Can we agree that feminism, LGBT...

Can we agree that feminism, LGBT, BLM are movements that fight for the right of some groups of society with disregard of the rights of other groups, therefore they shit on egalitarianism? Those movements should not be considered left wing politics as they often promote inequality.
The only way not to go astray or too far with your movement is to include everyone in it.

I actually feel like political correctness is a consciouss effort and is somewhat subsidied by big business to derail left from it's original economic ideas. Divide and conquer the society. Paranoia?

Most of the movements as far as feminism / LGBT / civil rights were just hijacked by radicals idiots, as tends to happen. Most of the people participating are egalitarian, but many of the mouthpieces are disgustingly stupid and hypocritical, and tend to shit on the legacy of the actual activists who fought for actual equality.

They're polluted ideologies, sure, but most are to some extent.

None of the aforementioned movements you mentioned are monolithic (feminists tear each other apart constantly) and their goals don't usually harm those outside their group. They would also argue that they aren't being treated as equals in a society and are striving towards that.

feminism actually got some good stuff done until the 1990s when it started to focus on utterly trivial issues and lies such as the wage gap and patriarchy while not focusing on the real issues such as the oppression seen in islam

Here's an analogy for you:

You are flying a twin-engine airplane. The plane can only fly well with two working engines. The right engine is working fine. The left engine, however, is spluttering because its components are sub-standard. You are going to want to tend to the left engine in order for it to work properly so that you can fly the plane well.

You are going to want to neglect the right engine because there is nothing wrong with it, and pay special attention to the faulty left engine.

I repeat
>The only way not to go astray or too far with your movement is to include everyone in it.

Eat your burgers, stop making analogies. It just shows you're centre-right, not how world works.

No I am left and burgers shall be distributed equally

>The only way not to go astray or too far with your movement is to include everyone in it.
Solidarity has been dead for a long, long time user.

And yet you believe you need the right "engine"?

i think you misunderstood what the metaphor meant. what he meant by right engine was white people and by left engine was minorities

Fight for the rights of the minority to disregard the right of the majority to a tyranny.

>tfw you want the left to win but it keeps splintering itself over ridiculous identity bullshit

Yes they oppose the groups that impose on others. What a fucking shocker. They're the real homophobes.

>Can we agree that feminism, LGBT, BLM are movements that fight for the right of some groups of society with disregard of the rights of other groups, therefore they shit on egalitarianism?

Egalitarian is an extremely broad term, basically everyone is an egalitarian these days. So some egalitarians won't consider other people to be egalitarian. Locke wouldn't consider Marx to be an egalitarian, and vice versa.

The upper class exploiting the working class to lead privileged lives at the expense of others was self-evident, and made sense. The average 1%er clearly benefits from wage depreciation, for example, while the average worker suffers, but applying that same line of logic to every demographic difference in western nations is fucking retarded.

What the fuck do white people gain from 'systemically oppressing' blacks? The presence of ghettos destroying property values actively makes white people's lives worse. The rise in violent crime disproportionately committed by black people actively makes white people's lives worse. Tax dollars going towards the black people disproportionately in prison and on welfare actively makes white people's lives worse. The end result of the shitty lives black people lead is ultimately just a blight on society everyone has to endure.

>People in the thread actually believing "equality" is a measurable concept and not just an ethereal term that is used as an excuse to further obvious political interests

>The only way not to go astray or too far with your movement is to include everyone in it.

Tyranny by the majority here we come. Literally nothing would change if such a ludicrous proposal were adopted.

Daily reminder that gays have always had the same rights as straight people and that any pretense to the opposite is just shitty rhetoric.

That might be so. Misleading analogy.

>nothing would change if such a ludicrous proposal were adopted
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
Don't favorize anyone at the cost of others.


/pol/ -> go there

BLM is specifically about police abuse. The focus is on black people because they suffer disproportionately from lethal force by police, but their efforts are for the benefit of the general populace and anyone can join the organization.

Even if it was not only about blacks it would still be us against them - the cops. The proper way to create this movement woud be in my opinion calling it something like "No violence on the streets movement". No violence commited by cops or against cops. The way the movement is now, it lets you turn the blind eye on one side of the problem.

Look at the BLM website and you'll encounter a very long list of demands that have nothing to do with law enforcement. In particular, take a look at the "Reparations" and "Economic Justice" sections.

>Daily reminder that gays have always had the same rights as straight people and that any pretense to the opposite is just shitty rhetoric.
'Cept marriage, at least until 2 years ago. Also I think the original purpose of LGB groups was more about acknowledging the existence of LGB people rather than asking for more rights.

Why should someone who has never owned slaves have to pay reparations to someone who has never been a slave?