Self-rightous tankies constantly shitting up any Cold War threads

>self-rightous tankies constantly shitting up any Cold War threads
>/pol/tards constantly infecting WWII threads with their autism
Radical Centrist revolution when?

>fighting autism with autism
keep trying

I'm with you, brother. The tankies and the stormfags are very tiresome.

When all you've got is the 'tism, everything looks like spergout

Veeky Forums needs a ban on any and all discussion of socialism/capitalism/fascism. That, or a ban on discussion of history post 1870.

Or just ban the faggots who contaminate good threads with their obnoxious rhetoric. I've seen a good Rome thread go to shit because a socialiboo and fasciboo started arguing about which stupid ideology Romans were closer to.

While we're at it, could we purge all the christfags too?

I swear, 90% of the threads are just, "If god isn't real, then how would we know that killing is wrong?"

yeah lets ban and control discussion on a barren history forum that sounds worth the time

I fucking hate """centrists""". Because Centrism is a MEANINGLESS concept. The left-right spectrum hasn't been accurate since the French revolution, what the fuck are you in the middle of.

Additionally, if Centrism to you is just "moderate", then you're a fucking Liberal (aka capitalist piggu) so you're not a moderate as you think when you support a system as aggressive, expansive, and consumerist as capitalism. I'm sure lots of Neoliberals consider themselves "centrist" and they are the cancer of the world because they exist to benefit the elite classes while pacifying the lower ones with political foolery.

>That, or a ban on discussion of history post 1870
I think 1939-1945 would solve 99% of problems

>hurr durr lets ban talking about WWII on a history board
>hurr durr I'm too lazy/mentally incapacitated to ignore or head threads I don't have any interest in participating in

You stupid fucking retard, the thread is about the fact that you nor other ideologued can not contain their political autism while discussing history. It's jarring as fuck to see an ideological chimpout from a commie/nazi/ancap/whoever in an otherwise a very interesting thread. Not to mention the endless amounts of shitpost threads that plague this board.

That pic is quite fanciful. Radical leftists are absurdly factional within their own spheres, killing and disagreeing with each other as often as outsiders. Reactionaries aren't much better.

Marx was a brilliant critic of our current society, just as many socialists are now. Reactionaries have also really well done and well written critiques of modernity.

Problem is their solutions are unconvincing. Either they would never work or putting them into practice would be far more excruciatingly awful than our current one

This. Discussion of capitalism, fascism and communism should be banned. It's Veeky Forums not /pol/ or /leftypol/

>ignore ww2 threads
>board is empty

>all it take to buttblast a tankie is 2 meme arrows and a frogpost


The reason you see that is because of the state of /pol/. People still want to talk about politics, but not in that shithole.

Quite frankly we need a his-esque politics board but I think we should be allowed to talk about politics as they relate to historical events due to the nature of propaganda and whatnot.

Personally I think you should just fuck off with your autism. It's "jarring" to see politics? I can understand it could be annoying to you, but "jarring"? Are you are hormones sissy boy?

>"but the nazis couldn't have killed 6 million jews that quick"*
>*at the rate of 1 jew every 2 weeks

Why is holocaust denial even a thing?

Wouldn't gassing 10 gorrilion Jews give Stormweenies a boner?

Jap moot should just merged /pol/ and /mlp/ permanently, and make a new politics board

Yes, it is jarring. Ideological autism devolves from annoying to jarring when a good history thread becomes political shitflinging competition because someone gets offended due to wewuzzing/commie slant/nazi slant/capitalist slant/whatever slant.

Same reason tankies downplay the famines. Atrocities are bad for PR

Also, nice double dubs

>implying I mentioned anything about holocaust being true or not
>implying you aren't the caricature of the ideologue faggot who simply can't contain his retardation

Maybe it's jarring because its hard for you to accept that our view of history is incredibly flawed and filled with propaganda ranging from obvious to extremely subtle.

So when things don't go perfectly in linear fashion just like your meme history books or wikipedia articles you get upset.

Or maybe you're just too much of a coward to believe in anything because you're afraid of what it means to hold in ideology. You're afraid of picking sides, you're afraid to acknowledge their are sides. You probably even think your wise for this.

Something is wrong with the world today, and that is liberalism. You don't have to be a stormfag or lefty to acknowledge that.

there* you're*

Wait, your post was pro-holocaust denial?

Yes, but they know that the holocaust is the strongest reason your average individual will oppose their ideology. /pol/tards do not express their political beliefs because they know they will be publicly shunned, and maybe they unconsciously know that the mass murder of people is 'bad' therefore they rather not be involved with the whole holocaust thing

Another ideologue fucking up another thread

What are you without ideology? I recognize that ideology has committed atrocity, but it has also done great good.

A directionless, or moderate person is most susceptible to oppression because they are too comfortable in it.

>all historical politics is propaganda
>but my politics aren't propaganda, they're the real deal
? ? ?

Also, it's not cowardice to take a moderate approach to politics, you sperg. You're literally the definition of a useful idiot

>I surely will be the party card holder oppressing those dumb complacent moderates lmao!

>So when things don't go perfectly in linear fashion just like your meme history books or wikipedia articles you get upset
Oh but they do. Threads go in a very linear fashion on Veeky Forums. Good thread starts --> someone offends a retard like you due to history not having a ideological slant --> shitposting until autosage.

Moderate approach to politics means jack shit. Is democracy moderate? How do you define it? We have democratically decided to destroy the planet by consuming at exponential rates. Is destruction of the planet moderate to you?

See it means nothing.

No oppression for moderates. Unless you consider letting workers have the value of their labour, then yes lots of oppression.

It's mean I decide on a case by case basis, you brainlet.

Moderate != no beliefs

WWII discussion should go back to /k/, it might help speed that board up.
Threads about the Holocaust should be banned because they use up Hirohito's precious server space with shitty infographs.

Ah one of the "I take every issue seperately" dipshits.

What political system where you thinking for that? One were we allow politically illiterate people vote for "representatives"? Should we then ask these representatives for what we want based on separate issues? Oh wait we do, do this and it doesn't work.You need idealogy to counteract the masses stupidity. Christianity is a great example of this. Sure it's fucking weird, strict, and has social consequences but it was useful for social focus and cooperation with common goals in mind.

Protip for you, just thinking the "right" thing isn't enough. (for you it was "just decide each issue seperatley lmaooo XDDDD) You need plans for how to do that, and how to convince people. Especially dumb people. For that you need ideology. It's a flaw of organizing human beings.

Moderate representative democracies have done well enough, way better than your pipedream ideology at least.

Ok, so what's your big plan? We already know you hate moderates and hating the right is implicit

That leaves you and you're little band of Che Guevara LARPers in the minority

Suppose you did somehow seize power. How would you legitimise that power? Do you think the populace is just gonna do everything you say? Why? You hate most of them.

Say gained power legitimately and got elected. How do you enact any of your reforms? By going on autistic rants on the parliament floor? Would you be able to get enough of you radical party through give you a chance at passing laws?

You say that I don't have a plan and that i don't do anything to further my beliefs. But what the FUCK do you actually do aside from sperg out on Bangladeshi rice juggling forum?

I'm saving up money to buy land, and start an armed militia/commune

I don't intend on changing the system, I just want to live my life in a way I can consciously agree to.

I'm not even a Che worshipper or tankie anyways.

>Bakunin and Makhno not Marx and Stalin ok. >Praise mother anarchy

I guess it would be more apt to describe my politics as pragmatic rather than moderate. I cast my vote based on who would be most competent in their position. I care about the more autistic side of government i.e., logistics, budget, etc.

Utopian ideals are for brainlets.

I sure hope no one in your future commune doesn't get funny ideas about private ownership of things.

That statement is an ideological one and it fits into user's post really well.

Nobody is seizing any power or reforming anything without majority support from the populace.

Isn't great that you can buy a plot of private land to chase your dreams? :^)

If you have a plan and the resources, nothing can be utopian. Just hard to achieve.

Aren't you the capitalist piggu then in the anarcho-commune because you're the sole owner of the land and dictate the tules of the land others have to follow?

>what is pooling resources

just like the socialist wonderland of ussr/china/eastern europe/venezuela/vietnam/kambozda with happy populations without wants or needs eh

The point is that in a full communist state you wouldn't be able to pool your resources for the militia farm.

The resources would belong to the entire state. They would only give you resources if it was in the interest of the state. And guess what? Giving out fiefs to random citizens would NOT be in the interests of the state

>let me reduce the complex historical circumstances and events surrounding these time into a biting ideologically charged remark about socialism.

This meant for

the complex historical circumstances and events like famine, forced labour, deportations, genocide, lack of basic needs and violent suppression of dissidents eh

You know what user? Buy the farm with your friends. That actually sounds like a lot of fun.

But what people in this thread are trying to get through to you isn't that our current system is perfect and should never change, just that our current system isn't necessarily the evil virus of Satan you think it is.

A little bit better, but you forgot:
>State of Russia post ww1, Civil War, and feudalism
>gulags ended in 1960s after Khruschev Thaw
>living conditions are typically better in socialist nations than what they were before. You can't compare living conditions to the fucking USA, most of the world can't even do that.
>All of these bad things happen in capitalism too you fucking faggot.

ah yes, whataboutism, was wondering when the first whataboutist comes along

Centrism is literally the "third way" in which Europe lives at the moment. It's a realpolitik stance that puts functionality above ideology, not aiming to be purely capitalist or purely socialist, opting for a mixed economy with social support based upon liberal principles. Your inability to understand this or recognize why this is beneficial displays either profound ignorance or is disingenuous. The US has opted for a "third way" in many respects as well.

this thread is gonna start giving ppl AIDS soon


Wishing it happened isn't the same as it actually happening

>mixed economy
>liberal principles

LOL, no that's called smug pseud theory. You are still the liberals lapdogs, and aka the liberals aren't all that "liberal". Higher living standards=/=good. Stop letting your fear of death decide your political views.

and btw* sorry I'm tired

>Higher living standards=/=good
You'd rather let people starve, generally suffer or die as collateral damage or as direct casualties of ideological autism? Why?

What the fuck are you talking about

Everything your modern "realpolitik", mixed economy bullshit is based on is creating conditions for expanding by decreasing the likelyhood of death to both the human and the system. It constantly feeds for more humans, and more resources and will continue until destruction of the Earth.

So if that's your third way I'm out

It's as if "stormweenies" aren't cartoon villains who just want to kill people for the sake of being evil.

Uh, have you ever actually read a stormfag post?

I like to think they're misguided young people.

Have you ever considered how many false flags are in this board?

You cannot escape politics. The onea that oppose /pol/ are politically active as well.
>hurrr delete what i dont like, it huwts my feewings111
fuck off lerty/pol/

>staliboo literal autism
>status-quo cucky bois

How'bout we make this a containment general? Huh? Sounds good? This board could do with a few generals I feel.

Feel free to try >>>/reddit/, where you can downvote scary opinions

I'm economically left wing, socially right wing. I consider myself radical centrist, but it's the exact opposite of what neoliberals call "radical centrism"

>These problems are evident in both socialism and capitalism, so it's unfair to categorise it simply as a failing of socialism
>Hehe you socialist cucks can't wait to bring in your whataboutism
Fucking retard

What would be your alternative?

Not that user but some countries need to stop fucking around, expand their borders, and use the extra land for production.

We also need another superpower to start working on space stuff so NASA is given a budget higher than 2 peanuts, because we should really start to worry about the fact that our entire species is stranded in this rock in the middle of space and we could all die at any moment.

I'd say sorting out the problems we have on earth right now is more important than funding nasa tbqh


> expand their borders
For what purpose and on whose expense?
> increase production
Of what?
> More money for NASA
feel free to vote or run for congress if that's what you want. In your autocratic masturbatory fantasy, you could be saddled with antiscience for good.

Never going to happen as long as we have hundredths of governments all over the world working separated or against each other on their own problems.
The US doesn't have the authority or the time and resources to solve the hunger in Africa while they're still debating because Joe thinks he's being literally enslaved because he's getting paid 7$/h instead of 8 and he's not allowed to smoke pot.