>Many miners work at the gold mine owned by Corporación Ananea...

>>Many miners work at the gold mine owned by Corporación Ananea. Under the cachorreo system they work for 30 days without payment. On the 31st day they are allowed to take with them as much ore as they can carry on their shoulders.[5] Whether the ore contains any gold or not is a matter of luck. Pocketing of nuggets or promising chunks of rich ore is tolerated.

Capitalists will defend this

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Were the miners forced to work under those conditions?

No they won't. That's not even a characteristic of capitalism, terrible working conditions for little pay have existed in every system. Stop making b8 threads and kill yourself

so can you hide nuggets you find in the first 30 days and then walk out on the 31st with them?

I imagine you can certainly try if you're cool with cavity searches and being brutally beaten if you're found with so much as a speck of gold dust

Well the obvious idea would be to take a shit and bury them with your shit, not even kidding. IF you can bear the humiliation.

Eh, seems to worth a gamble. Seems like it can pay off big time. What's 30days of your life anyway? Plus they're probably providing room and board at the least. A lot of people basically get paid in wages just enough to afford rent and food in the food place.

>be worker
>find gold
>at last is be free
>only the corporation trader willing to buy my gold because the armed guards require i show them a leave permit to leave the mine
>willing to buy it me from the equivalent of 25 days wages


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>set up a system that means a large number of people either work in terrible conditions or starve
>"technically you're choosing to work here, so your abject poverty isn't a problem that needs to be fixed, if you don't like it just become a CEO lol"

Defending free-market capitalism is a sign of moral deficiency.

>no source

If you have a problem, organize workers into striking and protesting. Then use your collective bargaining power to negotiate with the mining company. Write letters to your congressman if the company starts trying to terrorise you. This is how fat cats are dealt with in a capitalist country, because capitalism and democracy are flexible enough to use socialist ideas for societal benefits. Why can't commies do the same?
Oh, I forgot! The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, a state with a self proclaimed motto of socialism and communism has working conditions and government policies so enlightened, the glorious communist leaders made the decision for everyone's benefit that you can't do any of the above, or leave the country. And you can't complain about that.

>If you have a problem, organize workers into striking and protesting. Then use your collective bargaining power to negotiate with the mining company.


>source: my ass

>24 deaths
Oy vey it's another holocaust!

Meanwhile communism killed 100 million people during the last century but it's okay because they had good intentions.

the real question is: why is the gold worth so much in the first place

Considering that people left their village communities and voluntarily migrated to work in the mines, it wasn't that bad. It's like complaining about United Fruit in Central America, all the talk about exploitation and bad working conditions, ignoring the fact that people actively migrated to work under these conditions out of their own will.

Compare it with communist countries, that had to enact policies and border controls to prevent people from leaving.

>Considering that people left their village communities and voluntarily migrated to work in the mines, it wasn't that bad

The reason people left their village communities and voluntarily migrated to work in the mines, was the fact that their situation at home was even worse. That’s kind of the premise for exploitation isn’t it? That the situation people are in is so bad that they will accept your shitty offer.
So when a man accepts a dirty and dangerous job in a mine that pays him literally in dirt, you might want to ask yourself what it would take for him (or you?) to make that decision.

Germinal by Emile Zola is a really good book about the budding revolutionary Socialism of the 19th century set in a squalid French mining town.

Long story short, they get swept up in revolutionary rhetoric, organize a strike and lose everything. Some starve, others die in an armed clash with the gendarmies, and finally they march back into the mines defeated.

>take as much ore as they can carry
The proletariat is literally taking the fruits of their labour. That's what communists advocate.

Ore is not the fruit user. Even the best mines don't generate 50 grams of gold per 1000 kg's of ore.



"Hey, it's not slavery if we pay them a dollar for a 17 hour workday and give them the option to not to work, who knows what would they do then but that's not my problem because I'm corporation so I'm and entity that exsist completely outside of society so how could I even infulence it?"


>Battle of Blair Mountain: the largest labor uprising in United States history and the largest organized armed uprising since the American Civil War. During an attempt by the miners to unionize, and following the murder of Sid Hatfield, 10,000 armed coal miners confronted 3000 lawmen and Baldwin-Felts strikebreakers, who were backed by coal mine operators. In the summer of 1921 in Mingo County, hundreds of miners were arrested without habeas corpus and other basic legal rights. Talk spread of a march to free those confined miners, end martial law, and organize the county. In Kanawha County, up to 13,000 miners gathered and began marching toward Logan County on August 24. The reviled anti-union sheriff of Logan County, Don Chafin[90] set up defenses on Blair Mountain, with the nation's largest private armed force of 2000. By August 29, battle was fully joined. Chafin's men, though outnumbered, had the advantage of higher positions and better weaponry. Private hired planes dropped homemade bombs on the miners near the towns of Jeffery, Sharples and Blair. Army bombers were used for aerial surveillance. Sporadic gun battles continued for a week. Up to 30 deaths were reported by Chafin's side and 50–100 on the union miners' side, with hundreds more injured. On September 2, federal troops arrived by presidential order, and the miners started heading home the next day. About one million rounds were fired in the battle.[91]

Capitalists will defend this.

Upvoted more comrades need to see this!!!

imagine being so deep in ideology you react to inconvenient facts with derision to avoid having to acknowledge them

Still regurgitating the same old tired arguments.

It amazes me how two people presented with the same information could have radically different interpretations of it.

You're so deep in your ideology that you can't even fathom the concept of sacrifice in order to barter with the future.

I am just annoyed by how basic bitch and redditesque your "arguments" against capitalism are

That's the first post I've made in the thread. You're making a fool out of yourself.

How am I supposed to know that you giant faggot? Either way your post was literally "lol read a book" tier so fuck off.

You're not especially helping your case. I am doubtful that someone who refers to his opposition as "basic bitch" and "redditesque" is intellectually or emotionally equipped to engage in any serious discussion.

Non-burger here. I knew about Ludlow but this sounds fucking surreal. All the coal wars skirmishes. Why did the government even allow massacres of civilians by PMCs and fucking improvised bombers and just anemically send some fed troops post factum when the public starts to bitch? Sounds like a huge PR hit for the president to allow for civilian camps to be gunned by MGs and labour disputes to be solved with dozens of corpses.

>ancap """"arguments""""

Crust punks are disgusting and smelly

>boohoo those meanies are violent against us :(
>the solution is to be violent against them


I suggest you do some calculations on how much gold you can expect from all the ore you can carry and then get back with the results.
Mind you that the result is a months wages.