How long will it take for Israel to be treated fairly?

How long will it take for Israel to be treated fairly?

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Israel deserves all the criticism it gets and more. They will never have peace and they don't deserve it. Fuck the zionist pigs who think they can steal the land that people have been living on for generations in this day in age. Fucking self-righteous zionist pigs. The Israelis think they are more important than the Palestinians. They think the Palestinians are dogs. You can't steal someone's land in a bloody war then expect peace.

are you sure that's the way it goes?

The palestians barely used most of the land which was essentially a desert, it wasn't until the jews irrigated everything and it became wealthy that they returned in anger

Israel won't go away, and in a few years from now everyone who was involved in those firat choices will be dead, which will mean that it will basically become a empty diatribe.

Compromise is the only way, unless you're willing to kill people only because their great-great grandfathers lived in a country that had some fucked up policies. In this case virtually every person in the world would deaerve the sqme treatment.


Why do you defend Apartheid so vehemently?

When Israel starts treating their neighbors with some ethics.

Today, either the Palestinian territory is occupied territory - in which case Israel is guilty of war crimes under the Geneva convention,
or the Palestinian territory is a part of Israel - in which case, Israel is an apartheid state.

Israel is guilty of collective punishment. That's a Geneva conventions violation, and considered a war crime.

Israel is guilty in two ways. First, demolishing the home of a terrorist is punishing the family that lives there. A family is not guilty of terrorism; an individual is. This punishes innocent people for crimes they did not commit. It's punishing the family collectively for the actions of an individual.

Second, the blockade is collective punishment of the entire Pali community. Israels claims that the blockade is to prevent "dual use" items that can be re-purposed for military use. But nobody has ever managed to explain to me what military use there is for items such as frozen meat, chicks (baby chickens), marjoram, coriander, chocolate, potato chips, and jams, jellies, and preserves. The only explanation imaginable for banning such items is collective punishment.

A 2007 memo from the Israeli military that details how the IDF want to limit the food in the Gaza strip and West Bank to semi starvation levels. It even counted calories and detailed the number of food trucks that needed to pass the checkpoints to enforce this diet. Unfortunately, the military didn't bother telling the people at the checkpoints, so the 204 trucks per day quota was not always met. So the Palis were limited to an even more restricted diet than the semi-starvation the military had in mind. Today, 30% of Palestinian children are physically and mentally stunted; a condition from which one never recovers even if the source of the malnutrition is removed.


Perhaps this is why Israel has banned some food stuffs as having "dual use". I'm still waiting for an explanation as to what possible military use there is for such items as potato chips, candy, jams, jellies, fruit preserves, various herbs and spices, live chicks and frozen meat; all banned from import by Israel at one time or another.

At least the ban on farm equipment has some merit. I can see tractors and repair parts being used to make weapons. But the result is still the same - Palestinian farmers are increasingly forced to rely on horse and oxen powered farming methods typically associated with medieval times.

Combine that with so-called "buffer zones" in a criss cross pattern all over Palestinian territory - accounting for roughly 17% of all Palestinian farm land. These "no-go" zones are enforced by IDF snipers. But the zones are not clearly marked or even defined - leaving the demarcation up to the judgement of individual snipers. Since 2008, over 200 Pali farmers have been wounded and another 100 have died by sniper fire while trying to tend their fields. Some of them were shot hundreds of feet away from any such no-go zone. To date, no IDF sniper has ever been prosecuted for shooting civilians.


Aside from IDF snipers, the Israelis have killed over 160 knife wielders. While self defense is acceptable, it's hard to imagine any other police force in the world killing over 90% of the perpetrators it tries to arrest. Even those who survive have it rough. Palestinians who commit crimes are tried by a military court; with abbreviated civil rights. Jews who commit the same crimes are tried by a civilian court with full civil protections. And that's only the beginning. Members of the Israeli parliament debate whether they should try all non-Jews by military court - whether citizen or not - only emphasizing their desire for a full fledged, unapologetic apartheid state. Israeli military interrogations can be brutal; resulting in permanent nerve damage even for those not charged with any crime. Children as young as 13 have been released from IDF custody with permanent nerve damage, limiting the use of their fingers, hands, and feet.

And then there's the recent aerial spraying of herbicides on Palestinian crops. Aerial spraying is not the most accurate method available. so the spray affects much more than the crops they're intended to kill. But even so, the herbicide used is strong enough to kill plants for up to 3 years. When asked about it, the IDF didn't even bother trying to deny it. They claim it's "for security reasons". What security threat spinach, pea, and bean plants pose to Israel remains unclear - also unclear is the need to destroy over 54,000 acres of Pali crops in just the first 2 months of this year alone.

Of course, 3 years after IDF snipers have shot or otherwise chased a Pali farmer from his fields, under Israeli law, the land can be seized and given to Jewish settlers - and a new "buffer zone" is established. Maybe that's why they're spraying such overpowered defoliants on Palestinian fields.


Then there's the ongoing situation with building permits. In December 2015, Israel granted 1800 building permits to Jewish Israelis in the occupied west bank and Gaza. Yet, they rejected all but 5 permits to non-Jewish residents the entire year. That's a ratio of 4,320:1. They even rejected a building permit for a hospital in a Palestinian slum where the infant mortality rate is the highest in the entire region, including war torn Syria and Iraq. They claim the Palestinians can simply travel to an Israeli hospital. But imagine trying to transport a patient through an area where it usually takes 4 hours to travel just 2 miles due to all the checkpoints and choke points.

Meanwhile, in the city of Tel Rumeidah, the IDF has given numbers to every Palestinian resident there. The Arab residents have travel restrictions so their travel can only include to, and from work, school, and "urgent matters". Note the lack of grocery stores in that short list.

Also missing is the convenient bar code tattoos on their wrists for easy identification. Not sure why Israel, after giving them all numbers, failed to make them more easily identifiable by tattooing those numbers on their wrist. It's the obvious next step.

A hundred years or so after the enclave of arabs gets removed.

You can't expect to be treated fairly by humanitarian powers when your entire state policy is just slowly making all of the Palestinian mandate your borders, in practise.

Fuck Israel if the damn jews cant conquer the middle east in the 21st century then they need to die off like all the other genetic garbage that was erased from the middle east while they hid away in Europe like pussies.

In all honesty I view every single country in the middle east as a complete shithole that is not capable of maintaining any form of civilized society. Palestine might as well be Zambia as far as I am concerned. At least Israel is able to maintain its composure despite being landlocked between literally the worst type of ''''''humans'''''' on the planet

What the fuck would the arabs even do with the land if they got it back? They would do nothing.

jews BTFO

/pol/ was right, the Jews need to be wiped out

but /pol/ loves the kikes now that drump is a kike slave

That's the r/thedonald guys, /pol/ is in a state of civil shitposting thanks to their brilliant plan to colonize reddit

when it stops acting angsty teen and gets over the existential crisis
>I have a right to extist REEE

If you jews cared about Israel you wouldnt be have spent centuries in Europe like fucking pussies and instead be in the Levant controlling that land.

Who gives a shit if arabs wont use the land good? Jews are the worst they call arabs inferior when they literally cant EVER CONQUER THEIR HOME TERRITORY while arabs have done that four times already.

>UN Plan
What retards decided to draw up a state with those borders. It's begging for future conflict. I mean, I'm sure it was deliberate.

Frankly idc if the Israelis genocide the Palestinians. The Israelis have a flourishing economy and civic life, what do the muslims of the Middle East have? Dysfunctional governments, a shitty, backwards, totalitarian religion, and abysmal economies, except when they have oil, in which case they have shitty rent based economies that will collapse as soon as renewable energy becomes cost effective.

In short, fuck every sand nigger



>first EVER
this map is so clearly made by an american, not even a jew would say something that ridiculous

they never heard of the ottomans where you come from?


What a shit example, whites were the best thing to happen to South Africa


Yeah the africans could always move out to the forest on mass

Why don't the Palestinians just leave. There are more jews living there so it would be easier for them to get out. The Gulf states should let them in. They obviously can't live in peace together.

If they were muslim they'd throw bombs

>Why don't the Palestinians just leave.

because it's theirs?

why doesn't America just take in all the kikes?

It's easier to move the lesser population, because there's you know, less of them

The israelis? Yeah.

There's less of them because millions already left, it caused something of a humanitarian crisis in neighboring states.

almost as if the kikes kept killing them...

none would welcome them
they are nation wreckers

I always wonder, just how many Palestinians do you people think have died in this conflict?

nice shoop