Fuck this shit. How do you know when to buy?

Fuck this shit. How do you know when to buy?

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when it dips

You're watching the wrong exchange user


Buy high, sell low. Are you new?

We either experienced a dead cat bounce yesterday/today or we got a double bottom and will steadily move up from here.

ETH will be below 150 before the weekend cap dis i have personally shorted it with 10 tendies as brokerage collateral

Thanks. That looks great.

So we might go up, or down. Nice, just bought and shorted 100k at the same time.

It's never a goood time to buy eth if I was u I would buy etc

Just flip a coin!
Heads = Buy
Tails = Sell

Now will be a good time to buy

You don't. Those who dare win.

i wish i had put 5k down at 130

buy high
sell low
>he sees ETH rise 30% and then buys

Don't buy a coin that has just hit the exchange.
Don't buy after the first moon.
Don't buy during horizontal movements.
Don't buy when you see a big buy/sell wall.

Veeky Forums keeps saying buy/sell walls are all fake anyway


what is time diversification?
doesnt matter when as long as you buy regularly

TA at it's finest

Kike fucking voodoo.

They are.
They're the way big cats fuck with little guys. They put 100btc into buying Ethereum near the current price, noobies think "oh shit whales are pushing it up, let me buy for .000001btc more than them and catch the wave(!) only for that support to be withdrawn once they push the price up a bit and a huuuuge short come out by that same player.

Usually as someone with 150btc~ worth in my margin, I play both sides at once.
You can always withdraw one position after consolidating everybody and then pump it a little, and idiots flock.
That's what I did earlier with Ethereum, and from what it looked like a few others did with me.