What are some examples of ancient or medieval? And I don't mean simple shit like porridge or bread of whatever but...

What are some examples of ancient or medieval? And I don't mean simple shit like porridge or bread of whatever but, rather, actual surviving recipes for dishes which either the nobility or peasants ate which can be recreated through cooking techniques used at the time. Furthermore has anyone tried any of them before? What did you think?

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>What are some examples of ancient or medieval?
I think you're missing some noun in that sentence.

*cuisine. My bad.

Potentially interesting thread

Dried sugary fruits (the stuff sold along nuts in trail mix bags in supermarkets), grain porridge (boiled with water and lard), vegetable soups (boiled vegetables are very easy to digest), grain biscuits and flatbread.

I doubt most people ate meat more than once per week, unless you count fish if they lived on the coast.

Chickens only laid eggs for 4 months back then, before we broke their minds into doing it all year round, so eggs were a seasonal food. Later they could be pickled.
Similar with cows/goats/sheep and milk, they'd only give milk during the months after a birth, which was dependent on the seasons. To store the milk longer you could turn it into butter, or cream, or yogurt.

Overall you can see when the old religions suggest that you fast and eat less, and confidently assume that this is the period when there wasn't much to eat. People had to fast, the religion was just to make them feel better about themselves doing it.

Pease pudding and pottage immediately come to mind. Not tried any yet. Did try an ale once that was produced without hops and I'm glad to say it tasted like complete ass - the only reason you'd drink it is to get drunk.

If you want to eat what the ancients ate, do this:

>take grain
>break it so its digestible
Or buy broken, if you don't need THAT much authenticity.
>put it in (non chlorinated?) water overnight
The idea here is that some fermentation happens, chemical chains are broken and nutrients are released.
>wash it, put it in a pan on the heater
>when you get a nutty smell in the air, add water and stir
>when the water is gone, add milk and stir
Try not to ruin your milk, maybe turn the heat down.
>when its creamy and soft add honey or dried fruits, stir and serve
Its delicious, very filling, easy to eat, and if you have any left it can be added to tonight's soup or used as cement.

I recently found out drinking bear was common in medieval times

Drinking bear was most certainly not common at any point in human history.
They did however make a weak beer from fermented grains or corn.
Drinking water was unhealthy, you needed a bit of alcohol in it to purify it, or to boil it in a soup/herbal infusion (tea).

They didn't have corn.

Depends on who is this "they" you speak of. The Mesoamericas made beer from maize.
Additionally, the word "corn" used to mean any grain, it only became a word for maize specifically because Americans (as in, USA) used it like that, and globalism.
Read Gaius Julius Caesar's work on conquering Gaul, he talks about "corn" half the book.

>or used as cement

>Drinking bear was most certainly not common at any point in human history
Dear user, how innocent you are.

>Drinking bear was most certainly not common at any point in human history.

this guy

Disgusting, humans are the worst.

>drinking water was unhealthy
Only in cities during the middle-ages. Water from rivers outside cities became polluted and unhealthy only because of the industrial revolution. Before that, the small amounts of organic waste could easily be broken down by bacteria.


You don't want to drink viruses and bacteria though.
If you go on a hike in pristine pure nature, and drink from a slow spring where a sick deer drank, you may die slowly in the following month.

Make an oatmeal in the way I suggested and forget to wash the dishes. You will be throwing them away later.


>You don't want to drink viruses and bacteria though.
If it is not distilled it will certainly contain some bacteria or viruses

Alcohol kills the vast majority, so does boiling.
Thats why you drink tea, beer, wine.

Religions still ask people to fast.

Yeah, but thats just traditional by now.
They ask today, because they asked yesterday. And they asked yesterday because of the reason given.

Medieval Cookery is a very good website to see authentic medieval recipes from western europe. highly recommend it. I did try "Fyllettes in Galyntyne"., but I might have done something wrong because the dipping sauce became a bit sour and a little too salty.

fuck man, they'd have been so healthy look at that shit, fish, nuts, wholewheat bread and veggies, peasants seem like they ate really clean, and that the big indulgence was booze sometimes

seems like peasants likely outlived the wealthy elite by diet alone

>And they asked yesterday because of the reason given.
I think this is at the very core of religion: People finding reasons or justifications for doing shit.

>don't eat swine!
In a climate that is not suitable for pigs

and so on

so clog your sink pipes full of cement got it.

It has to dry to be cement, it won't dry in your pipes.

>tfw you will never live a comfy life with your village bros and virgin waifu eating natty organic food

>i want to starve every few months, so comfy


I've got family in a piss-poor backwater country that essentially live off subsistance farming, livestock and God's merciful grace. They eat very decently, live dull but comfortable lives, and only had trouble when one of their older children died.
Stop making stupid comments when you've still got examples of medieval life around you.

I live in a village in Bulgaria, been gardening since I was 6, and I can tell you that having the option to go to the shop and buy salt is a game changer.
Don't compare modern rural life with medieval such, our grain is better, our crops don't fail, we have 60 backup plans.

>eating 6000kcal of this stuff per day

>close that thread
>it follows me here

pls no

its part of Veeky Forums now.

Can't Veeky Forums annex it? They have the rooting out heresy casus belli, we will allow it.

not unreasonable at all

The whole feast in OP's image is probably 2500 calories.


nigga that's just a meal. Please don't tell me you believe all medieval peasants were starving hungry skeletons

>a family sized white bread
>a bowl of meat
>a dozen fish fillets
>three pieces of fried pastry only cooked for celebrations
>10 huge nuts
>"just a meal"

Its a day's worth of food.

Stay small mr. skeltal. That's just a meal

Are there any cookbooks that go on about what people usually ate?

From what i can gather, most of the cookbooks written down during the 14th century and such are made for big feasts and royalty, only written down because it was a rarity they made it.

>days worth of food

what are you, 110lbs?

1. Boil water.
2. Add plants and flesh you own into water.
3. Let it simmer a bit.
4. Eat.

>2500 calories

Food threads should be a regular thing on Veeky Forums.

Roman soldiers drank low quality wine mixed with water. It was actually quite healthy.

I'm sorry because it is in french, but there is a french club of people LARPing as romans who actually prepare ancient food by following texts from back then, especially Apicius.


Can you guys give some life stories of how you guys ended on Veeky Forums, please? Also wanting to know how "comfy" and painful your lives were, exactly.

I've always wanted to dry beer made from mugwort. Anyone every have it?


What they used to call "low quality wine", we call vinegar today. Not sure if vinegar with water is healthy.

>Can you guys give some life stories of how you guys ended on Veeky Forums, please?

Hackers on steroids was on the news and I went to /b/ to look at lolis and cat pictures with captions.
Just because I pay gypsies to deliver a cart full of literal horse shit to spread on my garden, so I can get more potatoes and cucumbers, doesn't mean I don't have the internet.
Actually a few months ago some american complained that the internet connection I pay $6 for, he has to pay $60 for. Thank you, commie era telecommunication company.

Apple cider vinegar is supposed to, don't know about red wine vinegar though

That's odd and very interesting to me. How much time do you even spend in here? Do you consider yourself diligent? Do you consider yourself a bit of a failure sometimes?

European or Latino?

What did people eat during the winter? What did do during the winter?

Take a look at native Caucasian cuisine. The Caucasus was kinda isolated, so a lot things barely changed

I'm european, from Bulgaria. I spend a lot of time here, maybe a couple of hours throughout the day.
Why would I be a failure? I work from home (web development), work on my property with my parents the rest of the time, go out for drinks or soccer with friends.
The only objective I haven't checked is a serious relationship, but I am very cynical about that kind of stuff, maybe later in life.

Having a large garden (we make enough produce to eat, and sell excess) doesn't mean you don't have time, it really isn't time consuming. We don't own any tech either, all by hand, and its perfectly manageable and a lazy life.
The animals we keep (hens, rabbits, occasionally a swine to feed for winter) don't need herding, that would be a time sink I suppose.

Only because our bodies are no longer used to it. If I would eat food from a chinese food vendor on the street, I would get explosive shits. But the locals are accostumed to it.

I'd like to see an answer for this, but wouldn't salting (to some extent) keep meat edible for a while?

You can't get to used to a lot of the nasties in the water, there's crazy shit like brain eating bacteria or just generic gut worms.

You can conserve milk by making it into cheese, it will last pretty long.
You kill the pig during winter, so you eat that too. And you can conserve animal fat for very long.
Other than that, you throw grains into warm water, with whatever dried fruits and veg you have hanging from the beams of your roof, and you eat it every day.
You hunt birds and collect wild bird eggs of some species.

But the winter is fasting time. You don't eat much, and people (the very old and the very young) sometimes die in winter.

And some more modern things, not sure if they were done in medieval times, but putting eggs and carrots into cold sand (in the basement) lets them last much, much longer.


Good to know that even after all this time, we can still find all sorts of people in this website. You don't look too degenerateish at all. Glad to have you posting with us here, farming user.

Also, I'm starting to get really convinced that Veeky Forums is the best board here nowadays.

>he faps to loli
>not degenerate
I mean "whoever is free of sin shall throw the first stone" or whatever the quote is, but that ticks at least one thing that could be considered social suicide if he shared it with others. (I go to /b/ for trap, Milf, incest and loli)

You are so Reddit it hurts

Not him but
Veeky Forums and /out/ are the best boards in my opinion
>You don't look too degenerates
the basement dweller degenerate is a meme though, in real life i'd never be associated with that image, I know like 2 other people who browse this placed all of us are quite high up in the social hierarchy. Sorry if that comes across a bit obnoxious.

There is nothing wrong about consentual sex with underaged girl.

Doesnt mean society looks at it this way.

There's a prima facie assumption that people under the age of consent can't have consensual sex.


>Just because I pay gypsies to deliver a cart full of literal horse shit to spread on my garden

Is that poop fresh or already composted a bit? I've got a garden and 10 horses and want to use that poop for something but it's still super grassy even after a few weeks, and not sure if composting it is worth it.

>or used as cement.

Supersizers Eat Medieval: youtube.com/watch?v=oH5O_fCstyI

Supersizers Eat Ancient Rome: youtube.com/watch?v=swhEbBDwM0I

I recently got the medieval cookbook by Maggie black.
Her main source's are Chaucer, the Goodman of Paris and john Russell ( marshal to duke Humphrey of Gloucester.
It's all surprisingly similar to modern recipes.
Lasagne from the fourteen to fifteenth century from curye on inglysch.
Losyns. Take good broth and do in an erthen pot. Take flour of paynedemayn and make therof past with water, and make therof thynne foyles as paper with a roller: drye it harde and seeth it in broth. Take chese ruayn grated and lay it in dishes with powdour and chese: and so twyse or thryse, & serue it forth.

Fuck off to some forum m8, or reddit or something. Keep your back patting out of here.

Besides, if you go on /int/ there are a gorillion random anons from random countries. You just don't see it most of the time because there are no flags.

i, too, drink bear
we shall feest and drink bear and sleap

Are you an african or something

Jesus Christ, don't tell me you actually believe what you just posted.

>if you aren't cynical and bitter, you must be faking it

What. I'm Orthodox, and fasting i_ evert Wenesday and Friday, that comes from the Didache. Lent is also not tightly conformed to a period of want, and the Nativity fast ends on Christmas, not exactly a time of surplus. And what about the Apostles fast? Or the Dormition fast?

You don't know what you're talking about

There's a fine line between being a cynical bastard and being a shmarmy self congratulating dweeb.

The point is that the fasting came first, and it wasn't voluntary, and the tradition came later, to rationalize the fasting.

>"if god loves us, why are we starving"
>oh, its okay, thats just to purify your body and to sympathies with the martyrs
>"ah, alright, i see now, bless"

Ah, no. Fasting became widedpread in emulation of monks. As for fasting two days a week, that was a common Jewish practice, Christians jusy changed the days in order not to fast with the pharisees

You're making stupid speculations and presenting them as fact.

There was an awfully formatted pdf of the game of thrones cookbook floating around probably on Veeky Forums some time ago. Well researched with reference to historical recipes, well worth a look.

>posting anything mildly hopeful or cheesy must mean you're a redditor creep
The memes have rotten your brains it seems. If you want some non-ending cynical shithole, go to /r9k/.

Unhopped ale is the best. Hopped beers are all bitter.

m8 even today subsistence farming is significantly easier than in the past. Imagine harvesting without a modern combine harvester, let alone a simple scythe. The scythe didn't even appear in Europe until the 12th century and wasn't in wide use until the 16th. Or how about sowing a field without an iron plow, which didn't exist until nearly the 19th century.

And also imagine how hard farming would be if we didn't understand the concept behind breeding plants to get better harvests. Or how to use Nitrogen fixation to get more effective fertilizer. And there's also the fact that historically speaking, very effective foods like corn, potatoes, and rice have only been widely available in Europe for a very short amount of time, recently. I don't envy medieval dirt farmers one bit, desperately struggling to grow shitty crops with shitty methods, harvest them with shitty tools to make just enough surplus to both survive and pay taxes/replace equipment that breaks.