So we have had talk about an upcoming crash on August 1st, no? Now all of a sudden we ignore it because of some dank unsustainable gains. Congratulations, you all following normie trends and just got fucked by a beautiful bull tap. LMAO get ready to kys.

>mah meme graph, where i point to whatever part on it supports my argument, even if it is to the left of where I was pointing days ago

Literally the first time I, personally, have posted this "meme graph". Please tell me how this august 1st crash just ceased to exist? Dumb cunt.

What fucking august 1st crash, why that date and for what reason

none at all. people who LARP need a definitive date in time to hype and then get all pissed off at each other when fuck all happens

Joke's on you, we are actually at the "first sell off" part.

>fucking idiot unaware of bip91 lock in
stop posting and go kill yourself

jokes on all of you faggots. considering the amount of people who are aware of bitcoin in the world, we still haven't even entered mania phase.
dumbasses here tend to forget that because they never leave their mothers basement

That graph is only posted by nocoiners who are bored and want to FUD. The only reason you posted this thread was because you wanted to sound like you know what you're talking about but you actually don't.

How the fuck does that make a joke on me?

Screenshot this shit.
Crypto has literally done fuck all, It is purely hype. Even if a blockchain solution was to be adopted, it would be developed by a multi-billion dollar company (eg. IBM). Crypto is not the future, quantum computing is. Massive gains have been made in the field of quantum computing. It will allow for anonymous and secure communications and transfer of data. Give me 1 reason why the fuck blockchain needs to survive other than a bunch of retards who invested in mining rigs.


It hasn't locked in until a few hundred more blocks, faggot.

>It will allow for anonymous and secure communications and transfer of data

Crypto does this now, why does quantum need to survive

quantum computing has the ability to bust hash codes wide open like your moms hymen, you dumb, mother, fucker..

How low did you sell yesterday op?

Yet bitcoin still stands

Quantum computing is still far away. But it will kill crypto eventually

bought in around 100, sold at 340.
You retards assume that you have to lose money to "fud".
Just because you are bag holding doesnt mean you cant be redpilled.
Information is free.

Its literally on International Media,google Bloomberg

redpill then, so far you have non existent computers and obsolete dates

go read you fucking tard. Far from "non existent computer".

You're a fucking absolute spasticated cunt. What fucking annoys me is you've read a headline somewhere and now you regurgitate this shit every opportunity you get. Everyone is already well aware and the crytography to protect bitcoin already exists. It's not even an arms race. And even if it was, bitcoins job (improve cryptography) is a lot fucking easier than building a fucking quantum computer. Kys.

you show me the fucking computer that cracks bitcoin protip there isn't one aug 1st is already over KYS

We have a group of some of the worlds most intelligent people working on a technology(backed by ideas of teleportation/time travel. Currency is a drop in the ocean)
A bunch of autists who have developed a technology that hasnt really got anywhere.
Lets use our brains people.

jesus fuck, you are autistic. You just cant help some people.

OK well in what time frame do you expect these machines going to be ready to destroy crypto

5 years.
I also highly doubt we going to replace "traditional" currency within 5 years.
2+2 = dead cat.

Agree crypto needs more than 5 years, so what happens if the quantum doesn't break it?

BTC pumped way too fast from 1800 to current 2400. I agree, next bottom will be something close to 1600$

Why would there be a crash on August 1?

Slowfags still think there will be a hard fork. They dont know about the 80%.

slowfags have no money

He doesn't realize that sudden appearence of quantum computer would interfere with the whole internet, including banking system, not just crypto, leading to a global crash and disaster.

If u believe so much in quantum computers(which are already proved to be a bullshit xD) then go all-in with gold scrub and leave Veeky Forums for eternity.

>dept of global studies and geography

All I needed to see