If Muslims and Christians hate Jews why do they worship Jewish prophets?

If Muslims and Christians hate Jews why do they worship Jewish prophets?

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because a very rough sketch of the three abrahamic religions are

>we believe in the REAL God, the same as the other 2 abrahamic religions, but better you see
>all these prophets are ours, not theirs

Neither do

I 100% disagree that Christians (or muslims even) worship Yawey/the god of the Jews.

The prophets spoke Hebrew. They wrote their shit in Hebrew. They practiced the Jewish religion. How do Christians and Muslims get around this?

The Jews are the same way in regards to the Samaritans.

The Samaritans are the most conservative Abrahamic religion in terms of text.

Because supposedly the original Jews were actually proto-Muslims and proto-Christians and they were "Aryan". Meanwhile modern Jews are
"Khazars" from Asia who converted to Judaism in the 11th century and "stole" the religion.

This is what they actually believe you can't make this shit up. Nevermind the fact that the Jewish religion has a 4000 continuous literary history with no significant gaps for any of thse alleged "hijackings" to take place.

They get around it by trying to create a distinction between modern Jews and ancient Jews. Modern Jews are evil "Khazars" who stole the religion. And Ancient Jews were "cool". Even though they're the ones who killed Christ.

Judaism is an organically developing ethnoreligion. Christianity was formulated by councils. They use the Jewish prophets in order to validate their deity.

Also most Christians don't "hate" Jews, you've probably been exposed to too much /pol/ LARPing as Christians

Christianity is in fact a mix of Hellenism, Gnosticism and other MENA religions. Also Pharisees/rabbinical Jews neither now nor ever had a monopoly on the OT. Those people (Adam, Seth, Moses) got around and were venerated or at leat acknowledged by plenty of groups (such as Essenes and proto-Gnostics) who wouldn't exactly qualify as kosher by modern organized Judaism as we know it. It's those groups who Christianity traces it's lineage to, not the Pharisees (who rabbinical Jews trace their lineage to) .

Christians worship Jesus, not the prophets.

Zero reason to "get around it'. The new covenant was prophesied by Jeremiah in chapter 31 to be completely unlike the old covenant.

Absolute bullshit.

Do you know this is absolute bullshit, or do you think this is true?


Christians do not hate Jews.
Muslims think the Christian Bible is false.
Only Muslims worship a ~prophet~

If that was your post, it was a question.

Do you know this to be complete bullshit, and post complete bullshit for your own reasons, or do you think it is true?

Because the Jews always win

It isn't bullshit. Your post was bullshit and I corrected it.

>most Christians don't "hate" Jews

2000 years of Christian history says otherwise.

predatory banking practices tend to make people hate you. If it wasn't for police and laws people would have burned bankers (many of whom are Jews) today as well.

it's weird how people from non-abrahamic religions don't hate jews
makes you think huh

>Implying Jews don't fear the Samurai


Matthew 23:29

29 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build tombs for the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous. 30 And you say, ‘If we had lived in the days of our ancestors, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.’ 31 So you testify against yourselves that you are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets. 32 Go ahead, then, and complete what your ancestors started!

A reoccurring theme in the Torah/Old Testament is that whenever the Hebrewlites disobeyed God and went against his commandments, God would send a prophet to set them straight and lead them to the path of righteousness. It also happened in the New Testament with Christ. Therefore, Jews do not follow the word of God, but rather they take heed in the book of the Talmud over the Old Testament. They are guided by Satan and evil. They place Rabbis who follow the scribes of the Pharisees over actual prophets sent by God. Most of the time, they end up getting the prophets killed rather than following them, as Christ mentioned in the passage above.


Consider the passage written in the Talmud, where the rabbis believe themselves so wise that their wisdom has replaced the wisdom of divinely chosen prophets.

R. Abdimi from Haifa said: "Since the day when the Temple was destroyed, prophecy has been taken from the prophets and given to the wise. Is then a wise man not also a prophet?" 12 — What he meant was this: Although it has been taken from the prophets, it has not been taken from the wise. Amemar said: A wise man is even superior to a prophet. (1)

The prevailing view of the Sages was that they had superseded and taken over the role of the prophet:

These Sages went on to write a considerable amount of Jewish literature including the Talmud, Mishna, Gemara, and other Jewish writings. Today in some branches of Orthodox Judaism, talmudic rulings can take precedence over the Torah

My dude even the prophets dislike the jewish people.Look at Isaiah for example.

Then the LORD said to me, "The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries and the delusions of their own minds. (Jeremiah 14:14)

They hate the Jews as a religious group, not as an ethnic group. The antisemitism of Christianity and Islam is different from the antisemitism of Nazism

>Christians do not hate Jews.

Yes they do. They hate the Pharisees who layed the foundation for modern-day Judaism. How do you explain the fact that widescale persecution of Jews in the Christian world has stopped only very recently?

Not him, but maybe the Blood Libel ritual had something to do with it


>yfw Blood Libel is real

Even Jewish historians have recently admitted it is real, read "Passover of Blood" by Ariel Toaff

They are much more subtle and stealthy about it now

Go to 39:40

They hated Jews as a religious group because of supersessionism (replacement theology). They believe Christianity or Islam are the true religions so they don't understand why these Jews continue to cling onto their outdated or false religion. A lot of Jews converted to Christianity or Islam to avoid oppression.

Because of the prohibitions against usury applied to Christians in the Middle Ages by the Catholic Church, many Jews were able to attain positions in finance. They gained political and social influence, which made the native Europeans angry and jealous. The significance of "blood purity" eventually began to appear which lead to Jews being denied many rights. The Jews who had converted to Christianity were now viewed with suspicion since they still socialized with non-converted Jews or continued practising certain aspects of Jewish culture.

The Age of Enlightenment developed the concept of scientific racism and they used this as a biological basis for Jews being a racial group of sneaky masterminds. The Islamic world got along with Jews through the majority of history but they saw them as inferiors rather than cunning puppet masters like in Europe. The Jewish conspiracy theories developed in Europe were later exported to the Islamic world after the advent of Zionism as an explanation of the "true Jewish character". Now anti-Semitism is intense.

Incredibly ignorant post, very typical of Veeky Forums

yes goy, listen to these facts

He almost sounded sarcastic.