Bitcoin will dip by the exact price of Bitcoin cash futures. Currently trading at $360. Prepare accordingly

Bitcoin will dip by the exact price of Bitcoin cash futures. Currently trading at $360. Prepare accordingly.

why would it

Truly amazing you were smart enough to create a thread.

The market cap will split.
Only trying to help my biz bros prepare for the future.

some people are making good deals buying aug2 BTC for $200 cheaper off dumbfucks
some people also made good deals buying BTC for 0.15 ETH each off dumbfucks

>The market cap will split.
why would it split u imbecile

Please refrain from ad hominem attacks. The market cap will split because money cannot be made out of thin air.

right now the price of futures is split, because whenever it moves arbitrators make the move
it implies nothing about actual post-split price

>The market cap will split because money cannot be made out of thin air.
jesus what a retarded argument

>>Please refrain from ad hominem attacks.
well then stop making such retarded arguments

Our entire civilization nowadays relies on money being created out of thin air

what is the federal reserve?

>money cannot be made out of thin air.

The market will decide by how much it splits, but all the people expecting free lunch are in for a nasty surprise.

You know how loans from banks work?

an insult isn't an ad hom you stupid fuck

Why don't we just hard fork btc 100 times and all get rich off this instant wealth creation

Why don't we just hard fork USDT 100 times to get 100 times the value in USD?
So there will be no immediate sellof leading to a dip of the forked chain, because it's linked to USD?

btc dipping is not the problem here. it dips and peaks and dips again thats how the market work.

the real question is if it's gonna crash and get replaced by bcc eventually.

That would work if you can find an unlimited supply of new and rich zealous dumbasses to buy the shitcoins you create while you dump them to the ground. There has to be a loser in this.

you are free to make a new coin split off BTC any moment you want
that is, use the bitcoin ledger for initial distribution, like BCC is doing
your new coin won't affect the price of BTC, it's just that if you do it 100 times literally noone will give shit for your new coins

this is the case with BCC. but since it actually has considerable backing (development, marketing, awareness etc.) behind it, it will have considerable initial value

still that doesn't mean it'll be substracted from BTC, like the rise of a new crypto doesn't mean it's substracted from bitcoins
it COULD have an overall negative effect on all crypto, but nothing like splitting the price

What is hash power?

money can, value cannot

Price is already factored in