What can Veeky Forums tell me about the consequences and origins of the sexual revolution?

What can Veeky Forums tell me about the consequences and origins of the sexual revolution?

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To fuck off

The anus replaced the vagina as the primary sexual receptacle of the male penis.

Looks like someone isn't getting laid...

losers can't get laid


sterile birth rates by divorcing sex from fertility, contraceptives, abortion, women wasting their fertile years for educational and corporate establishment.

based tom

>losers can't get laid

Not quite. I suspect this whole tranny fad that has popped up over the last few years is a direct result of the slow red pilling taking place in the male populace. Trannies, lots of trannies, is one of the consequences. And unhappy women.

Men really don't lose out in this scenario since they can just go to a local massage parlor to 'release'

I hope you look back at this one day and really consider how much of an edgy retard you were.

There may have been a time in 4chans history that this thread may not have been a (complete) shit show, that time is past.
I suggest /pol/ or perhaps /r9k/.

Calling it a 'revolution' would be an overstatement

As your average slightly below average guy in his late 30s who has to work over time to get laid once or twice a year....wew. I feel sorry for you all of lads who only have tinder. I was lucky enough to have gotten into online dating when it was still in its infancy in the noughties and it was a lot easier back then. Girls seemed to at least pretend about common interests and hobbies back then. But tinder...wew. it seems brutal if you're not king Chad.

What exactly is edgy about my statement? It's mere commentary. The existence of phenomenons like MGTOW are evidence enough that what I said is at least partially rooted in the truth. I am sure your own observations on Veeky Forums can support the tranny statements.



It's ironic, the origins of the sexual revolution lies in the egalitarian ideology of the 1960s, people really believing that removing taboos and traditional beliefs surround sexuality would led to dismantling sexual hierarchies and everyone would live in a free-love communal utopia.

The consequences couldn't be more far from that. The conquences of deregulation in the sexual sphere, after all, are the same as the consequences of deregulation in the economic sphere: concentration of resources at the top, immiseration in the middle and absolute pauperization at the bottom. The sexual revolution created a situation where attractive and charismatic Chads have sex with hundreds of women, while many more men than in the past die as virgins or have sex irregularly, having to content themselves with porn.

socialists in the streets, capitalists in the sheets

So this is what a /pol/lack looks like.

>socialist where i'm not able to compete in the market
>capitalism where i hold comparative advantage

And yet nobody ever provides any statistical evidence of this "haremization" of society.

the collapse of the family resulting in the massive up rise in fatherlessness which in turn feeds into the growth of the Welfare state. In addition there is the rise in criminality, and a rise in mental health issues in these kids without proper families. Those are the societal consiquences anyways, there is also the consiquence of having more and more women unhappy with their lives and more and more men hopping on the idiotic MGTOW train.

A mix of communist and postmodernist thinkers.

The present failings of monogamy is a huge cue. Men aren't shacking up because they don't want to pay new car prices for used up women with the odometer rolled back.

>Nobody ever provides actual evidence.
What the hell even is the "failings of monogamy", and how are they worse now than they were 50 years ago?

divorce statistics, increases in childless single men who masturbate to anime (losers) and single unmarried women (catladies), people are just not getting wedlocked and pairbonded because you can't make hoes into housewaifus.

My grandfather warned me about the consequences the cock carrousel will have on society when I was 12 in 1996. Old fucker was right.

Thanks to the Sexual Revolution, we can look forward to a future dominated by Muslims, Africans, and the more conservative Asians as the West has successfully cucked itself out of existence.

>What exactly is edgy about my statement? It's mere commentary. The existence of phenomenons like MGTOW are evidence enough that what I said is at least partially rooted in the truth.

You haven't shown anything stating that this problem is worse now than it was in the past. Which is what I've been challenging this entire thread, that this is somehow new.

who is this adorable little fella? i always keep seeing him on the 4chins

He's a chad normie who parodies /r9k/ type autist/virgins by making awkward food review videos in ill-fitting suits.

not him, but there are plenty of stats supporting this. The fatherlessness rate being one of the big ones as it has some of the most disastrous effects on society.

Plus there's the fact that the divorce rate for the poor and the middle class hovers around 50%.

And that has the knock on effect of putting the children in danger

increased rates of poverty, homlessness, and dropping out of high school

No fault divorce wasn't there in the good old days. You went out for a pack of smokes and never came back. In fact Ronald Reagan had a role in its introduction.

Pic related.

Meanwhile, in places where people actually look at things longitudinally, in what I was asking for.


>At least 20 percent of American men born between 1933 and 1942 had their first sexual intercourse with a prostitute. Now imagine that same young man twenty years later. The shift in sexual mores has given him a much greater supply of unpaid sex. In his generation, only 5 percent of men lose their virginity to a prostitute.

Instead of talking about how bad sexual promiscuity is, PROVE YOUR FUCKING POINT YOU FUCKING /r9k/ RETARD.

lel he's no chad

>talk about sexual revolution without promiscuity
tu quoque

Reviewbrah he's /ourguy/

I provided state how the rise of single motherhood negatively effects children and society and how it has risen since the sexual revolution when you asked how it was bad. How does that come close to goalpost moving?

You cannot divorce the sexual revolution from the end of the stigma on having a child out of wedlock. More men were having sex with prostitutes to lose their virginity in the 30s and 40s but far fewer women felt comfortable enough with the way society viewed them to have a child outside of marriage. When that stigma went away the rate of single motherhood exploded.

You could argue that that's not a side effect of the sexual revolution but rather a side effect of poor sexual education, but you haven't been. Instead you are autistically screaming about /r9k/ and ignoring the data provided.

Oh boy, it's another episode of /r9k/ kissless forever alones bitch about women while trolls with a cuck fetish sit in the corner laughing and masturbating.

How long do you guys think until this one gets pruned? I think I even saw someone already unironically use the phrase cock carousel

>poor education
more related to educational capacity
The Bell Curve, which is verified by the APA, demonstrates a predictive and reliable relationship between lower IQ and illegitimacy.