What can you tell me about Thracians, Veeky Forums...

What can you tell me about Thracians, Veeky Forums? In Greek sources they're basically depicted as orcs with no redeeming qualities

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Both Greek and Roman accounts unanimously agree that Thracians in particular were very barbaric. If you want a neutral account of an Ancient writer that actually went to Thrace, their settlements, and their leaders, go read the last few books of Xenophon's Anabasis. Xenophon was hired along with the Ten-Thousand (actually was like 8,000 by the time he reached Europe IRC) mercenaries under his command by a Thracian prince to help him secure his claim to rule from his Uncle or some relative whatever. In it, he describes his time and discussion with said prince (who is portrayed moderately civilized, with being able to comprehend and listen to Greek as its spoken, and is able to talk somewhat in it) and his stay and battles against neutral or hostile villages to the prince. But the overall experience documented by Xenophon in this camps and small rural villages just shows a bland way of life. They are neither heavily barbaric by Greek standards nor 'civilized' as in living in a urban polis and being sophisticated in it.

Jupiter's cock!
Love that show. Not very realistic at all but really enjoyable for violence and QTs.

Lost interest after batiatus died. He was the best part.

Thrakians were basically rural Greeks. Didn't develope into urbanized polis of the Greeks.

They demonize the Romans too much.

Batiatus was great but so was Crassus, Caesar, Gnaecius, Ashur, etc...

Was thracian actually similar to Greek or does it just look that way because we have hellenized words passed down?

They made some gnarly swords

They have left us no written records.

No, Thracian wasn't similar to Greek, and they weren't Greek. The two were attested to be unintelligible to each other speakers. Archaeological remains of non-Hellenic Thracian settlements from the bronze age to onwards show that they had a different material culture than the Greeks. Mycenaean sites in the bronze age don't appear further North in mainland Greece past Thessaly. Their societies attested in Greek sources were completely different, and they had different religions. Actual rural Greeks who were Greek would be the Arkadians, Thessalians, Macedonians, and Epirotes.
There's actually a few Thracian inscriptions in the Greek alphabet, and they show that Thracian was it's own language. Greco-Roman sources also mention and list certain words they distinctly use in their language. That, and with people and places names in Greco-Roman texts, we get a clue somewhat of the language to connect how close it was to others. And from it, it appears that Thracian, Dacian, Phrygian, Paeonian, Bithynian, and Mysians were all apart of same sub-set language family, and it's likely it arrived in Anatolia from the Balkans. It's likely that their migration wave came after the time the Greek language appeared in Greece.

Crassus was absolutely based.

>Drank wine
>Prayed to same pantheon different names
>Extensive cultural exchange of equipment etc
>Built their cities high on hills/in mountains

>drank wine
so did everyone else in the Mediterranean. They also drunk beer.
>Prayed to same pantheon different names
they had completely different gods, besides for the Indo-European 'Earth mother'. they didn't even have trio-deities line many Indo-European religions have.
>Extensive cultural exchange of equipment etc
Only the Phygrian cap and helmet, and pelcasts. both of which Greeks recognized as foreign.
>>Built their cities high on hills/in mountains
Thrace was pretty flat, and they built their largest settlements on relatively flat ground.

Incorrect on religion. The Thracians believed their gods to live in a mountain away from mortals. They had a supreme God whose power were like that of Zeus. They had gods of hunt, of festivals etc. Their myth was different, but they were the same purpose in the pantheon.

Also wrong on just the cap and helmet. But I'm at work on a phone for other items.

Thrakians and the Gatae were all similar tribes that had not completely united as a people. Whenever possible they were built on hills, and as you move to Romania mountain cities became the norm.

The Thracians were called "butter eaters" by the Greeks, reliance on animal product over vegetable was the height of barbarism

What the fuck did they mean by this thing?

Secret wanking grip.


Everyone to the east are Thracian, everyone to the west are Thracian, but when Macedonians conquer the universe, they're Greeks.

found this Brill Handbook on Ancient Thrace to download for free if you're interested OP

>Julia Valeva is Professor at the Institute for Art Studies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

>Emil Nankov is the Archaeology Program Officer of the American Research Center in Sofia, Bulgaria.

brill is a respected publisher though, and bulgaria is one of the main sites for excavating thracian stuff. it's like us historians almost exclusively studying the natives who live in the US. not saying that they might be totally unbiased, but if you're at least somewhat educated his hard to make a nationalist myth connecting a bulgarian nation to thracians...

>Everyone to the east are Thracian
Nope. Bottiaeans, Almopians, Chalciicè were non-Greeks that their territory the Macedonians conquered.
>everyone to the west are Thracian
Everyone to the West are Paeonians, Epirotes (Greeks), and Illyrians.
>but when Macedonians conquer the universe, they're Greeks.
they are Greek.

Thucydides was descended from Thracian aristocracy and in all likelihood he spent his exile from Athens on his estates in Thrace and wrote his History of the Peloponnesian War there


or in Latin characters:


("Teanescoa" almost looks like it could be modern Romanian.)

>Thucydides' dad had the same name as a Thracian king
>calls himself Athenian

What does it mean?

his great grandfather was literally a thracian prince

I mean the thracian king his father is named after

Probably an art piece. It looks like the hand is pledging loyalty or honest. The fruits of that are on the thumb perhaps showing that the virtue is very beneficial. Then again, behind the pledge can be deceit. A serpent. Just an interpretation

>Xenophon's Anabasis
That was written in 370bc and is therefore useless to me. Anything written in the 1st century BC?

Sounds comfy

>they are Greek.

How are Macedonians Greeks when the sources we have from Greece deny it? You're just making shit up now.

He was, but the show was still enjoyable without him.

Anyone anyone got anything good on the Scythians?

book 4 of herodotus' history is dedicated to the scythians though its not that detailed. pic related are what i could find about scythians

>le macedonians aren't greek maymay

>they called them barbarians once so they're not greek lmao
stop this

Glad he was at least brought back for Gods of the Arena, thank fuck for prequels.

Underrated people. They probably formed the bulk of hellenic armies at times.

Study Ukrainian or Russian. Most of the good research is in those languages since they have the archeological deposits in their countries. Sometimes Hungarian.