Genocide aside, would National Socialism be a good way to govern people?

Genocide aside, would National Socialism be a good way to govern people?
Germans, prior to the war, were extremely prosperous under Nazi leadership. The living standard rose significantly and they basically (it was on its way out during the Weimar years) revived the economy and got muh jobs back.

What do you guys think?

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Well considering it relied on constant expansion and killing people for their property, it would run out of room, out of slaves, and finally, out of people. So no, it's probably the least efficient way to organize a modern society.

>Genocide aside

I wonder who is behind this post...

It's not that I don't agree with the genocide part, but people we'll get triggered.

>Germans, prior to the war, were extremely prosperous under Nazi leadership.

Except they weren't. Conditions for workers on the Autobahns (not slave laborers, mind you) were literally concentration-camp tier

WTF I don't believe in the holocaust anymore

Actually everything you said is wrong.

If you think it is then you're retarded.

Lebensraum and such is more about ideology, I'm talking more about how the government and society functioned.
The Germans didn't need to expand into new territory in order to survive, it was just because they wanted to and wanted to have the East Europeans as slaves.

Extremely prosperous nations aren't encouraged (or forced) to participate in actions such as Winterhilfswerk.

Extremely prosperous =/= 0 poor people
Of course there are going to be some poor people, that's just common sense.

>The living standard rose significantly and they basically (it was on its way out during the Weimar years) revived the economy and got muh jobs back.
Ever heard of MEFO bills? Look into how Germany got that money and the ramifications of it, there's a school of thought on Germany starting WW2 purely to pay for it with loot and plunder so the Reichsbank didn't collapse

It was less prosperous with lower standard of living than other Western industrialized countries.

Ah yes, good old national "socialism".

the NS Germany economy was a fraud

So basically Nazi Germany was a good country to live in if you were rich? Because life sucked for workers, minorities were stuffed in ghettos (and later on systematically genocided), and since the whole economy was based on imperialism and looting, people having to die in meaningless wars was a inherent part of the system (which is shit, considering how many men of all ages died in wars that, in the end, had no real purpose whatsoever).

But I guess it's good because you've read propaganda on imageboards raided daily by stormfags.

>It's another an american has seen Nazi propaganda and now is an expert.

>financial conservatives were in power before the nazis
>so there was the possibility to finance the fuckhuge rearmament with credits
>even that wasn't enough so the nazis had to resort to fraud (MEFO-bills)
>people actually were poorer than in the weimar republic
>nazis had huge image problems at the beginning of their regime because there were shortages of consumer goods because export was mostly focused on acquiring war material
>at the beginning of the regime "private arynazations" (corrupt officials stuffing their pockets) fucked up the economy

Read a book.


>It's another episode of "an american has seen Nazi propaganda and now is an expert"

>nazis had huge image problems at the beginning of their regime because there were shortages of consumer goods because imports were mostly focused on acquiring war material

Fuck me. Its to hot here.

You know that Germany kept expanding in the early years (i.e. annexing the Czechs, the Austrians, etc.) For money, right? Not for ideology. They needed the countries industry and money. So no, outside of lebensraum, they still depended on foreign conquests to survive.

Honestly, I bet the nazi government was corrupt as hell on an official level. When you can just call someone a j00 and take all their shit, people are going to abuse the hell out of that

Alot of those new jobs came from preparing for war since the army was in a very bad shape in 1933

Well it was limited to 100,000 men, no tanks, no artillery, no airforce and no capital ships. It was intentionally shit (on paper)

>What do you guys think?
I think you should read The Wages of Destruction by Tooze. They were NOT extremely prosperous, nor did the standard of living rise. They did get "muh jobs back", but only by pouring the econom'ys direction into exports and to rearmament, neither of which raised the standard of living by any appreciable measure.

>Genocide aside, would National Socialism be a good way to govern people?
>Germans, prior to the war, were extremely prosperous under Nazi leadership.
This is a myth. They were prosperous but not more than wealthy countries.
>The living standard rose significantly
But only because they hit rock bottom during the Great Depression.
>revived the economy and got muh jobs back
This is true, but I'm sure a normal democratic government could do the same.


They absolutely were.

In the beginning it were corrup party officials acting on their own.

The party quickly implemented measures to centralize the privatizations with a measure of success BUT they had problems up until the end.

Old guard (i.e hitlers buddys) were pretty much immune.

Kz guards were known for stealing tons of shit that was supposed to behanded to the state.

Seriously here in germany they torture you to hell and back with facts and statistics to disprove the common myths like:

>muh standard of living etc.

Anyone who totally buys in to the "Nazi economic miracle" should give "Wages of Destruction" a read.

I honestly wonder, where do stormbeards believe Hitler obtained the resources to undertake these massive projects from? Anyone with a brain would wonder where exactly all the money to build these things came from, but to them they just seem to believe Hitler started building roads and military equipment, with nobody just doing that before

>the joooos horded it all
>muh a völisch and nationalist society has unlimited potential

They are retards. They are the exact same people that bought into the lies and conspiracies back then while getting mercilessly fucked over by qualified conservatives who mostly had nothing but contempt for nazi grunts.

For fucks sake most of the resistance in the wehrmacht was like: Well thats what you get for electing an austrian sergeant (because they were prussian officers). And these people were the real winners. Stormfags were killed or rendered absolutely unimportant in 1934 (night of the long knives). They are the SA equivalent.


fuck me today

fascist spain was bretty good op. not natsoc but fascism can live.

>They are the SA equivalent.
They all think they'd be in the SS, which was such a prestigious organization it had entire divisions of what they'd call "non-whites", they're historically illiterate

The Falange that got fucked over wish that were true, it was just your typical Spaniard strongman bullshit

My nigga Speer.

>Well considering it relied on constant expansion and killing people for their property
I hear this a lot but have never seen anything to back it up. Specifically and with some sort of data, how does this work

A quick introduction:

>Between 1933 and 1939 the total revenue amounted to 62 billion marks, whereas expenditure (at times comprising up to 60% rearmament costs) exceeded 101 billion, thus causing a huge deficit and national debt (reaching 38 billion marks in 1939 and coinciding with Kristallnacht [November 1938] and with intensified persecutions of Jews and the outbreak of World War II.)

That's a pretty tame deficit compared to today's economies though, isn't it? Doesn't seem that unique.

Not trying to be /pol/, I just don't get it

Isnt the US in trillions of debt? They seem to be doing alright

America can go into that much debt because its creditors stand to lose just as much, Germany was in debt to itself

How did america arrange such a dynamic, and what about countries that aren't America?

But Tooze trashes Speer over and over in his book.

No, it is not. The figure given is a deficit of 61% of total revenue. The current U.S. projected deficit for 2018 is 440 billion out of a government revenue of 3.654 trillion, which is a deficit of 0.12%

>How did america arrange such a dynamic
By being the centre of global trade, when your economy collapsing fucks all your investors way more than it would fuck you your debt stops being such a concern, America will never ever pay off its debt
>what about countries that aren't America?
They shit themselves constantly about muh debt, every fucking election cycle

Francoist Spain was far closer to a 'traditional' military dictatorship than Facism.

He's incorrect.

The single biggest holder of U.S. debt, to the tune of about 5.5 trillion (about 30% of the overall debt) is other parts of the U.S. government. That in itself doesn't count the Federal Reserve, which holds about 2.4 trillion. Of the other 12 trillionish of the debt is held outside of the government, only about 6.2 trillion is held by foreigners. The rest is held by private citizens, or American banks, or local governments.

This sounds like an excuse.

An excuse for what? That American debt in 2017 isn't as crippling as German debt in 1939? Inflation and other factors are things a country can't avoid and when you've spent six years spending millions of marks on re militarizing and public works projects it's going to show. American governments don't have to worry about that because they don't give a shit about things like public works because that's too socialist for them


Are you going to pretend because your population and economy is bigger there's more spending on shit like Medicare and social security than Europe or Australia per capita?

>Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates
There are no dates, it's just /pol/, it's ok. Nice work janitors.

iirc the u.s is the number one spender on healthcare because of how inefficient their healthcare system is. Even when taking population and such into account

Except it's not sustainable. Even Austria has a way better economy. Vienna was an economy and cultural powerhouse despite losing its empire.

Yes. It's basically the natural state of Germany, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. They would have to see to the expansionism problem, but we're encountering the same economic issue and trying to fix it in a far stupider way than the Nazis did.

It's obviously not for everyone.

>stupider way than the Nazis did

>stupider way than the Nazis did.

I'm sorry, when did we start invading Russia in winter without jackets or boots?