Are there any descriptions of Muhammad's appearance...

Are there any descriptions of Muhammad's appearance? I had an Arab friend tell me he had red hair and that's why some ISIS members dye their hair red. I know they usually don't like to draw him because they believe it to be idol worship but do we have any clue what he looked like?

Other urls found in this thread:'s Appearance.html

Some iranians drew him around they were recently converted before realizing it was forbidden

Muhammad was a white man
>While we were sitting with the Prophet in the mosque, a man came riding on a camel. He made his camel kneel down in the mosque, tied its foreleg and then said: "Who amongst you is Muhammad?" At that time the Prophet was sitting amongst us (his companions) leaning on his arm. We replied, "This white man reclining on his arm." The man then addressed him, "O Son of 'Abdul Muttalib."
A white man who owned black slaves
>I came and behold, Allah's Apostle was staying on a Mashroba (attic room) and a black slave of Allah's Apostle was at the top if its stairs. I said to him, "(Tell the Prophet) that here is 'Umar bin Al-Khattab (asking for permission to enter)." Then he admitted me.

Muhammad was a white man who owned black slaves

He was a proud claymore-wielding, red-haired Irish warrior chieftain.


This. Móchámaid was a proud Gael.

Nice try, Shi'ite dog.

That's Ali, not Big Mo.

That seems unlikely
Muslims are full of shit about portraying mohammed too, supposedly it's so people don't worship his image, but then they treat it almost as if the man himself is too holy to be depicted


Why is his face blanked out and why is surrounded by gooks and ching chongs?

don't feminists dye their hair red as well?

>gooks and ching chongs?

obviously supposed to be Iranians, who drew themselves like that for some weird reason way back when

To not have him as an image. You cant draw muhammed in islam

here's a screencap from a thread on /islam/

what does a Muslim do if they accidentally dream of the Prophet (SAW) ?

>I had an Arab friend tell me he had red hair and that's why some ISIS members dye their hair red.
Nah, they do it because the Quran forbids dying your hair in a natural color because this might deceive your bride and her parents, make them think you are younger than you actually are. So, if you don't like that much you hair being grey, you can dye it with henna.

There is no "accidentally" dreaming of the prophet
If you see him in a dream it's a privilege

but your mind drew an image of him isnt that haram

>Quran forbids dying your hair in a natural color because this might deceive your bride and her parents,

no it doesn't you faggot

the Quran doesn't even mention hair dying


It does. It also mentions that Muhammad was a pedophile and a rapist.

If you dream of the Prophet, it means you're the next reincarnation of the Dalai Prophet

t. Chinese government

How can the Prophet SAW be both just a mere human & infallible? Humans are not without sin, so how can Muslims claim the Prophet SAW to be infallible?

Also why do they insist on believing in hadiths when the Qur'an should be the only source they go off of?

The Prophet Mohammed is part of the Divine Trinity, you Arab Sunni dog

prepare to taste edge of my falafel

>you Arab Sunni dog

i dare you call me that slur again you wahhabi scum you should be takfir'd like right now

Turkics brought that painting style to Iran. Since they were heavily influenced by Chinese painting (in addition to mostly slant-eyed chinky nomads) everyone was like that in Seljuk paintings.

Mongol Rule even made that art-style stick harder in the region when they brought actual Chinese artists along with them.

>Turkics brought that painting style to Iran.

Aztecs? ÄNÇIËNT TÜRKŞ, Alienş? ÄNÇIËNT TÜRKŞ, Romanlar? ÄNÇIËNT TÜRKŞ. Öç dünya TÜRAN holum!

if the Islamic World saw all these large scale migration of gooks and chinks throughout its history (Mongol invasions, Turkic tribes, etc), then why the hell is the Middle East today completely devoid of any ching chong looking people?

desu they probably did before the entire MENA went and got Arab'd


Muhammad is describes as being white so many times. "The whiteness of his shins," "The whiteness of his armpits," The Hadith is not shy about him being a very pale dude with red hair. He was not like most would think.

>thumbnail is of him doing the "dropping the mic" pose

why are kafir so cringey, brothers?

>May Allah's mercy and peace be upon him (pbuh)

>Large scale
The Central Asian nomads were always fewer in number wherever they migrated to a place already filled with shitloads of agrarian settled people. Meaning they were eventually absorbed and BROWNED by all the people living there.

In addition the Turkics were already a mixed lot themselves after absorbing the Iranic Nomads. Take for example, the Mamluk founder of the Mamluk Dynasty in Egypt, Al-Din Baybars, who was blonde and blue eyed cunt from Transoxania.

if you PBUH twice does that mean he gets double the mercy & peace?

Muhammad was an Arabized Arab descended from Adnan. Muslims dye their hair red because they use henna powder which is the only dye permitted in Islam for men at least.


>"Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) was most beautiful in complexion as compare to all"
>"Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)'s complexion was a beautiful mixture of white and red color"
>"Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)'s complexion was glowing white"
>"In complexion, he was he was neither very white like lime, nor very dark, nor brown which results in darkness"
>Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)'s complexion was glowing white
>It was said to 'Ali Ibn Abu Taalib, may Allaah be pleased with him: "Describe the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, for us. He said: 'His was reddish white. He had large black eyes with long eyelashes'

There are so many verses in the Hadith and even in the Qur'an that prove Mohammed was a white man. This is important. I've not met a Muslim who has gotten angry after I have told them that Mohammed (pbuh) was a white man.

you know Semites are Caucasoid, right?

Kind of, not really though.

>Mongol invasions, Turkic tribes, etc
>gooks and chinks


he was "white" in the sense that a semitic can be white.

note that ancient near-east cultures worshiped paleness of skin and built the earliest cosmetics industry known, smearing lead white and vermilion on their faces just to be white skinned & rosy cheeked

his really is the most reddt board here

Because a relatively small warrior elite cannot have any meaningful genetic impact on the conquered populace.

>a relatively small warrior elite
>cannot have any meaningful genetic impact on the conquered populace


Here you go

>I heard Abii Juhaifa saying, "I saw the Prophet, and Al-Hasan bin 'Ali resembled him." I said to Abu- Juhaifa, "Describe him for me." He said, "He was white and his beard was black with some white hair. He promised to give us 13 young she-camels, but he expired before we could get them."
>He was reddish-white and had wide black eyes and long eyelashes.

So he really was white

What are you trying to prove exactly with this?


Why are Muhammedans so cringey?




Yes they can. Look what Arabs have done to the middle east.

Cultural identity does not mirror genetic composition.

>Cultural identity does not NECESSARILY mirror genetic composition.


"white" is a meaningless term

muhhamad was an arab of a prominent arab tribe

How sway?

>"white" is a meaningless term
>muhhamad was an arab

"Arab" isa meaningless term

Muhammad was white.

The bible mentioned that you were a faggot.

>Muhammad is white.
>/pol/ has problems with Islam entering the west.

If Muhammad was white- making Islam a white religion- Shouldn't you be celebrating then? It's even up your alley
>Theocracy/Kings n shit
>Enforced morality.
And founded by a white guy to boot.

Have you been to the middle east, you can find Ethiopian brown and milky white in the same family.


Most Arabs have white skin.


"The prophet stood at the doorway near Ali khan hur, he had raised his eyes to the sun as it was midday. For since that morning he had been riding set upon his destination.

He was frail after such a difficult journey. His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy. There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready. To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgettin'What he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud. He opens his mouth, but the words won't come out.

He dwelled with us for three days. In those days many other camels arrived bound and carrying many gifts."

Words and recordings of Ahem In em


Damn I guess he was white


i dont get it. He had white skin and red hair. He was still not a white european. He was a ginger arab. Is that so hard to understand? He can be a full blooded arab, but if he has the ginger gene, he will still be a ginger.

pic related: Ginger iraqi

I have a secret for you: They always looked like that

Being born in the middle east doesn't automatically make you an arab. There's been white people in that area for thousands of years.

yeah, no shit sherlock. But Muhammad was an arab.

Can you prove this?

>Muhammad was an arab.

He might have spoken Arabic but he still was a ginger white man by today's standard. They weren't shy about discussing how pale he was and how he stood out among most Arabs.

>pale white skin
>green eyes
>red hair
>wielded a large two handed sword (aka claymore)

so tell me again how this guy is not Irish

He was from an arab tribe, but the maternal line of his clan were isralite.

I did not say that its normal for arabs to be gingers, but they exists
its like if i meet a guy with black hair and dark eyes here(in Norway) he could be norwegian, but i would still describe him as a very dark person. That is because its not normal.

>Most Arabs have white skin.

uh.... user?

Muhammad wasn't Arab

He was Jewish

Think about it

>prayed facing the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
>constantly going on about Moses
>circumcised as a baby
>no pork allowed


fuck man... don't give them ideas

I don't want that shit here


I bet you're one of those spergs who thinks the Huns were Eastern Europeans