European countries must have seen the rapidly expanding United States as a threat...

European countries must have seen the rapidly expanding United States as a threat. Why didn't any of them do anything to stop it?

They were a bit busy with Napoleon at the time.

Mexico tried too

It was too far away/they couldn't really fight the US over it/there was still plenty of other clay to colonize in mid 1800s/who cares about Mexicans anyway

Many French wanted to support the CSA, as that would make their designs in Mexico easier.

Conversely, the Russians actually wanted a strong America to counter-balance Britain's strength in Canada, hence the sale of Alaska at 2 cents per acre (not sure how that translates into other currencies per hectare).

We wuz current day China in the 19th century n SHIIIET

Based Prussian gods, please destroy America.

>mfw the Chinese pass the "American Exclusion Act"

Because they couldnt have even if they tried

you joke about it but there's a media campaign against foreigners being spies rn in China

Half the time they're not wrong tho

Britain correctly anticipated that they would be able to use the United States against their European enemies in the future, France favored a strong United States to limit British influence in the Americas, everyone else was too irrelevant or weak to do anything about it.

America only stopped being an irrelevant backwater shithole after WWI. Spanish-American War if you want to be generous and it's not like anybody gives a shit about Spain.

No one really cared what America did in its own backyard until the Spanish-American war showed the world they might be a problem

what the fuck would they do? The US was mexico-tier at the time

Fuck, these days anyone can be a "spy". Back in the day Minox cameras and hidden microphones were cutting edge black ops shit, now literally everyone carries a miniature camera, microphone, and access to the internet on their body at all times. Spying is the easiest shit imaginable right now.

The global economy was very different back then. In that era, all the money was in Caribbean, Central American and Sub-Sahara African holdings. These areas were extremely good for producing things like tea, cotton, and fruit cheaply year round. Meanwhile, North America (ie what would become the inland US west) was mostly uninhabited desert and grassland. Before the railroad (c.1830) these areas were extremely difficult and expensive to cross. Thus, nobody in Europe cared about it as it was this giant empty place that held no financial gain. There is a reason why Mormons were sent to Utah.

It wasn't until the Transcontinental Telegraph and Railroad (c. 1870) did this change. When that happened, places like Salt Lake City and Denver exploded as they became centers of commerce. But even then, thanks to the Dust Bowl the area remained underappreciated until WW2 where the inland west showed itself to be an ideal test area for secret weapons and bombs.

They didn't see the US as a threat
Also are you that same guy who made a thread yesterday moaning about Europe not forming coalition against Britain?

France probably cared when the Americans strong-armed them out of Mexico.

This image makes me so happy.

Those stupid saps SOLD it to us. For thirty pieces of silver!

And now we have peopled it, and built it up, and lived in it. And did they fight us for it? No...

They sold it to us! France, Mexico, Russia... stupid saps!

SAPS! God bless them.

it's not like we're in europe or anything

we aren't trying to overthrow their monarchies or anything

people still need a good reason to go to war, and there literally is no good reason to go to war with the united states (that doesn't stop certain parties from giving it a go of course)

you understand that napoleon took control of the spanish holdings with the acquisition of spain, and then sold the rights for some quick war cash right?

the french didn't lose anything in the Louisiana purchase, literally flipping a house he got for free

I'm also guessing that Americans thought it was fine to give money to Napoleon since he was going to use the money to shoot Britbongs, whom we'd just been at war with.

They had a shitty communications system which relied on small rowboats and an even shittier logistics system. When the us cam to capture Guam the spaniards there came up in a rowboat asking for gunpowder so they could fire a salute shot to the American ships.the spaniards were seized and turns out they didn't even know about a war

I'd expect it was not a real concern, the need for land to expand into certainly doesn't cause anyone to look a gift horse in the mouth

this was also after the Americans had already opened fire on the fort

>canadian river
>middle of texas
thats our river, give it back

your euro jealousy is showing

I think you mean European Monarchies.