The Legacy of Vladimir Lenin

Now that the dust has settled, how should he be viewed?

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Tried to fight authoritarianism by implementing his own authoritarianism.

Decent revolutionary, have to break a few eggs to make an omelette, his legacy was fucked by Stalin though

he was jewish

Not according to Hitler's Nuremberg Laws.

Hero of the workers, and dismantler of one of the most oppressive regimes in history.

An opportunistic dictator who took advantage of the Tsar's incompetence and the people's dissatisfaction to start a civil war and establish an autocracy. The government he built spent the next eighty years being plagued by corruption, infighting, and an absolute infestation of mass-murdering sadists, before finally collapsing. He's the chief reason that Russia (and Eastern Europe as a whole) remains an economic backwater dominated by cronyism and repression.

A shitty authoritarian that is as much to blame for the fate of the ussr as stalin.

Can we have a single ussr thread without /pol/tards sperging?

He did what needed to be done.

As a cautionary tale

If only Trotsky could have taken control instead it all would've gone much better.

But stalin copied his collectivization program. If anything, the golden boy was the only one that could save russia.

Stalin saved his legacy, it was Lenin who set up the first Gulags and initiated the first purges of non-bolshevik groups that fought in the revolution. Stalin provides an easy scapegoat for lefties who like communism but cannot defend the horrors of the Soviet Union.

removed the power and wealth from a Christian aristocracy and gave it to an overwhelmingly Jewish one.

His beliefs were purely hypocritical as his "party members" just became the new "privileged" and "rich"

He knew he was full of shit. Hence why he didn't allow Russia to have a democratic process after the Tzar was killed. He employed dirty politics, intimidation and eventually civil war (3 times) just to subvert any chance of Russia resisting his party.
He and his buddies wanted the power instead of someone else having it. It was as simple as that. Their beliefs were completely phony and mostly lies.

Hence why the Kronstadt sailors rebelled when they saw what communism actually looked like. Of course the Soviets then murdered them.

Could the NEP made the USSR's economy not shit? I know that the forced collectivization of farms and Kulak mass expulsion and killing was probably needed to fight agains Germany since a complete control of the economy by the state was important.

If there hadn't been a war then probably the USSR would have been somewhat like Vietnam or Cuba nowadays, before the open market policy of course.

Also, Lenin hated leftists more than fascists.
>Left-wing communism is an infantile disorder

Ayy lmao.

A monster of our age. There's a reason why his statues have been taken down across the free parts of Eastern Europe.

Most people think he overthrew the Tsar and because the Tsar was a retard that is good. What people don't know is he overthrew a democratic government. Yes it was corrupt and with lots of aristocrats in power but why the fuck go full muh vanguardism and expulse/kill them all?

I'm sure most people wouldn't see him as a somewhat good guy if they knew this.

Pretty much destroyed Russia. Also a massive hypocrite.

Pro-tip: Lenin did not depose Tsar. Tsar was deposed in February Revolution.
Bolsheviks rebelled against Russian Republic, and dragged the country into cataclismic war.


Good revolutionary, shit ruler.

Shouldn't be excused for the crimes of Stalinism.

This and only this.

Is it some mod for Vietcong?

you find it when you are searching for intel


I never finished the entire game due to crash in one of the earlier missions, i should do it right now, thanks senpai.

Hero who made a lot of mistakes. His biggest failing was waiting until his final months to devolve power to local councils.

I don't think Lenin can be considered Jewish. He had a Jewish grandfather who he never met, and never mentioned his Jewish heritage once in any text. It's possible he didn't know his grandfather was of Jewish descent.

>removed the power and wealth from a Christian aristocracy and gave it to an overwhelmingly Jewish one.
are you going to keep repeating this meme ad infinitum?

Krondstadt was a revolt by libertarian socialists who believed the Soviets weren't left enough


fascism is fact-optional

He talks about Hitler, IG Farben was under Rockefellers

He has no maternal Jewish blood therefore he is not a Jew, he is half Tatar if I recall though.

Thought he was smarter than he actually was. Totally fucked up planning for what should happen if he had a sudden health problem.

This 100%. The Bolsheviks did not overthrow the Tsarist regime! They overthrew the government that overthrew the Tsarist regime.

He's your typical Russian mongrel, a bit of Siberian reindeer herder, a bit of Jew, a bit of Slav.

They would have gladly overthrown the Tsarist system if they had been able to get their shit together enough to do it. The 'democratic' government they 'overthrew' (they were a part of it, sort of) had also not overthrown anything. It was a provisional government, which means its scope was limited and was still figuring itself out, under threat and subversion from both traditional autocratic and soviet camps.

He went to church until the death of his father.

Sjw faggot
Not your safespace, you Leftists subhuman


What does SJW even mean anymore?

Anyone who isn't part of the alt-right meme squads on Veeky Forums and reddit is an SJW now from what I understand


A professional criminal who opportunistically set himself up as a tyrant

>He's the chief reason that Russia (and Eastern Europe as a whole) remains an economic backwater dominated by cronyism and repression.
Nice meme there, friendo. The USSR was superior to the Russian Empire in almost every way.

>Lenin overthrew the Tsar
When will this meme end?

>What does SJW even mean anymore?