How can crypto be saved from the chinese?

How can crypto be saved from the chinese?

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By handing over the reigns.

dude, just look at him, he is a good guy, one of us

Hes kinda cute.

I wonder who would win, the Jews or the Chinese.


For starters font buy any of their scam coins like Ans and qtum. Seriously, the chinese have one purpose in crypto world and that's to steal westerner's money.

get rid of proof of work

buy neo prease

fidget spinners

Opium coin

>implying the gooks aren't trying to save bitcoin

fuck off kike

it can't
crypto power is held by the highest hash power, the chinese have that area dominated

It's not that the asian are fucking you guys over. It's just that you guys are dumb as fuck.

fuck china and fuck yellow people

The chinese do this in every industry. They are mindless, amoral zerg.

Cheng meng nihao pong. Fuck every slit eye, hang every one of em.


Have you voiced your concerns?
[email protected]

A central part of his campaign was "fuck China!"

Can't. Especially not with Neo coming up too. Going to be yuge

why does Veeky Forums trust the chinese government more than their own government?

The Japanese and Koreans are our only hope

why do I wanna rekt his face so fucking bad tho

Chinks are everywhere so no.
But hey, it could be worse, crypto could be controlled by pajeets.