What does Veeky Forums think of Islam?

What does Veeky Forums think of Islam?

So I was walking in London today...

Like all other religions, interesting

I like it when they beat the shit out of fags and liberals

Happy Ramavan fellow akbars

It is the future.

The worst thing on the planet


this thread will surely bring about diplomatic and informed discussion

i think there are a lot of normal people that are muslims and some crazy motherfuckers and rapists give them a bad name

Death to pisslam. 1488!!!! Kill em all!

Byzantine Empire still exists. It's called Turkey.

Allah ackbar, death to infidel scum!!!!

>What does Veeky Forums think of Islam?

The ultimate stage (at present) of religious belief in human history. It is the most difficult to separate from politics and the most dangerous when weaponized. It has, above all other religions, the strongest ability to mobilize people to war and is the most successful at assimilating the conquered. Christianity was a close second a few centuries ago.

>pic related

fUcK yOu
Finland is the only true heir to the Roman throne

Islam is a tricky beast.

On one hand, I can respect the fact that people want to quietly practice whatever religion they see fit and they have the right to not be harassed by others. If you want to pray five times a day, starve yourself, consult with an Islamic scholar every time you need to figure out if even the most menial of tasks are haram, not eat pork, etc... then go ahead

On the other hand, I can not in good faith take anyone that partakes in this seriously. There must be a fundamental flaw in their character or genetic base which (i don't want to use the word sub-human) but makes them non-human. What they do is not normal and I can not forgive that kind of lifestyle, even if it has no effect on me. Obviously I can't do anything about it - but I will always think they are weird

This is my favorite book, because in this timeline there is no Islam since mohammud became a Christian martyr.

It's good if done correctly(i.e. the Ottoman Empire)

This is taking Byzieboo to an incredible level.

>treats women like utter shit
>feminists cant make fun of it due to it being a foreign religion
Its almost like magic, perhaps it is the word of god

Islam is an immoral religion, the fact muslims feel shame from the immorality of their religion is weird.

>Muslims believe Christ was a prophet
>Alt-His where it's basically reversed
Kinda cool desu

rly good answer!

this is an interesting way to look at it, props to you user

>It is the most difficult to separate from politics and the most dangerous when weaponized. It has, above all other religions, the strongest ability to mobilize people to war and is the most successful at assimilating the conquered.
You're thinking of secular humanism.

So what is normal and acceptable lifestyle to you?

Well, we can start with a life that doesn't involve obsessively washing your feet in the office bathroom every day (making wudu I think they call it).

Islam is shit. Although most Muslims seem to be pretty normal. Never understood why there's such an acceptance movement towards them when Islam conflicts with movements like LGBT and feminism.

>Like all other religions, interesting
this user gets it

Cop out answer. What is a good and acceptable lifestyle in your opinion? Would you say the standard secular consumerist lifestyle in contemporary "democracies"?

not gonna get into this with you, achmed.

>Talks shit
>Can't back it up

10/10 discussion m8.

>backs it up
>that doesnt count

different user btw

Cop out count: 2

Religion of peace.

Needs to go.

While the average Muslim might not be shooting or bombing anyone, and even may not hit his wives or marry children, as soon as they form enough of a voting block they will vote for politicians who will turn the country bit by bit into an Islamic theocracy.

Basically the plot of that Houllebecqs novel.


Not sure what there is to even back up. I think muslims are weird. I think most religious folk are weird. It makes me feel like they are not capable of rational thought and makes me uncomfortable. These feelings are subjective so there is nothing to back up. It's how I feel. Deal with it

So what's normal? What's not weird? Describe a non-weird lifestyle. What standard are you judging by?

one where you dont have to interrupt your day to pray towards a magic rock in a big black box thousands of kilometers away

different user btw

That's a negative definition. Are you saying that a normal lifestyle is characterized negatively? i.e. a normal lifestyle is a not-islam lifestyle?


Dude I just explained this to you

>randomly starving yourself
>washing your feet in the middle of the day as part of a prayer
>praying 5 times a day
>having to consult a scholar for virtually everything to determine whether or not it's haram
>every scholar has a different opinion
>not allowed to jerk off
>secretly want to kill homosexuals but have to have some scholars shill some new pc interpretation that says homosexuality is fine, acting on it is what's wrong
>don't celebrate birthdays
>not allowed drugs or alcohol

The whole thing is just insane. I could go on all day about the obscure shit muslims have thought up. Some are cultural, which I can empathize with, but most of it is clearly just asinine nonsense made up in the dark ages that gets strung along to present day for no real reason

>Describe a non-weird lifestyle.
Standard western secular.

I think that it shares many ideas with Christianity but goes about it in a different way, so to speak.

Its nice I enjoy it.


No further questions.


>gets btfo and is forced to resign as caliph

Why do I feel like you just backtraced my IP and added me to some jihad list where I'll be executed for my disbelief in allah somewhere down the road?

i'll be honest and say that whatever the average muslim is like, for some reason their religion seems to be the one producing the most nutjobs at the moment so they should fuck off and stay home.

If you did nothing wrong you have nothing to worry about sweetie :)

No, he just showed how weak your argument is. If a normal lifestyle is a non-muslim lifestyle then an anti-vaccer lifestyle is normal, an FLDS lifestyle is normal, etc. etc.

user normalness is a spectrum and people who dont like needles put in them are relatively more normal than those who believe it is necessary to travel vast distances to spin around a cube before they die

Yeah after 600+ of being an Empire.

Nothing wrong with that. Ottoman Empire was last great uniter of most of the Muslim world at that time. That's what Muslims today are lacking.

Listen buddy, just stop blowing us up and we are cool. I don't care what you do with your life. And again, the only claim I was making was that I think muslims are weird which is subjective, so there is no argument

>mfw I thought muslims were supposed to be intellectuals but ebeubcnvrrsstiok with them is circles

The people who "don't like needles in them" weaken herd immunity. They're causing small outbreaks of once almost extinct diseases like measles, and yet aren't considered to be dangerous radicals.

OK, it's kind of weasely that you won't make a thesis to defend, you just want to be justified in your emotional reaction to a group of people. Not a muslim btw.

>heh i hold no opinions for you to attack so ill just attack your beliefs with impunity

> allahu akbar!
> kaboom!

I will burn their lands and salt their fields, none shall survive.


first meme religion



Ok, why don't you tell us then what isn't weird about Islam?

second post best post.

Also Ali did literally nothing wrong.

>Why is Islamic lifestyle so horrible
>You have to wash your feet every day

>Fiction is real

Because you're a terminally paranoid moron who can't into basic argument?


if it's so great why are they all coming to burgerland?

Ouch, did I hit a soft spot there Mohamed? Please allow me to excuse myself from the men's room so you can make wudu.


because sharing is caring, the same reason burgerland wants to share its wonderful freedoms with them

>Thinking you're just arguing with durkadurks

I'm a Cathlaburger from the Bible Belt, Cletus. Sorry that weird foot hygiene shit terrifies you so much. Least they don't handle snakes and take epileptic fits as JAYSUS talking to someone.


It's the ultimate red pill.


probably because they dont blow themselves up at ariana grande concerts

>Instructs it's followers to kill or convert all non-believers
>Muslims are told to lie to non-believers
10/10 religion of peace.

As an extremely devout Catholic, their denial of the Resurrection deeply offends me. I don't understand how Christians can be expected to get along with Muslims when we know that they consider the cornerstone of our faith a lie.

Sufism is pretty lit

Every other faith considers the cornerstone of our faith a lie, and we consider the cornerstone of every other faith a lie. If there can be no understanding and good will between people of faith, we blind ourselves to the message of mercy that Christ preached: that we should show kindness to those who are not like us and do not believe as we believe, in addition to our own. Let us not be like the Pharisee, who looks on others and says "you are not of my people, you do not deserve my kindness" but like the Samaritan, who embraces all peoples as the children of God. Stay strong, my brother in Christ. Let not your heart be hardened.

Show kindness, yes, but never stop preaching the Truth. We should never stop being people of peace, but we should also not stop spreading the Gospel, even when it offends us and causes us to be threatened. We must preach Christ crucified at all costs, even under pain of death. And we must spread the Good News to all those who have not heard it, and to all those who work to ignore it.

>I hate the West for killing my countrymen and kicking me out of my home
>Now I want to peacefully assimilate with the very culture that funded and supported those wars

It'd be stupid if Americans weren't suspicious of refugees fleeing war torn nations we helped finance and sometimes directly destroyed.

Honestly when you live in a dusty as fuck desert washing your feet regularly is a pretty sensible religious custom.

We could you know, not destroy and destabilize other countries for dubious reasons.

But then we wouldn't be a world power.

I agree with this absolutely, brother, but you cannot hope to reach the heart of another if your heart is hardened against them. It is only through understanding those who are misguided onto a harder path to heaven that we can even hope to take them off of those paths and onto the straight and easy path of the Mother Church. I am saddened, but also thankful that God has given us a martyr so recently, who perished protecting others from those who hate Muslims, that we might show others that our faith is one of mercy and kindness, that gives without expecting indebtedness from others, that they might be drawn toward us.

I believe if we preach the Truth politely, but firmly, it will work its way into the world and transform it. It's been doing that for 2000 years now. We shouldn't have hard hearts, but we must also be firm and steadfast. And we must preach, above all else. St. Francis of Assisi preached the Gospel to the Sultan of Egypt in the midst of the Crusades. We must do the same. I feel sometimes that the mass cultural ethos of "tolerance" leaves no room for the proclamation of the Truth. We shouldn't be vicious or rude, but neither should we be silenced.

Amen, brother.

Islamic culture as it exists in most places is highly regressive and oppressive. If you're a woman, you're cattle and have few rights and little education. If you're LGBT, you either repress yourself into mental illness, get honor killed, or leave for the West. Not to mention the squabbles between Sunni and Shia which would cause any of one tribe to need to live carefully if in the territory of the other if they want to live peacefully.

I'm not sure why we're supposed to pretend like these backwards views aren't going to create a negative cultural atmosphere in the West from the migration. The terrorism and violence is concerning, but the culture is the root of those things. People were killing themselves for getting bullied over being gay in the US not very long ago, and repressing your individual Self is never healthy. The cultural climate in Islamic culture is, obviously, far worse, and those in the refugee diaspora are likely to hold the most regressive views.

As a religion in itself, Islam is inherently more violent, idolizing the warrior Muhammed. I find a lot of Islamic writing to be beautiful in its metaphor, but that doesn't really stop it from being an innately more violent and repressive religion than most. Christianity's NT supersedes the OT, at the very least, and few Jews practice actual Judaism. Islam meanwhile in practice often goes against secular humanist values.

>implying the mideast wasn't already a powder keg
All the shit going down would've just been stalled a decade or so until the dictators died and left a power vacuum or a bunch of Islamists revolt against the secular government a la Iran and Syria.

Like Judaism, Catholicism, and orthodoxy: they're all of the devil, they all teach salvation by works. They will not inherit eternal life.

>promotes inbreeding
>promotes paedophilia
>promotes social instability
>disregards science and medicine
>stagnates research and arts

Literally the most dysgenic and retrogressive form of theocratic arab nationalism ever to befall on the planet. After living for 13 years in various muslim countries I can't help but to detest it in any and all forms.

Like all religions, it's spookalicious.

Horrid book cover

62 % of irans student population is female which is the highest in the world.