Should people be identified by their culture and religion instead of "muh X is not white" memes?

Should people be identified by their culture and religion instead of "muh X is not white" memes?

lol good luck for the people who identify themselves as being a member of the "white" culture

that would really go over well

Race is irrelevant. Culture is more important. A multiracial society is more stable than a multicultural one. The latter is possible too but not if they are too different. I always get along more with people who share similar interests as me of other races vs people with completely different interests who are my race.

americans dont have culture, regardless of their race

Theres bbq and burtitos if that counts as culture.

By culture, as religion will play a big part in culture so not be distinct unless they're a paki in upstate New York.
White just comes from Americans justifying imperialism and including their children as TRVE CITZIENS OF THE REPUBLIC
But you should try to unify your culture so people say they are from England, not from Hannover, or Bavaria

They have a culture I just a hodgepodge where their holy trinity is racism, unrestricted capitalism and a hatred of socialism


People should be identified by their culture / county of origin. The sjw Foucault identity bullshit is just postmodern diarrhea

I don't identify so much with my county where I was born in, more like the municipality.

Failed state if you say that when talking to a foreign friend and they don't ask you to specify

Actual American culture can defined by authors such as Emerson, Hawthorne, Poe etc.

>I don't identify so much with my county where I was born in, more like the municipality.
fair enough

All the following are relevant to how one should identify themselves
1. Family
2. ethnicity
3. religion/spirituality
4. nation
5. country
"race" in this case is ambiguous as people don't have a coherent system of racial classification which a consensus can be agreed upon. If you're going by "White, Black, Yellow, Brown, Orange and Red" people still can't neatly draw the line between White and Brown, Brown and Black, ect. Should an olive skinned southern Italian with 20% Middle Eastern DNA be classified as White or Brown? Should a White Semite be considered White? Until these questions are answered, identifying with the broad "racial" classification doesn't do anyone any favors.

Saying Americans don't have a culture is so pants-on-head fucking retarded it always boggles the mind. Every human society has a culture (many in fact). That it's similar to European culture shouldn't be a big fucking shock seeing as it was a European colony.

How do you argue that America doesn't have a culture? Are they alone, or do you have other examples of cultureless societies so we can see just how stupid you are?

Some cultures are heavily ethnocentric and foreigners can't participate in it.
Culture is a very vague word to describe the modes of living of billions of people.

Only good and evil is objective, perhaps. That is, the only criteria with which one is justified in judging with in the first place. Which may count as religion.

This. The US has the follwiong

>american landscape art
>pop art
>abstract expressionism
>american football
>southern bbq
>texmex cuisine
>coca cola
>thanksgiving day
>4th of july

need I go on?

Americans have culture but it's like a psychopathic version of cargo cults.

Point is that there's nothing to the US that's unique. There's no Americans experience I actually have to be American or be in the United States to actually experience. There's nothing tied to the people or land living there but everything is sold to everyone everywhere cheaply in bulks.

Superficially true but ultimately false. America is as real as any place else, even if you need to dig through the consumerism to find it.

Native americans have ties to the lands though. Are they not part of US culture?