I just can't take the We Wuz anymore

is there a reason why black people do this shit


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It's a combination of literal mental retardation (average IQ of 85) combined with their overall hateful nature towards nonblacks.

When you are part of a group of people that has literally accomplished nothing in the entire span of human civilization

things like this happens

If you were nearly retarded, surrounded by other neartards and hailed from a fragmented, constantly self destructive culture with no significant history outside being slaves for the last few thousand years, you'd make shit up too.

Just leave the poor stupid fucks alone. So long as you don't live in or near their containment zones, nigs aren't a threat.

Koreans do it too:




The problem is two fold in the US I believe because people are cut from their heritage after generations and feel a void to fulfill that. And it's not unique to blacks in the US. Whites and latinos do it all the time too. You see it less among whites but the american whites have a tendency to group all of europe as one and claim a descendency of evrything from vikings, british empire, roman empire and classical greece as one big heritage they inherited.

Holy shit, are you racist or something
Get back to /pol/ fuckface

Most white Americans are very mixed, though. I'm guessing the same is true in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand as well.

For example, I have English, Norwegian, and German ancestors.

This tweet has 20,000 retweets unironically

Go back to tumblr you fucking autist.

But they still steal your phone

>Most white Americans are very mixed, though. I'm guessing the same is true in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand as well.
>For example, I have English, Norwegian, and German ancestors.
Why can't mixed blacks and whites identify with both their ancestors like white Americans can?

Like 99% of Koreans don't believe this at all. What I have seen and heard however, is them LARPing as Mongols, Manchus, and other North Asian barbarians whenever they BTFO China. At best, they were distantly related, descending from Siberian nomads so long ago that the link is insignificant.

>be black
>have literally nothing to do with africa nor any connection to any specific tribe
>no history other than slavery
>make shit up

we wuz

Paraphrasing from Churchill here, but:

>a fanatic is one who won't change their mind and won't shut up about it.

Perfectly explains negros that believe in the"WE WUZ" bullshit.

Why the fuck are you so obsessed with black people if you regard them as inferior?

because their large penises and the fact that I'm an unlovable kissless virgin makes me an insecure internet troll

>Stupid people do stupid shit
More news at 11

However don't try to imply there aren't equally as stupid white, brown and Asian wewuzers

Because their constant insistence that they're anything but inferior has held back societal progress :^)

>Simpletons don't comprehend high-brow Afro-satire

I wonder how seriously black people take this.
But I guess I don't know because I don't really know any black people

Now I'm not saying your wrong or anything, but by this logic mexicans and chicanos should also be able to claim their precolumbian heritage and spanish one at the same time. Or identify with one or the other should they please.

I'm European black and I'm 99% sure this is exclusively an American thing. Every black guy I've known is either well aware of their actual heritage or simply don't care. I've never experienced we wuzzing in person.

I wouldn't care about shit like this if they didn't parade their fucking retardation in the public square smart guy

at least in my experience most don't give a shit and those who spout this kind of thing are often viewed as weird.


>Out-of-place artifact expert Daniel Munoz reportedly confirmed that the strange object dates back to the 13th century, 800 years ago. Although Munoz admitted that the object bears a remarkable similarity to a modern-day mobile phone, he refused to admit that it was actually a cell phone.

This is actually 100% true.

Beg your pardon?
pick one

he's meaning a european national of African lineage clearly

Europe is the continent. There is no magic binding some kind of race to the continent. If you are born in Europe people that means that you're European(as in born in Europe).

Atleast it's better than the African-Americans who think the Transatlantic slave trade is a white supremacist myth to hide the fact that they are indigenous to America

I would disagree here in that there are peoples that are European peoples, and then there are people that fit what you describe who are not of those peoples

what a hilarious idea

I'm English, my parents are English and there parents to. But if I was born in Gambia would that make me African?

Half European
Half African

Yes, you would be African but not black. You'd be a white African. Just like the South Africans who are white.

Which culture would you say influenced you the most? Gambian or English culture.

I'm afraid to say you aren't European then you're some mongrel hybrid, i'm sure you're a good lad but don't try and claim you're a European

don't you believe it would that in which he speaks, schools, and engages with?

I can't see why you even have to ask this question

How long down the line do your descendants stop being English? Let's say 100 generations and you keep it pure just with white people from Africa but these people never went to England. Would they still be English?

Why is his European heritage ignored by people like you? Some percentage of him is objectively European so why is it invalid?

Because it creates people who are in some sort of limbo not quite black not quite white, I cant speak for him but they always end up picking the black non European side and that dilutes the culture even more

They have no ethnic identity since they're descendants of slaves. It's like if a Filipino guy had no idea he was Filipino and starting LARPing as a Chinaman like "WE INVENTED GUNPOWDER N SHIET NIGGA"

I was born in Europe
I was always closer to the European side of my family
My dad left Africa exactly because he hated the place
I've been in Africa exactly once in my life. I fucking hated it.

I promise you, if it wasn't for my skin it'd be literally impossible to tell apart from any other European.

Well no but if were doing that why not just throw all cultural adaption out the window and go with the 'were all human' meme

May I ask you what do you think of Le Pen and Nigel Farage?

Well my nigger i'm glad you have some respect and chose the European side I've always been alright with people like you, however I do think we should implement legislation to keep Europe at least 95% native

How is that relevant to my cultural heritage?

there isn't a side to choose, it is a matter of his birth, is there for you likewise a side?

He said himself he was closer to the European side of his family you massive mong

Sometimes they're just false flag images made for shits and giggles and you're retarded enough to take them seriously.

Because they slaughter us and breed like rats and all our governments will do about it is let them immigrate and have affirmative action.

I'm fucking sick of them and their bullshit.

Even the left knows their inferior (hence affirmative action, welfare, etc.) but they won't do anything to stop them.

That had more to do with the fact my dad was kinda deadbeat and that he himself didn't want to live down their.

He's most definitely culturally African but I never got the impression he wanted me to be that.

I think affirmative action and welfare is about repairing the damages done due to slavery and not what you said.
Isn't the growth also related to some development they are going through?

>Nigeria is a middle-income, mixed economy and emerging market, with expanding manufacturing, financial, service, communications, technology and entertainment sectors. It is ranked as the 21st-largest economy in the world in terms of nominal GDP, and the 20th-largest in terms of purchasing power parity. It is the largest economy in Africa; its re-emergent manufacturing sector became the largest on the continent in 2013, and it produces a large proportion of goods and services for the West African subcontinent.
>According to a Citigroup report published in February 2011, Nigeria will get the highest average GDP growth in the world between 2010 and 2050. Nigeria is one of two countries from Africa among 11 Global Growth Generators countries.[20]

I also read that Rwanda is predicted to grow 6.2% in this year

How do you feel that one day you'll walk around and you'll be the majority in Europe?

I wont. The people who try to enter Europe are Muslims, north African and middle eastern. My African lineage is west African and consisted mostly of christians and local religions.

I gather that but racially not culturally also all blacks are the same to me I really don't discriminate

Because this shit cracks me up. Only reason I'm here.

But they do discriminate. My lineage is as foreign to them as any white people.

If muslims somehow usurped Europe, anyone in my family would be first on the chopping block.

Stop whining and worry about your own life, jesus christ.

Well what county are you in we can fight side by side in upcoming race war against the Muslims

>This meme

High birth rates in developing countries stem from:
>Higher infant mortality rate
>Less urbanised (rural families need more kids for work)
>Lower cost of living, so can afford to have more children
>Less access to contraception

None of these aspects of life is prevalent in the first world. If you actually look it up, the 2nd generation of immigrants does not have nearly as many children as their parents for the most part.

There is no reason for them to, and even if there was they couldn't afford to.

Its the black equivalent to 9/11 truthers, or Chen trail believers. Other Blacks just treat them like nutcase conspiracy theorists.

i'm from the UK so i'm not sure how it if for you From 1960-2014 the birth-rates of native Europeans has dropped significantly from around 2.7 children per women to 1.4 which puts native Europeans below the replacement levels which means that more people are dying than being born. In England the White British population is at 79.8% this is slowly falling

In Britain the number of ethnic minority citizens has risen from a few tens of thousands in the 1950s, to more than 3 million - or around 6 per cent of the total population. While the number of whites is virtually static, higher fertility and net immigration means the number from ethnic minorities is growing by 2 to 3 per cent a year.

Veeky Forums made me hate blacks and I haven't even met or talked to a nigger before

they are really primitive and dumb, and have a crippling low self image when they realize it, so instead of accepting it, some go off the charts in denial-mode

Because they're shitting up my country

No response to these?
nice you stupid cunt

There's no need to. Look if you had sex with a Mexican man you'd understand that the problem is white's are not interested in having as many children. It's as simple as that, and that is because of the lifestyle people chose to pursue.

I've had sex with different ethnicity's kind of hard not to due to my location, but I fail to see how its my fault that I don't have 4 wives each popping out 3 children each

Problem white boy?

Its an internet post tho how is this different from shitposting, what if a white guy (or any guy really) just made that picture to get a bunch of replies its not like he linked an article written and taken seriously its just some picture you could easily make and then go "hey look at what black people believe xddd" just to bait out people into getting mad

Like i've never met a black person who did this shit to me i've never hungout with a black dude and have him explain to me his heritage

Do black americans believe they come from east Africa or they just think Africa is just one giant culture and deny the cultural difference between african ethnicities ?
It's like a finn claimed he was related to Augustus because well Augustus is european like him

I'm black and I don't we wuz. But in all seriousness, I can actually trace my lineage to the Visigoths. My family has lived in Spain since the 800s.

The latter, but blacks aren't unique in this regard. Most americans think africas one big country with spear chuckers.

Tbh I know more than one white person who encountered the Solutrean Hypothesis online and thought it was so cool that they bought into it with no regards to the actual evidence. Plus we have the beaten-to-death example of Nazi archeologists digging for proof of some glorious Aryan ancestor civilization.

Every race is full of LARPers, generally it's individuals who need to find meaning in group identity rather than personal capabilities or accomplishments.

the only time i've really seen this shit discussed is here online i've never had one of my black friends show me something and be like "hey we wuz kangs you whitebois aint so hot now"

They always joke about being slaves one of my friends got gold chains and said it was his retirement gift for being a really good slave


Well they have no cultural history or identity other than being a slave descendant, real and interesting African history is not taught, so to gain an identity, while also being quite uneducated, they just steal other peoples and say it was them.

They're not the first or last people to do it.

They claim East Africans and Black Egyptians migrated to west Africa and then got taken to America as slaves.

t. Veeky Forums poster

It is fundamentally very simple. White slave owners erased every fiber of African culture/faith from their slaves.

Now, niggers simply lack a identity.

she cant have written all of shakespears plays, because he stole them from other people :o) (no but seriously most of his plays were collaborations with other writers)

>is there a reason why black people do this shit

It's 80% white people shitposting on Veeky Forums.

The other 20% are the same kinds of uninformed retards you see in every sort of debate. Whites get the same We Wuzzers.

kill yourself

Pretty much this. It's mostly whites trolling whites, here.

Pretty much. It is also more African American thing. Blacks from Africa do have culture, identity, faith. Never saw them larping.

>Why the fuck are you so obsessed with black people if you regard them as inferior?

Someone from pol heard about Afrocentrism one time and decided to run with it.

Fuck that's so fucking funny

What is the phone in the right actually from? was this pol who made this I refuse to believe that this amount of autism and retardation can go hand in hand
