If you possess above average intelligence and can afford it, reproduce

If you possess above average intelligence and can afford it, reproduce.

Low IQ people naturally reproduce much more. The majority of the middle class today, are the lower class of 50-100 years ago. Now our middle class is going /r/childfree and thus the modern lower class (even dumber than previous generations) are going to become the new middle class.

>the world is overpopulated
The third world is over-populated, western nations have birth rates below replacement, thus the immigration of poor, dumb people.

>education will fix it
IQ has a .75 heritability.

>i wont bring a child into this screwed up world, it is unfair to society/environment
It's likely that if you consider the broad effect of having children and decide against it, you have the compassion, conscientiousness that must be passed on genetically for the good of society.

>i wont bring a child into this screwed up world, it is unfair to the child
It is highly likely your child will succeed as much as you due to genetics.

>i dont care about society
You are a parasite and an implicit enemy to your neighbors.

>i care more about toys
Reflect on your life. You likely have a personality disorder if you value toys and status more than your community.

Other urls found in this thread:


>i wont bring a child into this screwed up world, it is unfair to the child

My daily life for the last 5 years.

It took me 20 years to get over my miserable life inside my head. Even today I'm still fucked up because of genetic shit I carry. My IQ is pretty fine, and it's high enough to realize that creating another human who will be miserable from birth to adulthood is irresponsible.

Sorry, user. It's not as simple as just raising the IQ pool. If the world will converge to a certain IQ average, convincing a couple of normies to fuck without condoms won't change the macro trend.

If you think you want kids, but "not yet"...try this. Don't think about how young you are NOW, do the math on how old you'll be at various milestones in your kid's life.

You'll change your tune quick.

>tfw to ugly and social awkward to get a gf ever

i have accepted that im gonna be a lone forever. Hopefully being rich will make up for it somewhat.

I agree with this. Its also best you try to find a smart wife. Intelligence is the most reliable factor in determining the success of someones life.

>IQ has a .75 heritability.
What does this mean

>If the world will converge to a certain IQ average
you know, I think it already has

You cant make incels reproduce

It hasn't. The standard deviation is pretty massive if you take everyone into account. Different racial groups have clear different averages values. The convergence is far from finished.

>You are a parasite and an implicit enemy to your neighbors.

fuck you you collectivist commie scum faggot. make children of your own you impotent fucktwit, and leave me alone. I can decide perfectly fine for myself without a collective of parasitic socialist trying to extort me with their misery and rob me through taxes. fuck you and die a slow horrible death. you deserve it.

Hey you pasta'd my post.

Pretty cool. I genuinely believe all of that BTW.

I don't have anything against people choosing not to reproduce. But I also think you have to admit there's a certain degree of natural selection going on whether you want to admit it or not.

>call someone a parasite and enemy
>responds with violent rhetoric

You are proving the point

Let me add that if this is true, about the generational shift, a global economic recession is imminent.

keep fighting the good fight user the cleansing is coming

>i dont care about society

High IQ MSc here,

It's not that I don't care about society but I certainly don't care for modern western culture's morals so why should I dedicate most of my time and money to raising an infant instead of using it to drown my sorrows in selfish ignorant entertainment?

a) Yes, there's natural selection going on, but
b) you do not owe society anything. this is a foolish believe that only leads to widespread suffering. society consists of individuals, and that is who you are supposed to serve (by providing products and services at a good price and benefit thereby in return.). If you start serving society people will start shooting 'parasites', as they do not serve people anymore but a amorphous abstract blob.

>is severely ignorant of the fact that everyone who earns his money by honest means has done his deed
>believes in 'parasites'

you're a commie.

Trump will fix this. He does bigly with the undereducated

I have an anime daughter does that count?

Ok fedora settle down. You don't have to have kids if you don't want to/can't. Relax.

Your anime daughter is someone's wife.

What's the point of living if you're not going to reproduce? I see this as a game, like a relay race where I'm trying to set my kids up for the next leg and so on into infinity. I intend to win.

Lol got a vasectomy at 23, Fuck kids.

Life is pain and misery. Why would I inflict that on another. Stupid people can have this shithole.

"I don't want children" is just a fashionable way for undesirables to rationalize themselves. If they had a QT 3.14 begging for their seed, they'd have a brood. Let's not kid ourselves.

>I value my free time and money

>tfw low iq (110).
>rich (5 million net worth)

Should I reproduce? I'm a Khhv dateless so I doubt a female would even want to date me.

why would we want it too succeed?
What good does "benefiting the nations" do? Is it about living well? Why would we want to live well? Isn't that individualism?
Doesn't this individualism directly conflict your reach for collectivism of benefiting the nations? Living great together with as end goal living great individually? If not, why would I want to live to see others live well? Why even live then, those others will be well if they are well regardless of my existence

>Being an impulsive nigger

>got a vasectomy at 23

Damn, dude, enjoy all the symptoms of low test along with low IQ. Genuinely sorry to hear about your failure at life.

>Let's not kid ourselves.
I'm not. That's kind of the point

Holy fuck you're stupid.

>IQ has a .75 heritability.

"muh IQ"

It's meaningless you fuckwit

Here are some numbers that actually matter:

Bideltoid breadth
Interpupillary distance
Gonial angle
Dick length & girth
Bank account balance
Number of followers/subscribers/[name for online worshippers goes here] on [popular social media platform goes here]

"IQ" is a coping mechanism for unattractive, short, socially impotent nerds

>It's likely that if you consider the broad effect of having children and decide against it, you have the compassion, conscientiousness that must be passed on genetically for the good of society.

"A drop of blood will turn the ocean red" - You

>It is highly likely your child will succeed as much as you due to genetics.

"Due to genetics", any child I would have is likely to suffer as much as myself, and probably end up committing suicide

>You are a parasite and an implicit enemy to your neighbors.

Collectivist garbage

>Reflect on your life. You likely have a personality disorder if you value toys and status more than your community.

If you're under the impression that any given person cares more about their "community" than themselves, especially in the modern age of individualist hedonism, the only one that needs to "reflect" on anything is you

i'm just going to mention that i'm pretty sure when anyone mentions anything about their IQ most people think they sound like a dipshit. i know i do

Hoo hah! You might be a progeny-less waste but at least you appreciate a good pun.

IQ is strongly correlated with success and higher IQ countries are strongly correlated with higher qualities of life.

Your positions are anti-science.

Yep. That's pretty much exactly the kind of reply I'd expect from some anonymous beta with Low T. :-(

I'm 90% sure you're trolling but, I'm going to bite.
A vasectomy doesn't lower testosterone. It just redirects it away from the vas defrens, rather violently. As far as being a beta male, I really don't feel like arguing that with a stranger on the internet. I'm sure nothing will convince you otherwise.

>t.brainlet who scored double digits on an online test

By "it" I mean sperm.

>As far as being a beta male, I really don't feel like arguing that with a stranger

Spoken like a true beta.

Higher iq will get you a higher bank balance and more online worshippers.

It doesn't make sense to be selfish unless you're helping your direct offspring. Otherwise you may as well help your community since their genes are the closest to yours that are going to survive.

>IQ is strongly correlated with success and higher IQ countries are strongly correlated with higher qualities of life.

It's also strongly correlated with debilitating, life-threatening mental disorders, destructive behaviors, etc



There are also links to depression, anxiety disorders, and more

What you mean by "success" is the ability to be an effective corporate slave and a "productive member of society" (read: cog in a system whose benefits you don't even get to enjoy)

>Your positions are anti-science.



>Higher IQ will get you a higher bank balance

Not necessarily. Plenty of unemployed PhD graduates of physics, mathematics, etc

Connections will get you a higher bank balance more effectively than IQ

>and more online worshippers.

You're kidding, right?

Do you think Nick Bateman got his online worshippers because of his IQ?

Maybe you're implying that having a higher bank balance will lead to having more online worshippers

In that case

1. Being attractive is a more effective means of procurement

2. Being attractive will also procure GENUINE worship, not duplicitous fake worship from opportunist sycophants hoping for a handout

>It doesn't make sense to be selfish unless you're helping your direct offspring. Otherwise you may as well help your community since their genes are the closest to yours that are going to survive.

Muh genes, muh genes!

You can't be serious with this shit. Every time I hear this kind of autistic sophistry it comes out of the mouth of some pseudointellectual redditor dipshit

Who the fuck are you trying to fool with this asinine "efficiency" argument?

Stop pretending to be a machine you edgy fedora faggot. Nobody outside mongs on the autism spectrum (who will never reproduce) consciously thinks about the most effective way to "ensure survival of their genes"

Fucking lol @ how hard you're trying to look like some stoic pragmatic badass

I don't give a fuck about "making society better" or making anyone else's life better. I only care about ME. If it doesn't improve MY life, I don't give a fuck about it

End of story

>Narcissist! Selfish! REEE

Tell it to someone who gives a fuck faggot. Society is a collective of virtue signalling shitstains who are every bit as selfish as I am but pretend not to be so they can keep their system solvent

Like I give a fuck what a bunch of vermin like that think about me



what is this? 2007? the fedora meme is dead. when was the last time you saw a fat faggot in a fedora being euphoric?

The ai revolution is something that makes me not wanna have kids

Just now.


take your washed out memes and go back to plebbit.


If they were higher iq maybe they would have been smart and done something that made them money. High IQ will make connections with other high IQs more easily. High IQs are making the most money. Looks will only take you so far, if you don't have the iq, someone with brains is going to be the one taking advantage of your looks.

If you want to unconsciously follow your lower instincts then fine. Just realise that the only reason you feel like doing anything is because those were the feelings that led to reproduction in the past. You are a machine wether you like it or not so you can accept that and live logically or you can die out.

You at least have to be smarter than the people who worship you.

Tbqh solid points.

Objectively speaking, the most efficient way forward for all of humanity is a self-sustaining techo-meritocracy of personal freedom and absolute freedom of press/person. High quality education is mandatory. The best and brightest of each sector of finance, industry, military, science and humanities represent their respective departments under stringent rules of impartiality and objectivity. People remain free to live their lives as they wish, following whatever education and employment paths they desire, but STEM subjects are heavily recommended and even paid for by the state both as primary or secondary/tertiary to foster a spirit of citizen science, engineering and DIY savvy in the general populace, growing the collective human pool of intelligence and reducing likelihood of ignorant, dogmatic and even recidivist sentiments. Human spirituality is acknowledged as part of the humanities/anthropomorphic history and is not discouraged per se, but negative traits and actions sprouting from it are.

The system of course implies citizens who partake in this society are sound of mind, ethical, morally grounded and have the benefit of humanity as a species in mind.

Humanity = Individual ≥ Humanity.

The individual above all, but FOR the individual, advancement of humanity must always be a chief consideration.

A man can dream...

user, your post is admirable... but we are permafucked. Just look at Washington, its a shitshow. Humanity peaked , its all downhill from here. Embrace absurdism and do whatever you want.

Kek. This shit right here is why we are fucked

there is no measurable scientific proof IQ is genetic. There is no current way to reliably test this in a laboratory without cultural bias obscuring the data to anyone with a half a brain..

If you genuinely believe "IQ is genetic" is a scientifically proven fact, you are in simplest terminology "brain damaged", no matter what score you got on a test you probably studied for .

>Underated post.

Na mate you're brain damaged. IQ is one of the most heritable traits there is.

I presume he means that 75% of IQ is determined by the average of both parents, whereas 25% is through other factors.

The figure of 75% is debatable, but the fact that genetics influence IQ is not.

Spot fucking on.

It's so depressing to think about that the poor and mentally ill breed like rabbits, while the succesful are becoming more inclined to settle with 1 or 2 children tops. Our great^5-grand children will genetically be 50% "Tyrone & Laquisha" and 40% "Muhammed & Aisha"