Did Regan really help defeat communism?

Did Regan really help defeat communism?
or was it already on its way out by that time?

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>fighting against abstract concepts
He did, right after the US defeated drugs but before they won the war on terrorism.


>defeat communism
were coming bucko

soviets killed themselves

meanwhile, in "muh Jewish relijun land" american evangelicals and islamic jihadists think they were single handedly responsible for the USSR's collapse

Military spending and a lack of economic reform in Brezhnev's era were far more important than whatever Reagan did

But the only reaason the Soviets fucked their own economy was to prepare for a war with Reagan. Checkmate, commies.

Wrong. They fucked their own economy because they had to compete on the oil market thanks to Carter deregulating US oil, causing their economy to tank and unable to sustain the military budget.

At the end of the day, it was the peanut man.

Too stupid to be on this board.

Russia tried and failed to put a man on the moon. We put many men on the moon, and brought them back alive.

When Reagan told the Soviets we were developing a missile defense system that would shoot their ICBM's down before they could reach us, they had no reason to doubt we could do so.

SDI killed the USSR. SDI and Ronald Wilson Reagan.

>le alzheimer's face

his Star Wars surely fucked with he russians mind
it was all a bluff kek

He saw they were failing as it was and put himself in a fighting posture.
Punch an old man having a heart attack and claim victory, I mean you got the last punch.

That is how America is. I hate the fact that we can't admit it.

The Soviets slaughtered us in the space race, we just kept moving the finish line until we beat them at something finally.

All hail the gentle peanut man.

Carter: 1976-1980
Reagan: 1980-1988
Collapse of USSR: 1989

Yeah, it was Carter.

You're literally the shill saying Hillary won the popular vote on /pol/, aren't you.

It was mostly the oil prices that killed the USSR. Or should I say, it was unreasonably high oil priced that allowed it to live for 20 years longer than it should have. The USSR was doomed when they failed to reform the economy in the 60s, something the Chinese managed to do later.
Anyone who hails Raegan for destroying the USSR is as short-sighted as the ones who blame Gorbachev for it.

Thank you, Could you imagine if the popular consensus was that a senile b-movie actor ended the cold war? Preposterous.

>SDI killed the USSR.

There is very little evidence of this. All it really did was get the Soviets to insist on a ban of space-based weapons before they would discuss any further reductions in nuclear weapons. On this front, the Reagan administration was completely unable to get them to budge.


>Policies and global trends take effect instantly

You're a fucking idiot.

>The Soviets slaughtered us in the space race

Nigga that's not a Russian flag.

Either knows more than you do.


Bush 1989 -1993
we got a winner

>Winning the space race
>Not relevant

But hey at least you sent a dog to space. Oh wait you didn't even do that because the dog died before leaving earth's atmosphere.

LOL "Communism" was the "Weapons of Mass Destruction" of the 80s. Basically the default excuse to go invade countries with plentiful & exploitable natural resources.

>w-well we had the first man AND woman in space! Haha B-BTFO!!!
>you landed a man on an extraterrestrial body? IRRELEVANT!

The entire justification for the 600-ship navy was that if the Soviets were to invade Europe, the US would respond by counter-invading the Soviet Union along the east coast of the USSR. Preparing for this plan was outrageously expansive, and the very idea of invading Russia from the east and then fighting all the way to Moscow from there sounds fucking retarded.

and to arm literal islamists in afghanistan

it's called the space race, not the moon race

>The moon isn't in space

The moon wasn't the goal of the race you dipshit, but americans like to pretend that it was because it's the only part of the space race they can claim to have won

H-Dubya is underrated tbqh

For the US, it literally was the goal of the space to put a man on the moon before the USSR.

>recovering after Deng's betrayal of the revolution
You might as well be living under the KMT at this point

Literally a Republican meme lmao, like the meme that he saved gun rights.

He basically did, simply by putting Republican judges on the SCOTUS. Everybody ignores the SCOTUS, but it is the arguably the most lasting power of any president. Anything else a president does can be undone by the next president. But once somebody is on the Supreme Court, they're are there for a long time and nothing can remove them except death or retirement.

>Send a man to the moon in space
>doesn't count
>wasn't the attended goal
>but it was to see who was better at reaching further into space with superior technology
>shut the fuck up


>space race
>race to get to space
>USSR wins at every stage then stops trying as hard once they finally send men into space
>US lands on moon
>act like they won the space race
God i fucking hate america

huh it's almost like in a race the person who reaches the finish line first wins the race

who'd'have thunk

The finish line was sending a man into space
Hence why it was called 'space race'
I guess 100m dashes aren't over until the 110m hurdles, huh

Afghanistan was a big nail it's coffin but their failures in southern Africa were the killing blow.

They backed ZANU/ZANLA under Ndabaningi Sitole in Rhodesia from Zambia. The result? ZAPU/ZIPRA under Robert Mugabe was backed by China and ended up in power.

More telling was Angola. Castro forced their hand and they spent somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion USD supporting Cuba there against Unita, FNLA, and the South Africans. A humiliating defeat at Cuito Cunavale and the resulting New York Accords sealed their fate. The emperor had no clothes.

If Cuba had been able to take the day at Cuito Cunavale, who knows what would have happened? Most likely, both the US and the USSR would have been drawn into a shooting war.

We'll never know. Personally, I think it would have been better that way for the US, for the USSR, and for southern Africa. Instead we got garbage dancing under the flag of the "Rainbow Nation" and ten more years of Angolan civil war.

>>no 55 sadly



Your punctuation is as good as your chances.

Of course it was.

We made them spend themselves into failure.

If you knew anything about Veeky Forums and /bis/. Then you would know it was these two fine men that defeated the Soviets.

Reagan was just there to witness. While doing his own damnedest to collapse the USA with runaway deficit spending, treason, and regime change.

>mfw there are unironic commies on Veeky Forums STILL trying