How does one man BTFO the entire german race?

How does one man BTFO the entire german race?

>german race
There are only five races.

Voltaire was born before the age of nationalism
He cared about enlightenmend and fighting religious authorities, not BTFO Germans.
If anything, he was a pan-European, and the protagonist of his most famous book was a German

Truly a man ahead of his time.

>the protagonist of his most famous book was a German
You mean the retard Candide created primarily to mock Leibniz?

Yes, but Candide was a positive figure, so was Cunégonde.
He mocked Leibniz with the character of Pangloss

You mean one.

A lot of germans lived outside of the

Reich doesnt mean the same as "empire/l'empire" in english or french

The last
didnt work in german.

>its a German hating Jew using Voltaire to mock the HRE learns about his anti-Jewish knowledge episode

Do Jews genuinly hate Germans?

Oh yeah. I knew one from work who was unabashed in her hate, she thought I was sympathetic. Of course they won't openly state it.

wow thats a bummer.
I thought that our image would have improved in the last 70 years

Jews are pretty big never 4get types of people.
Keep an eye put for anyone who gloats over the end of the Romans, Germans, Persians, and Turks in the same post.

thats sounds to me like a gross generalisation

Not really. Look up how many holocaust movies exist.

I dont think this is a proof that Jews hate Germans.
The protagonist of the most famous Holocaust Movie is a German, by the way

What better way to spit in your enemy's eye than exult one of their own acquiescing to your kind?

to dehumanise them, like nazis did with jews?

Do you consider snowniggers honorary black?

Schindler is a vector for guilt, you can only beat your audience over the head a few hundred times before they begin to resent it- so you introduce a character who encompasses the feelings of guilt and, since he is a gentile and thus the audience target is relatable to, introduces it into the audience member. The movie was garbage, using M Night tier color to invoke "depth" and like all holocaust movies shock imagery.
You can't dehumanize the inhuman, and you shouldn't humanize the parasitical.

So they aren't allowed to make movies about the struggles they have been through?

But don't you think that the character of Schindler could lead to many Jews sympathizing with him, and thus sympathizing with Germans?

The Jews weren't the intended audience.

It's sad because they hate swedes too swedes are probably the nicest people on earth and they want them dead like 95% of swedes hated hitler and gave steel to the Americans

I'm sorry user, I was larping as Voltaire. Or was it Martin Luther? Or maybe Henry Ford? I think it was HL Mencken, doesn't matter since they all shared the same views regarding the Jews.
Honestly the movie is very innacurate, Schindler was an opportunist who kept his Jews under his control for massive profit, towards the end of the movie he is seen pleading whether he should have saved abother Jew by selling his ring, when in truth he lined his car with diamonds and fled before the Soviets arrived. Just read Schindler's Ark, I would lend you my copy if possible. But regarding the Jews, either they're the most hypocritical people alive or their holocaust is a shame- not one generation later they're genociding a minority, after being lebensraumed they themselves force another people out. They have their spoils, they don't deserve my pity.

then how comes this movie was succesful in Israel?

That doesn't mean it was the intended audience.

I think they see in the Swedes the ability to become what the Germans were- nationalist blue eyed, blond haired xenophobes.

I am just saying, portraying your enemy in a positive light can backfire, because your own people might symphatize with him

I can't figure how anyone would sympathize with Schindler.

Swedes have been at war with themselves more then anything it's kinda sad seeing a nice race of people getting so cucked to a flaming passion of hatred


Races are for politically baiting simpletons.
Phenotypical strains are for people interested in late-age human development.

Arguing semantics is for simpletons.

Race mean lineage

A race is a uninterompted chain of descent, Germanic are indeed a Race, they're the race of Manus the progenitor of all Germans.

>"How does one man BTFO the entire german race?"

I don't know. Ask him.

The only thing he BTFO'd was post-1648 HRE

>a Frenchmen hating on Germans
No shit Shilohk

>18 years later
>country starts revolution
>brings death and misery about itself
>makes the rest of Europe declare war upon them
>elects Dictator
>plunges the world into misery


Only thing Voltaire hated was backwards religious institutions
And Rousseau