Read it. You have my word that I would not mislead you

Read it. You have my word that I would not mislead you.

Nice just bought 100k.

Trumpcoin is dead bro

>taking advice from a guy who went bankrupt like a quadrillion times

but seriously we can't let Trump get the nuclear codes.

It's an average book at best...

>and made it all back, and more
>and wrote a bunch of books
>and built a bunch of buildings
>and built a financial empire
>and is president of the united states

By the way, this book has much more helpful advice. Art of the Deal is mostly just a biography.

sorry bernie didn't win bud move to canada

but but but but but cnn told me he was bad man!

The Trump Organization is the collective name of approximately 500 business entities of which Donald Trump is the sole or principal owner and only 4 went bakrupt thats a really good success rate if you ask me

Who cares Trump steak wasn't profitable that's more important.

But did it taste good

trump is a cuck

Let assume he did go completely bankrupt. Wouldn't you want to know how he managed to then go from bankrupt to being worth 4 billion dollars (or whatever it is) and the president of the Most powerful country in the world.

Didn't Tony Schwartz (the guy who actually wrote the entire book) admit that it's all bullshit?

>there are still people out there that hate Dr President Trump

the art of inheriting Daddy's business

you mean John Titor.

wanna know something thats fucked.

i live in central florida. 10 years ago I delivered pizzas to a titor residence.

There was a kid named john there.

Probably just coincidence

yeah im super interested in buying a book ghost-written for someone that has problems stringing a coherent sentence together and has the mental maturity of a 5 year old.

He had some pretty busy days alright.

It's more of his life story than business advice

>Titor claimed that as a 13-year-old in 2011, he joined the Fighting Diamondbacks, a shotgun infantry unit in Florida, for at least four years


the art of I couldve just been richer if I put my money in etfs