd than a conspiracy in favor of Hitler.

>I want to believe