Why is California so different from the other southern states? Even their accent is not the same

Why is California so different from the other southern states? Even their accent is not the same.

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Because it's part of the Southwest, not the South. It's a distinct region. Even Texas sometimes doesn't make the cut for the true "South".

Also because North California is part of the Pacific Northwest.

Id say west coast not southwest. The regions of america are northeast midwest deepsputh southwest and west coast and culturally cali follows westcoast more than southwest (texas and new mexico and such

California should be like four or five different states

Fuck California, it's size lets it keep the country hostage when in reality it should be at LEAST three different states

Fuck the country. What concerns me is how much Norcal gets fucked over by Socal socialists. They deserve representation without being overruled by a bunch of Mexicans and blacks.

>Fuck California, it's size lets it keep the country hostage

Dividing it into different states would give it more influence, not less.

California is really the most screwed over state in the union. The largest and richest state, has proportionally the least representation due to having such a large population, always is taken for granted in elections, and is the state with the fourth highest net export of federal aid. As in it gives more than it receives from the federal government because its wealth is used to subsidize shitty states like Kentucky and West Virginia.

>richest state
lyl.It is a welfare ridden shithole.New England states is were the real money is.

Wow, only six posts in for some Lefty to say something completely and utterly retarded. That's a new record, usually it only takes three!

California was settled mostly by midwesterners and some northeasterners and its reflected in the accent. In the more rural inland there's some southern influence it gets since those areas were settled by Oklahomans during the Dust Bowl.


You haven't proved him wrong you know

California is not the richest.It has the largest economy.States like New York or Massachusetts have a way higher GDP per capita and higher standards in practically everything.Hell even Texas has a higher GDP per capita with commifornia with a way lower cost of living

>anything in the US
You should start looking up words in the dictionary, pal

>What concerns me is how much Norcal gets fucked over by Socal socialists
Well I may disagree is some part, but he may have a point in terms of certain resource extraction legislation's, gun control which works for cities but not rural areas and...

>without being overruled by a bunch of Mexicans and blacks.
Goddammit why is it that every time we get people talking about California issues, its just a smokescreen for bitching about brown people?

Also this thread seems like it belongs on /int/

>brown people objectively cause problems
>hey I really don't like being beholden to these brown people's problems
This is why people hate you commiefornian

Jewish Nepotism

I really wish my homeland could be mentioned without /pol/ coming out of the woodwork.

>lyl.It is a welfare ridden shithole.

This is objectively incorrect. The welfare queen states are mostly in the South. California has to pay for these lazy fucks because their states are worthless, meanwhile California itself gets negative money from the federal government. Those lazy fucks will then go on the Internet and complain about California.


For every dollar in federal taxes, California gets 78 cents back. Meanwhile Alaska gets 184 cents, West Virginia 176, Alabama 166, Mississippi 202, Kentucky 151, etc.

>Hell even Texas has a higher GDP per capita with commifornia with a way lower cost of living

Texas is suffering a brain drain out of it and into California because no one wants to live in Texas. Meanwhile, in the opposite way, the poorest people from California are moving to Texas.



The states most dependent on federal aid (i.e. money taken from other states) are Kentucky, Mississippi, West Virginia, Alabama, and New Mexico. The states least dependent are Delaware, Minnesota, New Jersey, Illinois, and California.

How does one state manage to piss off most of the US so much

you forgot alaska and hawaii

It's their job, as the state with the least proportional representation in the government, a population overrepresented in the military, the best public college system, and the highest net outflow of wealth to other states. Because it's the hero America deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So, the other states hate it, because it can take it. Because it's not their hero. It's a silent guardian. A watchful protector.

I think he was referring to representation within the state not outside of it.

How would representation WITHIN the state let it keep the rest of the country hostage?

Shit I misinterpreted his post, sorry mate.


Wouldn't more "liberal" states ensure "liberal" president?

Maybe don't live in a state that's a hodgepodge of Mexicans, slant eyes, and niggers, then

But that outflow is only possible because of free trade with other states. How successful would our industries be if other states could put tariffs etc. And that's ignoring the huge amount of federal dollars that go to help subsidize our population.

If California was actually represented proportionally to its population then there would probably never be a Republican majority in any branch ever again.

>But that outflow is only possible because of free trade with other states.

Same with every other state. I'm not saying the Californians should secede or anything if that's what you're implying.

>And that's ignoring the huge amount of federal dollars that go to help subsidize our population.

It's not, those charts are counting total net inflow/outflow of wealth. California doesn't receive anything from the federal government. Or rather it does, but what it receives is considerably less than what it gives.

We already have enough issues with a two party system Id really hate to see it be effectively a one party system.

We wouldn't want that either. I may be a liberal but the idea of a one party system with liberals at the head still scares the shit out of me.

The other party would just have to modify their platform to actually appeal to the people. California actually has a strong Republican movement (my city is majority-Republican for example, and California's second largest) that could be quite potent if the GOP actually focuses on Republican ideology rather than random obstructionism and racism. Our last governor was a Republican. Even fucking LA has elected Republican mayors.

I absolutely concur.
Well that's good to hear

If anything it should have MORE electoral college votes, given it's size and population.

The rest of the country needs to hurry up and follow their lead on policy issues anyway. I'm not even Californian and I recognize that.

>it's size lets it keep the country hostage
>my vote here is worth 1/7 as much as when I lived in MA
>my vote here is literally worth 1/80th the vote of some prick from Wyoming
Oh yeah, we've really got the country by the balls.

You imply that the Democratic Party wouldn't fracture into the Socialist, Social Democratic, and Liberal parties once the GOP uttered its last gasp. The reality is that the two major parties are made up of factions that have irreconcilable ideological differences but work together because they can all agree that they hate the factions that form the other party.


>The reality is that the two major parties are made up of factions that have irreconcilable ideological differences but work together because they can all agree that they hate the factions that form the other party.
They can't really afford to split. If they did it may lead to the dominance of the other major party that stayed together because of the difficulty of competing with such a force.

Texas would have to split in half down I 35