What was Strasserism all about? Why didn't it prevail?

What was Strasserism all about? Why didn't it prevail?

>What was Strasserism all about?
Genuine worker-oriented national socialism.

>Why didn't it prevail?
Hitler killed its main adherent in the NSDAP.

Nazism that hated Jews because they were rich and not because they were Semitic.

Nazis but more committed to socialist principles and policies(as they claimed the Nazi party was originally about), and an opposition to Jews on a class basis rather then specifically a racial one.

Sounds good, jew pussy for everybody, goys of the world unite

Basically Leninism with a different name
Because Hitler was autistic and sold out his people to industrialists because he wanted to focus on his shit-tier racial agenda

What's a God-tier racial agenda?

Not having a racial agenda

Black lives matter you bastard.

What are the differences between Strasserism and Leninism then?

Black lives are a social construct.

Lack of a certain clique of rootless cosmopolitans.

Socialism for racism

As I understand it, Lenin didn't particularly care about the Russian people, he just saw an opportunity to create a state that actually looked to advance Communism and took it, whereas Strasser genuinely thought Socialism would lead to a better life for Germans so he sought to create it

Also apparently Strasser hated Jews, which is unfortunate because everything else about his ideology seems pretty great

It's always seemed to me that fascism isn't possible without a scapegoat. Is there an example that proves this wrong?

Hitler was the only reason national socialism became popular in the first place. The party lost most of its members and nearly disbanded the year Hitler went to jail, then instantly returned to prominence once he became the party leader again.

What's mussolini's scapegoat?

Wasn't he always rambling on about plutocrats?

Every ideology has scapegoats, bourgeoisie, Jews, mafia, terrorists, bigots.

>which is unfortunate
For whom? Jews? Who care about Jews.
Why is it so many great political thinkers warned us about the Jews?

The Prussian noble elite would have never accepted Strasserist rule. Strasser would have never been able to achieve power, Hindenburg and the conservative Prussian elite would have stopped him. The reason why Hitler exterminated the Nazi left wing was out of survival for the movement he had been building since 1920, if he didn't purge Strasser and his band of autists, the national socialist movement would have been flung back to first base.

Also Hindenburg and the Prussian elite didn't like the Strasserists because they were basically crypto-commies or more accurately National Bolsheviks.

pathologically unpunctual train drivers


>Why didn't it prevail?

Because the SS was loyal specifically to Hitler and they obeyed his orders when he ordered them to remove Strasser.

What a very long winded way of saying
>Rich and powerful people don't like any kinds of socialists

better question
what would the world look like today if Strasserism had survived?

Strasserism failed because actual national socialist movements, despite being correct, are cursed with attracting a group of dipshits that are somehow even more cancerous than their opponents; the mouthbreathers who think that THEIR people have the right to control the world and not that the idea of countries controlling other countries in general is sort of fucked even if it's for "justice" or whatever. Strasser and Braum failed to deny the dipshits access to power so the dipshits colluded with the fucking conservatives to kill/exile them, murder millions, start a World War, and discredit their ideology for decades if not forever.