Thread I created almost 4 hours ago.

going to give the obvious answers first
>buy between $147 - $160
>weekend we will be between $230 - $260
>by Monday we will be over $300

Other urls found in this thread:

with jews, you lose?

> made thread 4 hours ago
> says ETH will go to $150 in a few hours
> ETH currently at $197

c'mon man....

Won't go below $190

which exchange will you liquidate on?

Sage this thread guys, OP is the same LARPer who spams threads like these, he got lucky today with a vaguely correct prediction and now summerfags believe he is the hacker. lmao

why will it go to $300 less than a week after a major smash to investor confidence?


t. nocoiner

he's a hacker not a slacker

Be patient kiddo, somethings didn't go to plan and are going to need a little more time.

Wait it out, you will be rewarded, it is going go much lower.


make proof you're the hacker

don't get frustrated, you will predict the next dip hopefully.

he's a phony, I created the first thread

$200 and rising

delet this



Post a pic of anything remotely indicating you are the real hacker and I'll dump everything I own

prove it, show me your yous

which exchange are you dumping on? us yours.

Alright I'm out. Greasy haired LARPER detected

>retards were eating from larping teenager's hand instead of buying the dip


OP irreversably BTFO

What exchange do you all use for ETH?

can people stop using no name no volume exchanges? its literally at 203 right now


Too much FUD on net it MUST go down.

Going for $210 next


polo/bitfinex/gdax/gemini all have the same prices



it's up to $208, why did i finally listen to you fucks and sell Dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Which exchange you dumping on lad

you piece of fucking shit OP fucking dead wrong


going to tell you, what I said in the other thread

Don't panic, I know what it looks like, you newbies and summerfags are going to get sucked in, it peeked its head back again over 200 but it is going down.

Don't be a pussy, wait.


you suck 8 million dicks $1 a pop you'll be back to even in no time cheer up lad

hate impatient dumb fags like you, I posted this thread 4 hours ago when the price was 230.

Reminder to buy after green candles and sell after red candles
It's super simple, m8

i bought in at 40 and haven't sold til now since i wanted to recoup some of my shitcoin losses. my buy order is set to 165, should i split it up and set cascading ones down from 180?

Holy fuck she's ugly.

Anyone who abbreviates "you" with "u" does not deserve to own 8 million of any currency.

good makeup job though. i'd wait til morning to kick her out of bed

so what time should I be looking to buy and what price? wait for $145 or so?

Why would it go back up to 300? Isn't the hack going to spread fear among investors?

Ethereum wasn't hacked.


OKcoin & Kraken

Parity multi-sig wallets were hacked, not Ethereum.

Screenshot of what you're holding?

also the newfags believe the ETH network was hacked while actually it was only a pajeet wallet called Parity which was hacked. The wallet isn't even official for god's sake.Why is it so easy to spread FUD here?


is it worth to short now?

huge buy walls at 190$+, so it seems risky, and it keeps getting pushed above 200$ all the time

it seems to be too late to short now, and just ride it out tbqh

>Why is it so easy to spread FUD here?
retards want to get rich quick with magic internet coins

things are not going to plan, it is taking longer than I expected but within an hour or 2 we should be between $170 - $180.

don't do it user, unless you're relying on the 'weekend' dump to bring it down as well


holy shit, use mist, dont use hardware wallets, dont use parity, dont use myetherwallet

>things are not going to plan, it is taking longer than I expected



yeah indeed

>dont use hardware walets

Would you kindly show me some proof before the implied happening? I've had a rough time being forced to sell against my will at the most obvious of bottoms and I really don't feel like getting rekt even more because of that.

If this doesn't dip again OP will be the biggest faggot in history

>posting old tweet

oh well time to long it

>150000 stolen ether being dumped on the market, or even the threat of it, combined with the stolen Coindash funds, won't have a negative effect on price
Are ethfags this deluded or trying to keep the shorts to themselves?

Go take a shower, relax. I know seeing the price dance around 202 - 206 is making you nervous and indecisive. Calm down, even if you get in at this price it is not bad but if you wait you can get in at $30 - $40 cheaper.

Probably fake, but it's worth a try: OP, be my hero, prove yourself before the "dip". I will remember you forever.

It looks like it'll at least dip to the 190s again

the hacker is literally braindead if he dumps it now, the exchanges will try to lock it

kraken especially

what do you have to do with anything

>2.5b daily volume
>30m of eth """dump"""
>hours old new
you are retarded on so many levels, holy shit


maybe if he used etherdelta he'll be able to dump it without getting locked.

Just keep hodling fags, it's ok if that is all you can do. This shitcoin might pump a couple more times before it inevitably dies.

We are diving sub $200 again, sell now!
I'm not even sure I want to buy back this time, this is a serious stain on ETH with the previous DAO hack, the protocole seems too easy too hack.

Back below $200

it was a 3rd party wallet for fucks sake

now that is a good FUDDER, but I dont support that and don't like to lie to people. Nothing is wrong with ETH guys, a 3rd party wallet was hacked due to poor security measure.

ETH fundamentals still stand and the price will obviously rebound.

how are you guys doing? gave in to temptation and bought or still having faith?


still waiting. just need to wait a bit longer. the dip is c-coming

I am impressed most people would have lost faith and bought some at 201 - 206 when it seemed like it was heading up.

Getting resistance at $190 but it will break soon.

what 190 resistance its trading at 197

you better be right

>supposedly the person who stole 30m worth of ETH
>helping nerds on an image board make a small profit literally days after the heist

Idk doesn't sound like something a hacker would do.

if this works out do you wanna go hang out with John Mcafee and kill some prostitutes later?

gotta be at least 21

Update: 2nd crash is incoming


>the white hat funds will be returned
No chance. Its all gone. There is no "white hat" group

time to short it again is it

deep breaths, soon

Pink whale is top tier fag tho

show us your shorts

proud of all of you, good job

Will be a free fall from here


keep waiting bro, we are getting their albeit very slowly.


Took too long for my liking.