Answer me this Christians about Jesus

If we take Christianity to its logical conclusion

their was no need for Jesus

if God is all powerful, omnipotent etc. couldn't he of just said "Voila', you are all saved now" in an instant

what was the need for Jesus?

it's a mystery
world is more complicated that you or any tiny human mind would imagine
deal with it

Jesus is the final revelation, God creating a human persona to understand the human condition

I'm agnostic and this actually makes sense

Humans trying to understand God is like my dog trying to understand why I spend hours a day sitting still in front of a bright screen.

What is it with white people always portraying Jesus as white?


His ways are not our ways, etc etc.

Yeah, cheeses was ma gud old nigga

Because even if he did that, humans would only be taken back to the garden of Paradise, where the devil could just lead them astray as before. He can save them but they can't ever be perfect like Him. So to save them he created his Son not to make humans perfect which isn't necessary to enter Heaven, but to help protect them from the Devil, and not be led into temptation.

God demands sacrifice for some reason.
And it's totally not because it's origin lies in primitive desert religions whatsoever.

>right in between Egypt and Mesopotamia with full knowledge of both

>Claim to have understanding of the foundations of existence
>Don't even understand science

Jesus was needed to unite the people of the Roman empire.

God wants to save everyone, He truly does. However, if people reject Him, then he can't make them follow Him because we have free will.

if you get everything you want the minuite you want it whats the point in living?

when your untalented race can produce art then you can represent jesus how you want, shitskin

>talks shit about religion
>dosnt understand the phycology and nuances of it

>Humans trying to understand God is like my dog trying to understand why I spend hours a day sitting still in front of a bright screen.

Allow me

Durp durp, adam and even still haven't eaten from the fruit of knowledge, soy they can't tell right from wrong, better put moral dilemmas before them, durp derpa derpa

Rain down, rain down
Come on rain down on me
From a great height
From a great height, height
Rain down, rain down
Come on, rain down on me
From a great height
From a great height
Rain down, rain down (that's it, sir, you're leaving, the crackle of pigskin)
Come on rain down on me (the dust and the screaming, the yuppies networking)
From a great height (the panic, the vomit, the panic, the vomit)
God loves his childrean
God loves his children, yeah

>Talmudic shit
That's nice and all, but it's only a framing device for the wants of mankind, only muh sola scriptura retards care about Jewish shit

What is it with black people always portraying Jesus as black?

What is it with honorary white people always portraying Jesus as honorary white?

Nobody cares about the talmud, we care about where the true god should be, and the biblical one isn't the true one because he does things like these.

Jesus took a sabbatical in Japan because his Japanese brother faked his death and Jesus had yellow fever for them nip girls
>This is what Kirishtans actually believe

Fun fact : the last supper was had on a giant kotatsu , it was a lot comfier then the famous painting would have you believe.


>Black jesus = Yellow headcookie
>nip jesus = Golden with dark exterior headcookie

Thicken the plot for me, Veeky Forums

reddit is two blocks down

Oh, and we carried it all so well
As if we got a new position
Oh, and I laugh all the way to hell
Saying, 'yes, this is a fine promotion.'
Oh, and I laugh all the way to hell

Ethiopians have moved in modern times towards the more standard template of Jesus which shows they're more open minded and less arrogant about it considering Jesus was a Galilean Jew. They may prefer more Ethiopicized paintings for their personal possession though.

>go to reddit because you're baiting for wrong answers and I noticed I can't answer properly

Sure, whatever, now shoo.

You know, I was going to vacate the thread because it's getting uninteresting but you are convincing me to stay

Please, do stay.

Can we use this thread to discuss the headcookie?

>hurrrr solar disc

That's for egyptians, though



Good answer. This and similar questions often bother me, but I cope with my doubts by accepting my limited human understanding.

You have overstayed your welcome.

Learn to paint you useless nigger why do you need white people to paint your portraits for you?

Christianity is clearly untrue. Supposedly, we have an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent God. Nonetheless, he creates Mexicans.

And niggers.

he made them wrong, as a joke

No. Seriously. If God is good then why did he make blacks? And chose the Jews of all people!

You're just mad because you don't understand headcookies, here's one, it's sprinkled.

I bet you don't understand the meaning, nigger.

This is the clearest sign that YHVH is evil and the demiurge you will get if you see it this way, user.

Blacks are a shitpost of cosmic scale, makes sense to me, God needs something to do in his spare time

God is a perfect judge and cannot allow sin to remain with consequences
Jesus on the cross is a picture of both God's perfect judgement and his compassion because he let his only begotten Son to take our punishment

>if God is all powerful, omnipotent etc. couldn't he of just said "Voila', you are all saved now" in an instant
No, because He is also all good, all loving, omnibenevolent

Why can't he just go ''voilĂ '' and wish the Devil out of existence? I mean, he is God after all.

Because He still loves him