*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*


why does he get so much hate
he rightfully pointed out the corruption of the catholic church.
Or do you think its ok selling indulgences?


Probably because he basically started a massive war that destabilized the whole region which caused a ton of destruction.

Tbh though I agree with him regardless, fuck the church.

except he didn't
not his fault that faithless lords and kings used the religious differences for political gains and started a war

Doctor Luther! NOOOOOO!

Who will celebrate the holy sacrament of Negrus feetus?

I mean inadvertently he did.

John 13:1-17

It's not that so much as the rest. I'm Orthodox and he spot on about Purgatory and indulgences and the Pope, but the rest of his theology was extremely damaging to the West.

how does it matter?
it's not something he intended or predicted

like what?

Just like Marx

humanism, primarily
the world now exists in fractured, tribal-like states with even more unofficial states begging for independence inside of them
once you give sepratists an inch, they take a mile (eg: british empire, or spanish empire for something more violent)

The problem is thay by modern standards, he's still a nutjob too. Even if he had a good point or two. He wasn't the first to try to reform the church and make it less corrupt.

Sola Fide, ending marriage as a sacrament, scrapping confession to a priest, just to name a few. Catholicism is just as bad, though, but in the opposite way

>he basically started a massive war that destabilized the whole region which caused a ton of destruction
You mean the Catholics did, decades after his death

But the bible teaches that justification is by faith alone

In contrast to works of the law, like circumcision and eating Kosher. Not as in monergism

Romans 4:5-8

I know, please read the WHOLE epistle, and maybe De incartnatione if you ever get the time. Paul isn't a monergist

Paul goes on to say, as you can see, that the works he is speaking of is Abraham's circumcision, a work of the law. With James, the works of Abraham is about the sacrifice of Isaac, and uses it to illustrate requirement of synergy (literally cooperation) with God

>I know, please read the WHOLE epistle
I have. Please start believing the epistle
>Paul isn't a monergist
Yes he is
Romans 8:30

>Paul goes on to say, as you can see, that the works he is speaking of is Abraham's circumcision, a work of the law
The Mosaic law wasn't here yet when Abraham was alive. If Romans 4 is about works of the law, then the works of the law refers to all that is required by God's law
>With James, the works of Abraham is about the sacrifice of Isaac
Would you agree that in James 2:14-26 dead faith is non-justifying faith?

He didn't start shit intentionally. The masses got the message and ran in a completely different FIGHT THA POWAH direction with it. He disavowed this shift while he was still alive. Basically good intentioned gud boi who dindu nuffin.

No. If you read it carefully, you'd see Paul says several times he is talking about works of the law, the entire theme is Christ freeing from by fulfilling, satisfying it with his death and leading us out with his life

Being called does not mean God forces you to respond; if you refuse to cooperate, he won't make you

The law here means the law we were subject to with the fall, the law requiring sacrifice and so on. Mosaic law is a manifestation of it, but our bondage to it in general started with the fall.

Yes, I agree that faith alone, without cooperation with God, is dead

>works of the law
Which in Romans 2:14 is defined as being the whole of God's law
>The law here means the law we were subject to with the fall
The law spoken of precedes the fall
>Yes, I agree that faith alone, without cooperation with God, is dead
Before the sacrifice of Isaac, was Abraham's faith dead or alive?

See 1 Corinthians 9:21

No, Adam and Eve were not under the law, since they did not have to die or kill to satisfy it. Once they ceased to cooperate witg God, they made subject to the law, with Satan as prosecutor

Abraham's faith was living when he left his home and tribe because God told him to

>See 1 Corinthians 9:21
And? The gentiles are "outside the law" because they don't know it.
>Adam and Eve were not under the law, since they did not have to die or kill to satisfy it
Adam and Eve were under the law, as proven by the fact their sins were imputed to them. If they were not under the law, God would have overlooked their eating the fruit.
>with Satan as prosecutor
God is the prosecutor.
>when he left his home and tribe
I didn't ask about when he left his home, I asked about the offering. When God told him to sacrifice Isaac, at that moment, was his faith dead or alive?

Right. The Hebrews were the chosen people, being righteous in the law.

God is rather the judge

Being under tge law means being subject to death

>God is rather the judge
He is both
>Being under tge law means being subject to death
Being under the law means being held accountable. Those who are free from the law are not imputed sin.

I noticed you again failed to answer my question, so I will repeat it: Before the sacrifice of Isaac, was Abraham's faith dead or alive?

Satan accuses people before God

Being under the law means being under bondage.

Yes, Abraham's faith was living before then, because he cooperated with God before then, when he left his homeland

>Satan accuses people before God
Accusation =/= prosecution
>Being under the law means being under bondage.
And? Are the pagans not under bondage?
>because he cooperated with God before then, when he left his homeland
But James doesn't say that's when he was justified by works, he says it was when he offered Isaac




Satan literally means "adversary, " which the role of prosecutor in adversarial court systems. Temptation, test, and trial, are all the same word in Hebrew and Greek. The Devil brings csses before God (see Job) to try. He loves to use entrapment.

Pagans are in bondage to Satan as well, but without the law. That is, without access to it. But still subject to judgement by the law.

Cooperation with God is ongoing, not something you accomplish and get done with.

>Satan literally means "adversary, " which the role of prosecutor in adversarial court systems
Satan's name does not have legal origin
>Temptation, test, and trial, are all the same word in Hebrew and Greek
They're also synonyms in English
>Pagans are in bondage to Satan as well, but without the law. That is, without access to it. But still subject to judgement by the law.
So you concede that pagans are under the law?
>Cooperation with God is ongoing, not something you accomplish and get done with
Does James 2 say Abraham was justified when he offered Isaac?

It also specifically says faith without works is empty.

Sorry you can't be a good Christian and horde money. Actually Luther said that too so why you people have to be merchants.

Is it empty because it has no works, or does it have no works because it is empty?

If you sit on your ass eating food all day counting your money while the poor starve, even though you say all you need is faith, your not really a Christian.

Are you not a Christian because you sit on your ass eating food all day counting your money while the poor starve, or do you sit on your ass eating food all day counting your money while the poor starve because you're not a Christian?