Why is war so glorified but peace isn't?

Why is war so glorified but peace isn't?

I dont know user, tell me why you feel excited when you see someone hit someone.

I would say that peace is appreciated

Chimps go to war too. War and genocide is built into us deep

Its more fun in theory.

War is pretty glorious if you don't die.

If you like dying so much then just kill yourself and leave everyone else who would prefer living out of it.

Because you need to glorify war to make people want to fight and die for something arbitrary. You don't need to glorify peace, because peaceful living doesn't require glorification to be / appear pleasant

Peace is just the interlude between wars. The sooner you get that straight, the clearer your mind will be.

You cannot postpone a war, except to your enemy's benefit.

I dont believe thats the reason.
Small kids are interested in Cowboys and Indians and Star Wars without any propaganda needed

war is just a failure of solving problems through diplomacy
As humanity progresses and our diplomatical skills increase, war becomes less and less common, until it will completely disappear

You don't appreciate peace until you've lost it.

lol they were saying that shit before WW1 too

"I have come to set the world on fire, and I wish it were already burning!

and they were right
we have much less wars now

Diplomacy is just war using words as weapons.

There's a point at which people are no longer wiling to use words.

You might be insane. More people have been killed in wars in the last century than all other centuries combined.

You need to keep people interested in war in order to have them go and fight it. Peace is inherently good, so the big men have no reason to actually propagate it. It doesn't serve their interests either anyway.

The human race is a race of cowards; and I am not only marching in that procession but carrying a banner.

Mark Twain

Conflict is always admirable because it forces the individual, state, group, etc. to purge itself of weakness as best as it can, and is the conflict itself is the sifting process through which the strongest prevails.

Strength is seen as admirable, and so war is admirable because it both reveals and makes the strongest into what they are destined to be.

Niggaz quote me every fucking time to sound smart. Shit's annoying.

Mark Twain.

The problem with quotes on the internet is that you never know if they're true. - Abraham Lincoln

Yes because of World War II, but since then...

I can't wait for the inevitable nuclear exchange that will btfo of WW2 casualty scales, and reduce utopia fags like you to "ok sure WW3 was awful but our diplomacy has totally improved now and this time war is done forever we swear" like you always do.

War is pretty cool and fun until you're actually forced to fight in one.
I'm fascinated by military history but there's no way in hell I'm actually going to want to fight in some kind of a battle.

Less exploding helicopters.

Same. I'd fight, but I know well it wouldn't be enjoyable or glorious.

It is. Dying in war is seen as tragedy these days rather than glory.

Keep waiting, Church of the Atom acolyte.

>waaaahhhh i'm so nihilist meme i hate society SOOOOO MUCH BURN IT ALL LE HELLFIRE PRAISE KEK

The defense of the nation is an affirmation of the collective kinship of the people.

To join your brother in a cause that is just invites a unifying zeal that invigorates the spirit beyond the trifling meandering of one's own life.

Best answer in the thread.

That's probably a historically/culturally conditioned expression of the kind of sparring/play fighting you see in other juvenile mammals. From that you can't conclude that we inherently lust for war seeing as other mammals don't.

This is essentially nihilism, an acknowledgment that without war life would have no meaning. This is delusion.


>Cowboys and Indians and Star Wars
>without propaganda
hooooolllyyyyyyy shit

Most spooked, you meant.

People are seriously defending war ITT.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>Being such a pussy you hate war.


Because even mediocre people can achieve greatness in war. The whole sum of a person's talents and instinct and misgivings and flaws are engaged in a fight to the death with an enemy that is prepared to do the same. When you emerge victorious, this is an affirmation that you were worthy to survive the great threshing machine of war. This is the very stuff of an autistic underachieving NEET's dreams, because they need an ego boost to make up for the comparatively dull and wholly unremarkable lives.

Also, any appeal to nationalism is a spook.

t. 40 year old kissless virgin

I don't want society to burn.
I'm just not naive enough to believe that humans will invent weapons that never see use, or that a species that reproduces through competitive sexual selection will ever leave conflict and therefore war behind.

>life having meaning without conflict

Not really the only reason we don't have wars is something call atomic bomb the greatest diplomacy device of all times

Mind blowing isn't it, the way children are naturally drawn to war without having to be tricked into doing so.

Conflict is necessary for change. All organisms compete for survival and propagation of their offspring.

Give it time.
It's inevitable that we pop our nuclear cherries like the whores we are.

More like, they're naturally drawn to playing war, not conducting war.

A bunch of children seeking out war zones to kill people would be more convincing than a bunch of children just playfully acting that way to have fun.

Who the fuck wants to conduct war? "Hey Charlie, can you pretend to be a supply officer and make me sign for my platoon's weekly allotment of bully beef tins and .308 ammunition?"

If children were not discouraged from murdering each other and were allowed access to actual weapons they most assuredly would do so.

That doesn't even happen in Somalia or Yemen. When people can choose the comfy, they'll choose the comfy. They'll only choose war when they perceive necessity.

Even in Somalia and Yemen, children are discouraged from murdering each other and disallowed casual access to weapons, if only because no wants to deal with sending an armed five year old to bed.

WWIII will make WWII look like a picnic.

Then hold your manhood lightly.

Very lightly indeed.

Because peace is ordinary and war is extraordinary for most people. When people see combat for extended periods of time what you say is reversed and peace is seen as beautiful and amazing rather than boring.
The same principle applies to almost everything; look at all the alt history threads that romanticise napoleon, the central powers, or the axis winning. No doubt if they did then the exact same people would be posting about how great an American rather than German dominated world would be full of freedom rather than order.
Anything that exists as a concept rather than reality isn't subject to the real world and thus we only imagine what we want to imagine rather than what will happen.
Take comfort in war being glorified as that implys that it is not the norm which is good because for the most part peace is better. :)
TL;DR the grass is always greener.

The reason why less war exists now isn't because of natural ideological progression, it's because WMDs came in to existence and then the overwhelming ability of the US to dictate world order with an unchallengeable military force.

If the US disappeared off the face of the Earth right now, a world war would absolutely immediately ensue to fill the vacuum. World Leaders are at the point where they trust each other enough to believe nobody is actually crazy enough to launch nukes, but would still attempt to usurp land and power using conventional warfare.

Very much as the bible prophesies in Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38, yes.

Because men run everything.
Jk JK but really like anons have said, a combination of grass is always greener on the other side and a propaganda tool.

So, basically, your claim about human nature applies in exactly zero real cases, not even to wartorn countries like Somalia and Yemen, and requires people to grow up totally isolated, outside of even the smallest remnants of civilization, but you somehow know it to be true because it's edgy.

>conflict objectively exists in reality
>conflict isn't a projection of my fragile ego
>conflict gives meaning, not the person projecting the conflict


change occurs regardless of conflict. organisms also co-operate and are interdependent for their existence in the braoder ecosystem.


>bravery and courage
>boldness and tenacity
>social revolution and great change
>pride and glory in one's self and in one's country



war makes you feel alive OP

>Take comfort in war being glorified as that implys that it is not the norm which is good because for the most part peace is better. :)

this desu the romanticization of war is a luxury afforded only by those who've never had to seen it with their own two eyes

dude peace is a lie, it is the cake.
there has never been peace and there never will be..... till you die.

peace was never an option

War is only glorified by rednecks and neckbeards obsessed with Prussia. By far most people have a negative opinion of it and Trump's claims of being opposed to it is what got him a lot of support.

It seems really likely that it's biological.

Peace isn't glorified by those in power but there's all kinds of obvious cultural examples of the glorification of peace.

>the overwhelming ability of the US to dictate world order with an unchallengeable military force.

don't fuck with us or we'll kill all of you

Kids are conditioned since infancy. It most definitely is propaganda.

That's also just the population booming

If the US dissapeared no one would give a fuck lmao

In fact we would be probably be better off for it

War is glorified when you have peace
peace is glorified when you have war
assuming there isnt another outlet

Governments in the past, and PMC/oil companies in the modern era can't make money with no war.