What is the history of Wewuzism

When exactly did this begin

at what point in history did African Americans start to believe they were descendants of the Ancient Egyptians

I understand that the Black Hebrew Israelite movement is pretty much a rip off of the British Israelism movement in the 19th century

but where the hell did this idea that the Egyptians were black come from

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probably the black nationalist movement 30 years ago

Its not that far off the mark.
You need to have some people enter academia, and do some reading, before you can spread it internally.

It's much older than that. The intellectual roots of black nationalism are over a century old. Marcus Garvey in particular flirted with the Black Egypt theory.

Falsely claiming other civilizations as your ancestors, of course, is an age-old activity.

African American historical revisionism kicked into high gear when Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam started preaching Yakub nonsense. That fed into anti-white sentiment and the Black Power movement. Not sure when the Egypt claims started.

yeah i would say about the early 20th century

you also have the moorish science temple of america which was in the 1920s


African Americans have no cultural and ethnic roots of their own. At best they can trace them selves back to undetermined west african slave.

so they invented a new historical identity for themselves.

>Poor americans are fucking retarded

woahh..so this is the power....of history

Also revivalist Protestantism bring greater numbers of Blacks into Christianity might have contributed to it.

Poor white Americans don't claim dey wuz kangs of France or Britain, poor Mexcrement Americans don't claim dey wuz kangs of Spain, this is purely a nigger thing.

How does your reply help to answer op's question in any way? He asked when it started.

Why are /pol/acks so retarded?

If I recall Black Hebrew Israelites predate both Garvey and the NOI. I think some of the more far out ideas stem from NOI splinter groups like the Nuwaubians and the Five Percent Nation.

>I don't know, yet I will comment

>at what point in history did African Americans start to believe they were descendants of the Ancient Egyptians

Both the Egyptian revisionism and the Black Hebrew revisionism are literally just copy-pasting 19th century northwest European (primarily Anglo) theories.

>When exactly did this begin

Since the beginning of history. Claiming the ancestors of others as your own is old as fuck. See for example the Romans claiming "we wuz Trojans n shit", all the way to modern 'whites' claiming "we wuz Persians n shit".


>Poor white Americans don't claim dey wuz kangs of France or Britain

They absolutely do though. Which is idiotic, I agree.

No they don't you lying coon.

Yes they do.


I'm not American and I had to look up what this means, lol.

If anything, Romans claiming descent from Trojans has to do with bridging the gap between Greek and Roman culture while working within a framework of known mythological progenitors of early mankind. It's hardly "WE WUZ DA TROJANZ N SHEEIT" like blacks do to Egypt.

Then provide proof of your claim.

There was a Nubian dynasty ruling over Egypt tho

It's exactly the same you ponce. People have always made up stories about their origins, in the modern world we laugh at niggers for doing so because we have the evidence that disproves their claims, but the process is exactly analogous to the Romans claiming to be Trojans, or the Jews claiming to be from Mesopotamia.

Nubians aren't negro, and they ruled Egypt for ~100 years, a tiny fraction of the 7,000 year history of Egypt.

Mods come on.

Except that poor white Americans of midwestern settler stock actually ARE generally descended from Norman nobility displaced by religious sectarian and political squabbling in Britain

Most white Americans will give you the runaround "noble family" story. Mexicans swear to god the Spanish interbreeding thing was just a setback and el gringo needs to leave "their" ancestoral lands.
>hurr give me a source for every far fetched fringe belief
No you faggot they are literal fringe tier fuckwads. I wouldn't cite them out of principle.

Except West Africans (the true wewuzzer ancestors) =/= Egyptians/Nubians

I don't come to Veeky Forums often, but the last time I was here, there was a thread about "why aren't whites allowed to be proud of their own culture?? :(((" with pictures of Italian renaissance works of art. In my experience, this sort of thinking is not uncommon.

I have literally never heard anything of the sort in my 40 years of living in America.

>but the process is exactly analogous to the Romans claiming to be Trojans,
The reason blacks claim to be kangz is because they can get a self-esteem boost for their hurt egos by saying to Europeans "WE WUZ DA INVENTORS OF philosophy, science, math, pyramids, first civilization, etc." meanwhile Romans claiming to be descended from Trojans didn't offer any of the above clout being from Egypt offers the blacks and has everything to do with what I stated here

That's not at all the same as niggers claiming to have been kings in Egypt. Italian Americans DO have a stake in Italian culture, American niggers DON'T have such a stake in Egyptian culture.

Then you've obviously spent 40 years living in the North, or under a fucking rock.
There's literally nothing wrong with that, but I have over a million people within 50 square miles of me, and i wait tables.
You would be surprised.

The Romans DID claim to have been KANGS of Troy, they didn't claim to be descended from just any old Trojan peasant but from the heir to the throne of Troy. It's exactly the same thing, just that nowadays you can't get away with such claims whereas in the time of Rome it was difficult or impossible to refute such a claim.

And yet you just told me you're not American and didn't even know what coon meant. You're full of shit.

There is definitely some genealogical we wuzery among white americans. But if you go far back everyone has some noble or royal ancestor.

However, white americans, except for a few fringe groups like Christian Identity, don't go into it as deeply as black americans.

Just a search on YouTube shows the copious amount of we wuzery there is. Even in other languages. To be fair other ethnic groups do similar things, but it's usually just ethnic pride videos.

Afrocentrists go quite deep into historical revisionism. I saw a video recently of an afrocentrist guy in Morocco claiming that the Jews there were black. That's how committed they are. It's almost impressive if it wasn't so dumb.

That poster did not specify Italian Americans though. Do you think every white person, regardless of cultural lineage, has a stake in all European cultures?

No, a modern American claiming they wuz Michelangelos and shieet (they weren't) is exactly the sort of proof you asked for.

Veeky Forums isn't really representative of the average person any more than /int/ is. It's severely warping your image of the world.

>but the process is exactly analogous to the Romans claiming to be Trojans,
Everyone was descended from a god, king or demigod at this time. The emperor of Japan still claims to descended from a god. What I'm saying is obvious as is the fact you're projecting modern attitudes unto a past which was radically alien to our present.

If you want to criticize nordicist for saying "we wuz da real Greeks and romans" in the 19th century in a scientific manner be my guest as that actually is analogues to blacks claiming they are descended from ancient Egyptians. Romans saying they defended from Trojan kings thousands of years ago is nothing of the sort.

>And yet you just told me you're not American

No, he didn't, that was me. Don't act as if you know who everyone is on an anonymous imageboard.

A much smaller stake than an American from Italy has, but yes European civilization is / was a thing and Americans are of European descent.


>Lying and claiming that any substantial amount of black people believe this.

Grew up in an all black neighborhood and never once heard this. The only place is seems to exist is on the internet or occasional books.

OP is merely peddling /pol/shit.



Firstly no it isn't, since Michelangelo was at least a European while niggers have no connection at all to Egypt, secondly if this is as common as you claim it is, then provide some proof.

>HURR I replied on behalf of someone else without making it clear I'm not him, but YOU'RE the asshole for assuming I was the person you were talking to!

Go fuck yourself dipshit.

Lol white people are the biggest offenders of WE WUZZ

This post made me laugh. We should just accept that Veeky Forums is now a battleground for ideologues. lol

>What I'm saying is obvious as is the fact you're projecting modern attitudes unto a past which was radically alien to our present.

Absolute bullshit. People in the past weren't aliens, they were exactly like we are. The kind of claims WE WUZ KANGZ types make are exactly the same as the claims the Romans made, all that has changed is our access to information that disproves such claims.

>It's severely warping your image of the world.

Probably more like my image of America. Aside from that, you may be correct.

>Claiming fallen civilizations as your ancestors

I'd go with everything after Alexander.

>mythological genealogies from thousands of years ago is the same as blacks claiming they are Egyptians
This is on the history and humanities board.

It literally is. People like to make up stories about where they came from, and SURPRISE! they don't generally say "we wuz peasants n'shit", they generally say "we wuz kangz / gods / trojans". I realize you are incapable of understanding this, but niggers are just people like anyone else.

And most African Americans are descended from slave owners who are more related or directly to the European nobility of the old world.

As it stands, most African-Americans have more to have pride in their noble European lineage than their vast European peasant neighbors surrounding them top kek.

Mods I am going to keep replying until you do your fucking jobs. Unless you've literally all been fired there is no reason to have this thread up for this long.

How have you not heard of this?

Where do you think all those Scots-Irish fuckers came from?

They're all Anglo-Norman of noble lineage from the Scottish lowlands who had to bounce over to Ulster after the Jacobite rebellion and then got pushed to America during Cromwell's Irish Resettlement Act.

Europe is not one huge cultural monolith. In fact, this same line of reasoning could be used to rationalize blacks we wuzzing the Egyptians.
Germanics do not have a stake in Italian culture, and vice versa.

>And most African Americans are descended from slave owners who are more related or directly to the European nobility of the old world.

If niggers want to take pride in European civilization then more power to them. They don't, tho.

>my we wuz is better than theirs, because mine is real


>scots-Irish barbarians
Pick one. I assure you it isn't only the negroid component that makes American blacks act like chimps.

Egyptians were African. It's about as strong a connection as claiming Michalangelo just because he's European.

That's definitely similar but there were actually anglo-norman minor gentry who form part of the Scots-Irish community so at worst this is claiming you are descended from the man who ruled the bit of land you come from, not as egregious a claim as saying you are descended from the kings of a land thousands of miles away from where your actual ancestors come from.


Nigga you done fucked up

Don't forget Normans.

Americans won't understand this.
The people complaining about we wuzzery the most turned out to be one of the worst offenders.

I didn't claim it was a monolith, but Europe does form a single coherent civilization that has shared its development to such an extent that it is nearly impossible to say that even something as quintessentially Italian as Michelangelo is ONLY an Italian artist, rather than being the heir of a thousands-years-long tradition of culture dating back to the ancients, and even to Sumer.